Animals Are Great: Meet the furry friends of Fox News (2024)



Animals Are Great: Meet the furry friends of Fox News

Fox News hosts show off their pets on 'The Five.'

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 28, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Surprise for you this year. It's time for:

[music playing]

You guys hate me. You all hate me for this. All right, that's right. It's Animals Are Great like you've never seen before. While you stuff your faces, we're going to amuse you with some of the coolest creatures ever created. Tom Stalf, rhymes with golf, Dana.


GUTFELD: President and CEO of the Columbus Zoo. The zoo has a CEO. I wonder what those office meetings are like. [laughter] And he's brought more friends. Tom?


GUTFELD: This is not a normal cat.

STALF: This is a sand cat. Never been on TV ever.


STALF: Never a species like this, ever. It's the only true cat that's found in the desert. Found in Northern Africa all the way through the Middle East, and even into Asia. A beautiful animal that has adapted to that hot weather. So, you know, when it's really really hot, they're going to burrow, they're going to find a way to get a little cool. But what a beautiful animal.

GUTFELD: It's amazing how the ears change the look. It's such a cooler-looking cat, right? Like, other cats just.

GUTFELD: And whose cat?

GUTFELD: Everybody's cats. This cat is the coolest cat I've ever seen.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: So I have a question, I have a question. Why is that cat on a leash?

STALF: Well because --

EMILY COMPAGNO, GUEST CO-HOST: You want us to take it off the leash?

WILLIAMS: No I don't know. I don't know. Emily has warned me that I need to be cautious. I got Emily here to protect me.

STALF: No you can come over here and --

WILLIAMS: No but why do you put it on a leash?

STALF: Yeah, at the Columbus Zoo we're known for all of our outreach programs. So we bring our animals to you if you can't go to the zoo. And so we do such a great job with Susie Rapp and her entire animal program team. So it's about touch the heart to teach the mind and we're wanting to give people an opportunity to see these amazing animals. Let me make sure everyone realizes, though. This is not an animal that you would want to domesticate, try to have as a pet. These are wild animals.

GUTFELD: Do they have claws right now?

STALF: Oh yeah. Claws, sharp teeth.

PERINO: Are these, are these babies?

STALF: Yeah, they're, they're youngsters.

PERINO: How big will they get?

STALF: They won't get much bigger than this. You know, the thing that I love about --

PERINO: Oh. Kind of like Greg.

GUTFELD: Unnecessary.

STALF: Out in the, out in the wild they're going to find little mammals, but mostly insects out in the deserts. And they never need to drink because they get their fluid from the food that they're eating.

GUTFELD: That's unlike me.

PERINO: Even at the Columbus Zoo, do they not drink?

STALF: Well no. At the Columbus Zoo, we give them some water and some food.

PERINO: And do they have to wear a coat in Columbus?

STALF: No. No, they're fine. It gets pretty cool -

PERINO: And you said that this is the first time that they've ever been on TV. Do you mean this particular cat, or the whole species, ever?

STALF: The whole species.

PERINO: Not on National Geographic, not on anything else?

STALF: Maybe on National Geographic when they've shown them out in Northern Africa, in the desert. But, you know,

PERINO: Wow, that's impressive.

GUTFELD: So this is a cable news exclusive right now.

STALF: You got it, yeah, absolutely. It's never been done.

GUTFELD: You have so much natural TV in your blood.

WILLIAMS: I'm glad that he still has a hand after he's sticking his hand under there.

PERINO: Well, I think he's beautiful.

STALF: Yeah, they're absolutely --

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Dana, can you do your cat voice for the audience?



WATTERS: Dana has a dog voice.

PERINO: I don't know what --

WATTERS: And I think we've just found her cat voice. Please do the cat voice.

GUTFELD: Emily, do you have anything to ask about the cats?

COMPAGNO: Yes. I wanted to know how you guys acquired these two.

STALF: Oh, from other sand cats.



COMPAGNO: Oh, were they -- [crowd] Oh.

FEMALE SPEAKER: They're from their --

MALE SPEAKER: [unintelligible] all day.

GUTFELD: Little CEO humor there.

STALF: Yeah, yeah. You've got to try. Yeah. So what we do is we work at different zoos. It's a species survival program, so a breeding program. So, when they get older, they'll be paired up with other sand cats and hopefully we'll have [unintelligible].

COMPAGNO: Are they endangered?

STALF: Yeah. So these are not. But when we talk about all of the different animals that we have at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, we have 11,000 animals, over 800 different species, a lot of them are highly endangered, and that's how we work together with the species --

WATTERS: Just say goodbye, Dana, in the cat voice, please.

PERINO: Goodbye, little cat.

WILLIAMS: All right, go, Dana. So you know what -- you know in big cities now, people are -- you know, who have to deal with rodents in the alleys and stuff, they're getting feral cats, right, and they stick them out there. Would you want to do that with one of these that --




WILLIAMS: Why not? Why not?

MALE SPEAKER: Well, you definitely --

PERINO: Because it's a special cat.

STALF: You definitely don't want to be -- the best place for a sand cat is at the zoo or out in the wild.


STALF: You definitely don't want to try to have one for your -- for yourself or a pet.

WILLIAMS: No, no. Not a pet.


WILLIAMS: But I was saying like to go after things you don't like.

GUTFELD: You know, Juan, just say you want him to attack me and just move on.

WILLIAMS: You, no.

MALE SPEAKER: -- trying to surveil cats.

GUTFELD: All right, let's go to the sloth. We're doing the sloth, right?


GUTFELD: This is the greatest animal ever.

STALF: So Sonny the sloth, we love sloths because they’re the slowest -- slowest mammal in the world. And being Thanksgiving, I bet we have a lot of slow mammals watching right now. So two-toed sloths and three-toed sloths are found in Central and South America. They're so slow that algae will grow on their fur, and they'll turn totally green.

WATTERS: That happened to me in college.


STALF: There's a little moth that lives on the sloth, and when the sloth will come down about once a week to defecate, away from their home, that sloth will go down and lay its egg, so it's a symbiotic relationship.


COMPAGNO: Wait. They only defecate once a week?

MALE SPEAKER: That's it.

GUTFELD: Oh, that's like me. I need that Metamucil. Don't say it’s disgusting. It's what happens when you get older, Emily. How does he survive when you're that slow? He must have a -- there must be a lot of predators out there.

STALF: Yeah. So they're going to stay up in the trees. They're -- they're eating vegetation. Once again, this animal's from a rain forest, and they're not going down to drink water. They're getting all their fluids from the leaves that they're eating. And also, the leaves will hold water. It's raining all the time. When they do go down, they can swim very, very well. So they'll go across the river. I was in Costa Rica, and there was a tree that had fallen, and it looked like coconuts, but they were really just a sloth laying right there.

WATTERS: What strokes does a sloth swim?

STALF: It's a sloth stroke.

WATTERS: Ooh, like a --

STALF: Yeah. It's --

WATTERS: -- breaststroke?


GUTFELD: That's a great speech impediment test. What strokes does a sloth swim?

MALE SPEAKER: Very good.

COMPAGNO: What is a predator of a sloth?

STALF: So jaguars, you know, when -- and then the jaguarundi, the different types of cats, also hawks out in the wild. There's an eagle that would live out there. So the bottom line for the sloth is they're very slow. And at night, they're going to maybe move a little bit more than they would during the day, just kind of hanging out. Everything's upside-down for them. They --

GUTFELD: That's a good question. So, is it part -- I mean, so they're used to seeing everything upside-down. Does it -- do they have the same effect we do when they're right side up, and we're like -- like when I -- things are upside-down for us, we get freaked out. Do they get freaked out when it's right side up?

STALF: No. So when they're actually swimming, they don't have to turn their head. They can -- their brain switches for them, so they're able to swim on. They spend most of their time, though, up in the trees. And they're very comfortable. Everything about them is upside-down. Even their hair starts at their chest and goes around.

WILLIAMS: That's what I wanted to ask about, because last time you were here, you told us, "Don't touch the -- don't go near the sloth," right? But I'm curious, is that fur soft? Is it --

STALF: It's a wiry hair.

WILLIAMS: It's wiry.

STALF: And it actually sloughs off the rain when it's raining.

WILLIAMS: Oh, okay.

STALF: It will repel from all the oils.


STALF: And it'll keep the --

WATTERS: You could make a rain jacket out of [unintelligible].

GUTFELD: Let’s bring the dingos. It's a very sexy animal, Juan, we get it.

STALF: So here is a --

[talking simultaneously]

PERINO: Oh, my God.

STALF: Run your fingers through --

[talking simultaneously]

GUTFELD: All right, check out these guys.

PERINO: Hi, buddy.

GUTFELD: This is -- this is Duncan and Derek.


GUTFELD: These are dingos.

PERINO: Here, go to -- go to Emily.

WILLIAMS: Emily can't wait.

STALF: So these are dingo pups. And so it's a wild --

WATTERS: Here you go, Em.

COMPAGNO: Oh, my God.

WATTERS: I put a little -- there you go.

STALF: -- canine from Australia. So they're -- these are just young. They're only a few weeks old. A couple -- a couple -- a couple weeks old now. Actually, I'm sorry, they're nine weeks old.


COMPAGNO: Oh, my God.

MALE SPEAKER: So the dingo is a beautiful canine from Australia.


STALF: They're also found -- they said, years and years ago, in Asia -- but mainly found in Australia. And they're going to hunt any type of animal they can get. So they're going to go after kangaroos if they can get it, or wallabies. But in Australia, there's a lot of sheep, so they'll hunt.

GUTFELD: And he's traveling with a kangaroo, so do you have to keep them apart?

STALF: Oh, yeah, definitely keep them apart.

GUTFELD: This -- do you ever think about how cool it would be if you didn't?

STALF: No, it would not be cool.

GUTFELD: Because we could do that in the B block.

WATTERS: The UFC of dingos.

GUTFELD: Yeah. We could set up a little cage match.

STALF: So that would be my last day of work. So, no.

GUTFELD: That's why you're the CEO [unintelligible].

PERINO: And are they -- they're not endangered.

STALF: No, they're definitely not endangered. And years and years ago, they were actually domesticated. So you remember that saying, "Three dog night?"

Multiple Speakers: Yes.

MALE SPEAKER: Okay. So that's where it comes from. So --

GUTFELD: I thought that meant [unintelligible].

STALF: So the locals, when it was really cold, they would sleep with their -- their canines, their dingos. And if they needed three, it was a real cold night.

WATTERS: Now, they have populations in Tasmania. Now that we're on that topic, since I brought it up, are Tasmanian devils real?

STALF: They are definitely real.

GUTFELD: Yes, they are.

STALF: Yeah, so --

WATTERS: Oh, I thought that was just a cartoon.

STALF: No. They don't spin around, and they're not with Bugs Bunny, but they actually --

GUTFELD: They said that about you, Jesse.


STALF: So they’re actual --

WATTERS: -- do spin around and create that whirling dervish?

STALF: They do not. They are -- they are a carnivore, but they're also a marsupial. And we have them at the Columbus Zoo. You can see them in Tasmania as well.

[talking simultaneously]

GUTFELD: All right, we've got our next animal coming up here. Sadie. Where is Sadie?

WATTERS: Such a gentle animal.

PERINO: Okay. The dingos are going.

WATTERS: It's got my hand in its -- okay.

STALF: Okay. So here's Sadie.


MALE SPEAKER: This is fitting for us because it's a fox.

GUTFELD: It's a fox.

MALE SPEAKER: Whatever you do, don't pet her. [Laughter]

WATTERS: You got Greg good.

GUTFELD: I notice he's very balanced.


MALE SPEAKER: And he's unafraid.

STALF: So this is a swift fox. And swift foxes are found in North America, so you could find them in Colorado, Kansas, even up in Canada. So, swift fox, they're fast, right? And, really, when we talk about swift fox, they were in deep trouble. They lost their prairie dogs. And so that's what they eat. So really, when we talk about a fox like the swift fox, if you find them in your -- in your area where they're supposed to be found, then you have a healthy ecosystem.

WATTERS: Oh, good.

MALE SPEAKER: Real fast animal. Isn't it beautiful?



GUTFELD: It's a little shaggy.


PERINO: They may be camera shy.

WATTERS: They're a little scared. This is his time on television.

MALE SPEAKER: No, it's actually me. I'm scared.

GUTFELD: Oh, yes. All right.

PERINO: Well, she's gorgeous.

MALE SPEAKER: Here, you want to hold her?


PERINO: Are you allowed to -- oh, wow, Greg's [unintelligible].

WATTERS: Greg's holding a fox.

PERINO: Wow. Greg's holding a fox.

MALE SPEAKER: Hasn't been the first time. [Laughter]

WATTERS: Usually the fox slaps you in the face.

GUTFELD: He's trembling.


GUTFELD: Something like a little fox anchor. It's a little fox anchor.


GUTFELD: He might be breaking some news all over me.

PERINO: Whoa. Somebody's [unintelligible] dingo.

GUTFELD: He's a species with a feces.

WATTERS: He's shedding all over your black jacket.

GUTFELD: Oh, my God. Well, there goes my dry clean --

PERINO: Wouldn't be the first time.

GUTFELD: There you go, kiddo. Next animal is? What do we got? We have a -- we have a kangaroo.

STALF: Yeah. So the last time we were here, we had --

WATTERS: Oh, yeah.

STALF: -- a red kangaroo.


STALF: Now we have a gray kangaroo.

COMPAGNO: Oh, she's so tiny.

STALF: Isn't it just -- so a kangaroo is a marsupial, and they're only found in Australia. Now, the gray kangaroo is smaller than the red. Reds are the tallest. But don't -- don't get me wrong, a gray kangaroo is still tall. So --

WATTERS: So last time, it was the male kangaroo without the pouch, and I complained. And now you have the female with the pouch, right?

STALF: That's right. So, this female has a marsupium, which means it has a pouch.


STALF: So when --

WATTERS: Can I stick something in the pouch?

STALF: No, you can -- you cannot.

PERINO: Whoa, Jesse, you can't.

GUTFELD: What is wrong with you?

WATTERS: I meant like a Tic-Tac or something, or like my keys.

WILLIAMS: [unintelligible] Somebody --

GUTFELD: Are you trying to frame him for something --

WILLIAMS: Somebody's on the ground --

MALE SPEAKER: Oh, yeah, that's a [unintelligible] guy.

WATTERS: I meant like a --

[talking simultaneously]

WILLIAMS: He's just gone over here.

GUTFELD: Look at his sexy ears.

[talking simultaneously]

COMPAGNO: I'm overwhelmed.

STALF: So this is a young joey. So to answer your question, if -- when this -- this female gray kangaroo, absolutely, you can see the marsupium. It's much larger. But being a joey, it's real, real small.

GUTFELD: Oh, they are.

WATTERS: Do traffickers ever put drugs inside the pouch when they're trying to get out of trouble?

STALF: No, I hope not. I hope that's --

PERINO: Did you -- when you prepared for this interview --

[talking simultaneously]

STALF: Actually, that's the first time anyone's ever asked that.

[talking simultaneously]

PERINO: When you prepared for this interview, do they say, "Okay, now here are some questions you might get from Jesse Watters?"

MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, I'm scared of Jesse.

PERINO: Yeah, I've got to brief you next time because -- Emily, would you like to hold --

WILLIAMS: Kangaroos are pretty fast, right?

STALF: They are fast. They can go about 35 to 40 miles an hour.

WILLIAMS: That's what I was thinking. So what about this guy?

MALE SPEAKER: And they can jump about 40 feet every time.

GUTFELD: No way.

MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, about the length of a [unintelligible].

WATTERS: No way.

[talking simultaneously]

WILLIAMS: That's a Jesse Watters-size kangaroo.


WILLIAMS: What about the baby kangaroo that Emily's holding?

STALF: Yeah, so it's not going to jump as -- as far.

WATTERS: Right. That's what I'm saying. Like a Mazda Miata.

MALE SPEAKER: That's exactly [unintelligible] yeah.

WILLIAMS: You know what? Their ears are great.


MALE SPEAKER: You know, I think very soft. You know, out in the wild, they are not endangered. There's about a million of them in Australia. And they're on the golf courses.

PERINO: Are they a pest?

STALF: They are definitely a pest.


GUTFELD: Have to make some mar-soup-ial.

STALF: But we love them.


STALF: But we love them, don't we? We all love them. At the Columbus Zoo, they're our favorite animals. They, we just love the --

[talking simultaneously].

WILLIAMS: What do you think? Let's hear Emily's assessment. Emily, what do you think?

COMPAGNO: This is the most adorable thing on the planet at this point.

WILLIAMS: [laughs].

GUTFELD: Well, I --

WILLIAMS: Emily, I see a motherly instinct.

COMPAGNO: [laughs] Only for kangaroos.

WILLIAMS: All right.

GUTFELD: Well, that was fun.

PERINO: Tom, you're amazing.

GUTFELD: Thanks for everything.

STALF: Happy Thanksgiving.

COMPAGNO: Thank you so much.

GUTFELD: We're going to be eating everything here.


Don't eat the sloth. It's -- not a lot of fiber in that one. Don't go anywhere. There's more animal fun in store for our Thanksgiving special, including this.

[clip playing]


GUTFELD: Yes. Emily comes face to face with a military working dog. That's next.

WATTERS: I can't wait for that.

COMPAGNO: He took me down.

[commercial break]

COMPAGNO: Welcome back. These next animals are truly great. Military working dogs serve side by side with our troops, protecting and keeping them safe. I went down to the dog kennel at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey, and I got a first-hand look at how these brave canine warriors operate. Take a look.

[music playing]

COMPAGNO: What is the main mission for the working dogs here at Joint Base MDL?

MALE SPEAKER: So, our main mission here is law enforcement and security of the base. Our dogs that are trained as explosive, narcotic and patrol detector dogs. Anybody who is, you know, committing offenses against the base, bringing contraband onto the base, we'll be there to enhance the base's security. The training they go through, they go through at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. So, they get 60 days of detection training. Then they also get 60 days of patrol training, learning all their basic stuff, then they go through a certification process, and then they get released to their duty station.

FEMALE SPEAKER: Our dog teams are always training to better our dog teams in advance them for where they need to be.

COMPAGNO: How strong is the dog's sense of smell?

MALE SPEAKER: They say between a thousand and ten thousand times stronger than a human's. If you put a pinch of salt in an Olympic-sized swimming pool, the dog will pick it out.

FEMALE SPEAKER: Oh, that's a --

COMPAGNO: Tell me about the bond.

FEMALE SPEAKER: The bond that you're going to build with these dogs is essential to your success as a dog team.

MALE SPEAKER: Once you do it for a while, you just -- you feel it. You know it. You see it when it happens.

MALE SPEAKER: When [unintelligible] gave his speech, he said, you know, as a handler, you come in loving dogs, but it grows on you. Becomes an addiction.

COMPAGNO: Final question, Sergeant Bork, can I please try on the bite suit?

FEMALE SPEAKER: Of course. Let's go.


[music playing]

COMPAGNO: Right, so right now I am getting geared up clearly for what will be likely the highlight of my life, which is the demonstration -- this is what's called a bite suit. Thankfully, it's really heavy. I'm so excited. I can't wait. I'm getting a little nervous.

FEMALE SPEAKER: You run up with your arm just like this. Dog's going to hit. You're going to catch him this way. And then while -- you keep moving.

COMPAGNO: Ah, this hurts.

FEMALE SPEAKER: You've got to make it fun for the dogs. Keep moving. Be loud and be fun and we'll be right there.

COMPAGNO: So, I'm going to be screaming in pretend fear.

[dogs barking]


COMPAGNO: Oh my God. [screaming]

[music playing]

MALE SPEAKER: How was that?

COMPAGNO: I survived. The anticipation -- it's totally, it’s frightening. Like hearing him like literally chomping at the bit, like whining in anticipation of sinking his teeth into my pink fleshy skin. It's just, it's like gnarly. And then Sargent Bork said that I have to, like, watch the dog as I'm running. But that's really -- that to me is like watching a needle as it goes into my skin like I couldn't do it. And I don't remember that second of impact. I just remember like hitting the ground. That was kind of awesome.

FEMALE SPEAKER: It's an adrenaline rush.

MALE SPEAKER: You did a great job.


FEMALE SPEAKER: You did really well.




WILLIAMS: Way to go, Emily.


COMPAGNO: Thank you. He --

WATTERS: So, he pulled you down with some force? That wasn't staged at all.

COMPAGNO: No, no, no. I mean, that was all like torque on his part. And I just can't -- it is frightening to see that dog being held back by the trainer, but being like, "I'm going to release the dog!"


I was trying to run, and you could see, you cannot run in those suits. They are incredibly restricting, really a tough canvas feel. But it was amazing. And once I lived through that moment, then it was totally exciting.

WATTERS: Now when she goes --

PERINO: Can I ask you something, so when the dog bites through the bite suit, right, it's full on, it's biting? So, if it's a perpetrator and -- does a dog know, does it sink its teeth all the way in or is it trained not to penetrate?

COMPAGNO: It will sink its teeth in.

PERINO: Oh, wow.

COMPAGNO: And it's trained -- it's -- I think it depends on the training, but it's to apprehend the suspect or whatever. And it also is trained to do different body parts as well.

WATTERS: What other body parts?

PERINO: Will it get dicey out there?

COMPAGNO: Well, the back. Like the back.


COMPAGNO: Never the face or the -- it's not lethal.

WILLIAMS: I was going to say definitely not your head because you head was exposed.

COMPAGNO: Right. Exactly. And I had total faith in these guys that are the absolute professionals. These soldiers are incredible. They assured me that he would not go after my face or fleshy neck.

WILLIAMS: So that was a German shepherd?

COMPAGNO: It's a Belgian Malinois.


COMPAGNO: And they trained with a few different breeds. And that is what --

GUTFELD: Same dog that killed al-Baghdadi, right?

COMPAGNO: Yes. Exactly.

WILLIAMS: They used to be mostly German shepherds. But then I just read that their hind legs were having a lot of trouble, and so they switched so that now -- still most are German shepherds. But a high percentage of the Malinois that you're talking about.


WATTERS: And they trained to sniff narcotics. So, they'll give narcotics to the dog.


WATTERS: How does that work? Give it right underneath the nose.


Establish the scent.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute. They don't do that.

COMPAGNO: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

WATTERS: No, I'm not saying you drug the dog, Juan. I'm saying you present it to the dog.

COMPAGNO: Military working dogs, there are three different kinds. They are trained to sniff for narcotics, for explosives, and also patrol.

GUTFELD: Can we -- can you tell the difference when you're like out whether the one's a bomber or narcotic?


COMPAGNO: It's whatever you have on you. That's what they're trained in.

GUTFELD: That's not fair. I just need to know a head start. To, you know.

WATTERS: So, there are --.

COMPAGNO: -- all three.

WATTERS: Should they all do -- Does one dog ever do all three?

COMPAGNO: Not -- it's my understanding. No.

PERINO: No. They're not --.

COMPAGNO: They're separate.

PERINO: It's like, they're not -- you're not capable to do that.


COMPAGNO: And they're trained -- depending on the emphasis, that's where they're trained officially. So, they all get trained in an air force base out of Texas for the patrol ones, [unintelligible] are the narcotics, and then explosives are trained at a different location and then --.

PERINO: Awesome.

COMPAGNO: So, yeah.


COMPAGNO: It's really incredible.

WILLIAMS: What happens --.

COMPAGNO: Thank you so much to that base.

WILLIAMS: One last question. What happens when they retire?

COMPAGNO: There's a U.S. war dog organization that will help try to link up those retired dogs with a former handler.

WATTERS: Full pension, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Full pension? Full pension.

COMPAGNO: Yes, they --.

WILLIAMS: I'm glad because they deserve it.

COMPAGNO: They do. Okay, thanks, you guys, and thanks to Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakers for letting me train with the dogs. It was really an amazing experience. Coming up next, it's the furry friends of Fox News. Your favorite hosts show off their pets on our Thanksgiving Animals are Great special. Ricky!



[commercial break]

Mike Emanuel: I'm Mike Emanuel in Washington, and these are the top stories at this hour. President Trump says there is nowhere else he would rather be to celebrate Thanksgiving than with American troops in Afghanistan. The president made a surprise trip there today. The president also used the visit to meet with Afghanistan's president and announced the U.S. and Taliban have restarted peace talks. Pro-democracy demonstrators in Hong Kong are celebrating legislation signed by President Trump supporting their movement. China, meanwhile, says the implementation of the bills will undermine cooperation in important areas. Ousted Navy Secretary Richard Spencer says the commander-in-chief, President Trump, has very little understanding of how the military works. It is the latest salvo in the burgeoning conflict over President Trump's intervention in military discipline. I'm Mike Emanuel, stay tuned for a live special report at the top of the hour. Now back to The Five.

PERINO: Happy Thanksgiving. Welcome back to our Animals Are Great special. We all love our pets here on “The Five,” as you know. And everyone knows America's dog, Jasper. But we wanted to give a look at some of the furry friends of your favorite Fox hosts who you may not know. Watch this.

WILLIAMS: I'm here with Pepper, Wesley, and Eli, the grandkids. But guess what? We've got special guest Turbo, Knots, and Bella, the dogs. They get together and then it's endless fun. Just pure energy, and if there's a soccer ball, chaos. Looks like an octopus has joined the party. I dribble the ball away. He's beating me.

COMPAGNO: This is duch*ess. This is my best friend. She is a 10-year-old Doberman pitcher. Hi, puppy. This is her spot. This is her perch where she likes to guard the house and guard the yard for squirrels. She has a big vocabulary, so she knows that word.

[dog howls]

Hi, honey.

Shannon Bream: All right. This is Biscuit Bream. Six months of puppy fur and fury. [laughs] That's a girl. She loves sticks. She is very easily distracted at this point. [laughs] Well, sometimes you got to stop. Sometimes you got to have a potty break. Just part of life, right? Good girl. She's playing with the camera. You're a ham, Biscuit Bream.

PERINO: Hi, everyone. Welcome to Jasper's house. We're going to show you a little bit about what it's like to be at home with Jasper. Obviously, Jasper can sit. That's very easy. He can always catch, as you can see. Catch. Okay. Give a high five? Good boy. Over the years, we've collected lots of photographs or pieces of art, actually, from fans and friends and family. We call it the Jasper Wall. He can squeeze into any possible chair that we're going to sit in. It keeps me warm. I don't even need a blanket.

MALE SPEAKER: What's up? What's up? This is Kyoto and Geno, two messy rescue dogs. Geno is a guard dog. He protects the entire building. [dog barking] And Kyoto is like the greatest creature on earth. Really, Kyoto, gets to do whatever he wants in the house, like stand on the coffee table. Lie down. Lie down. [laughs] I think there's probably some better trained dogs, but -- come. Good job. [laughs]

WATTERS: This is Rookie Watters. He's a mini poodle. He's my first dog. He's 13 months old. I love him so much. Rookie. Rookie. Roll over. Roll over. Dance with me. Dance with daddy. Woo! I'm trying to watch Fox & Friends all morning. And squeak, squeak, squeak Rookie. Sit. So we have the food in the drink bowl and the water in the food bowl.

MALE SPEAKER: We don't believe in labels here.

GUTFELD: All right for the special edition of Animals are Great, here's my cat, Captain Monkey Face. He's been traveling with me for 20 years. He does whatever I want because he's my best and only friend, right, California Captain Monkey Face? He doesn't even have to speak. We read each other's thoughts.

PERINO: And there's their pets. Greg, yours is a lovely one. You've had him for a long time. Not a lot of care and feeding.

GUTFELD: No, no, no. You know, he used to be on Red Eye, but -- and it was battery-powered, and his head could move around, but then it doesn't really work well anymore. But he used to make noises, and if he didn't like guests, he would scowl. But not anymore.

WILLIAMS: You know what I thought? I thought you could learn personalities based on pets. And I thought you looked so like friendly and loving.


WILLIAMS: There's a different moment [unintelligible].

WATTERS: I know. I say it felt very vulnerable.

WILLIAMS: You did.

WATTERS: And I'm glad they didn't put some of the things in the package.

GUTFELD: Where you cried?

PERINO: I like to -- I like when you held him up like Simba.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. There you go.

WATTERS: Yes, yes. I am human.

WILLIAMS: Well, yeah, baby. I like it.

GUTFELD: Just barely.

PERINO: Yeah, now we know. Exactly.

WILLIAMS: And you, you keep falling down with us.

[talking simultaneously]

COMPAGNO: I'm not the most stable. But I agree with you. I think it's so adorable to see how everyone acts with their pet.


COMPAGNO: It's so telling and all the love that shines from everyone.

PERINO: There's a lot [unintelligible] love.

WATTERS: I need a Rookie wall. I think I do.

PERINO: Yeah, well, the thing is, you'll probably get one over time. You know, he's only 13 months old.

WATTERS: Will I, Dana?


PERINO: I think Rookie has a lot of promise, and I think that he -- you taught him to sit. That's very good.

WATTERS: That was a lucky command.


WATTERS: He'd never done that before.

PERINO: Well, you just have to reinforce it with a little extra food.

WATTERS: Yeah. We don't give him treats.

PERINO: Well, Rookie, you need to work on that.


PERINO: I will come over and help. All right. There's a lot more to come on The Five's Thanksgiving special including an Animals Are Great edition of Supermarket Showdown. I'm going to win this time, when we return. [music]

[commercial break]

[music playing]

WATTERS: Welcome back to our Thanksgiving special. It's time now for a very special Animals Are Great edition of Supermarket Showdown. But this time, battling it out over the prices of some of our favorite items from our furry pet friends, whoever guesses the closest without going over wins. And, a reminder, I don't know the answers in advance. First up, we have a fishbowl. Is a fish -- wait, why am I in there? I don't even know if a fish is officially a pet.

GUTFELD: Where you belong.

WATTERS: But we'll play the game anyway. Everybody put the prices up.

PERINO: Is that plastic?

COMPAGNO: But this looks --

PERINO: It looks --

COMPAGNO: -- exciting and different.

WATTERS: It does look a little technologically advanced, all right?

GUTFELD: It reminds me of a vaporizer I once used --

WATTERS: Prices up.

GUTFELD: -- as an adult.

WATTERS: Oh. $45? Emily, wow.

COMPAGNO: I live on the West Coast. Everything is expensive.

WATTERS: Okay, fishbowl, 18.99. Did Juan get it?

GUTFELD: Ah, darn it, Juan.

WATTERS: All right.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute.

WATTERS: Juan's already out in the lead. All right.

COMPAGNO: I'm in this section [spelled phonetically].

WILLIAMS: Don’t worry.

PERINO: What else you got?

WATTERS: Dog toy. We have a little dog toy right there.

PERINO: What brand?

GUTFELD: What is it? [DJ] Sink your teeth into that.

COMPAGNO: It says, "I'm [unintelligible]."

GUTFELD: It looks like a pineapple.

PERINO: It looks like a ham hock.

COMPAGNO: Can you see it okay?

PERINO: It's like a ham.

WATTERS: All right.

PERINO: A face.


WATTERS: Everybody write big so you can see the prices, and let's go up. All right. We see everybody's price. The dog toy costs $9.99.


WATTERS: Did I get it? Juan went over.

PERINO: Oh, oh, so close.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my gosh. By one penny.


WILLIAMS: For you guys.

WATTERS: All right. Here we go.

PERINO: You're a gracious loser.

WILLIAMS: All right.

COMPAGNO: This is a cut-throat game.

WATTERS: So, the cat castle as you see in front of us right --

WILLIAMS: I thought you were getting it to control dogs.


WILLIAMS: [laughs].

GUTFELD: I gave up on controlling him.

WILLIAMS: [laughs]

COMPAGNO: I'm happy that you both won in the true spirit of Thanksgiving.

GUTFELD: He controls me.


COMPAGNO: You two are co-champions.

WATTERS: Everybody's a winner. Like the pilgrims and the Indians.

WILLIAMS: [laughs]

COMPAGNO: No, that's --.


WATTERS: We've got to go. Up next, we're answering your questions in a pet edition. Fan mail on The Five's Thanksgiving special. Stick around.

COMPAGNO: Wait, how much was this?

[commercial break]

WILLIAMS: Welcome back to The Five's Thanksgiving Animals Are Great special. We're answering your questions from social media about pets. No surprise there. Here's our first question. It's a Facebook question from Lola M. Lola asked, "What was your first animal responsibility growing up?" So, I think what Lola means is like a pet you had to take care of. Emily.

COMPAGNO: Yes. So, after the big Oakland fires in the early 90s, then we housed a family that had cats. So, then I got to have cats after that, on the condition that I would take care of it, start to finish. So, my first responsibility was taking care of my black cat, Begura, start to finish. Feeding, water, cleaning out the kitty litter, like a hundred percent.




WATTERS: Yes. I had guinea pigs, and it was a disgusting situation --

COMPAGNO: [laughs]

WATTERS: -- because you'd have like 15 guinea pigs in one cage, and they'd just make a whole mess of it. And it was my job to clean out the cage.


WATTERS: I think was punishment.

WILLIAMS: Wait. But did you like having the guinea pigs?

WATTERS: Not really.

WILLIAMS: You didn't. You didn't ask for them?

WATTERS: No. No. No.

WILLIAMS: Mom forced you?

WATTERS: I think they thought it would help with responsibility.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I got it. Dana.

PERINO: Well, we had -- in my house, we had a dog named Jocko. And then my sister and I brought home a cat from the ranch. And it was Newky. Newcastle was where they're from, so Newky was the name. And we were responsible for feeding, watering, and I don't know if we actually did it properly. And sadly, the cat died of leukemia.

WILLIAMS: Wow. That's a life lesson.

PERINO: That was like a very -- an early lesson -- life lesson.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, really. Greg?

GUTFELD: Well, I had three older sisters, so I was kept in a cage.

COMPAGNO: [laughs]

GUTFELD: I was the pet.

WILLIAMS: You were the pet.

I was the pet. I had little box turtles. Everybody had little box turtles.

WILLIAMS: That's what I had.

GUTFELD: So, I went to the pet store. You got a little turtle and it lived for maybe two weeks.

WATTERS: They didn't last long.

GUTFELD: It didn't last long. You lost him somewhere and you found him all dried up in a vent.

COMPAGNO: Oh my God. That's horrible.

WILLIAMS: Here it goes. Facebook question from Tia R. If you were an animal in the zoo, guys, which animal would you want to be? And you've got to tell us why. Greg?

GUTFELD: Oh, definitely I'd want to be like a gorilla just so I can fling my feces.


Because I see the people coming at me. I don't want to be in the zoo. I'd just be flinging feces all day.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, really? Dana?

PERINO: I would like to be a giraffe to experience what it's like to be that tall, and like, see around.


WILLIAMS: [affirmative] Jesse?

WATTERS: What was the guy's favorite animal in the Columbus Zoo? The sloth? The kangaroo? Yeah, I'll be a kangaroo.

WILLIAMS: You'll be a kangaroo?

WATTERS: Because you can jump, allegedly, the footage of the full bus.

WILLIAMS: That's pretty cool.

WATTERS: Yeah. So, I could just jump right out of the zoo and escape.


COMPAGNO: I would want to be the thing that was -- like didn't know it was in a zoo. So, it'd be the happiest, which to me would be something in the aquarium.

WATTERS: The dumbest animal.


COMPAGNO: No. I'd be like the fish in the aquarium. Like I would -- I think then they wouldn't know that they were in captivity.

WILLIAMS: Oh, that's kind of sad.


WATTERS: Ignorance is bliss.

COMPAGNO: That's how I feel. So, what are the options in -- No. An octopus. An octopus in the Monterey Bay Aquarium because their life spans are longer in captivity.

GUTFELD: And they can escape. Have you ever watched the octopus escape videos that --


[talking simultaneously]

GUTFELD: You would love that.

WILLIAMS: They're really smart.

WATTERS: Why did you say it like that?

COMPAGNO: [laughs].

GUTFELD: No, because I think -- you might end up -- not --.

WATTERS: What do you know about me?

GUTFELD: You'd waste hours watching it.


WILLIAMS: You know, I'm not -- some zoos have horses. I love horses. I think they're majestic and strong and fast and they get to run. But my favorite, when I go to the zoo, is to watch the hippos. Because the hippos, they get to go underwater and then they [makes sound].


WILLIAMS: Yeah. They spray into the air.

PERINO: You don't want to be a horse in a zoo.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. I don't. That's why I said it to you. All right, here we go. One last question. This Instagram question comes from B.C. Chambers -- B.G. Chambers, 1448. What animal intrigues you, but you're afraid that have one as a pet? Jesse?

WATTERS: Well, a buddy of mine growing up had a piranha in his fish tank, and I always thought that was a pretty vicious pet to have. And then, you know, you'd catch things outside, and you'd feed it and you'd throw it in the tank and then you'd watch it destroy it.


WATTERS: But I didn't wouldn't want that at my house. That's a good pet for a friend to have. Not you.

WILLIAMS: Right. Dana?

PERINO: I'd kind of like to have a parrot.

WILLIAMS: What's -- why do you [unintelligible] a parrot?

PERINO: I don't want to clean up after it. And also, I don't want it to talk all the time.

WILLIAMS: Oh, well --

PERINO: I only talk when I want it to talk.

WILLIAMS: And, you know, they're very needy. They need a lot of attention. Greg?

GUTFELD: Oh, like me. I loved growing up the Gila monsters and Komodo dragons. But I used to see them at the zoo. And I wanted -- I pestered my family because I wanted a Komodo dragon or just something like that, like a big giant lizard. But you can't because, you know, you never know. They will bite you. They'll bite your foot off. That's what happened to -- remember Sharon Stone's first husband, the guy who owned the San Francisco Examiner?


GUTFELD: Got his toe bitten off by a Komodo dragon or Gila monster. Gila monster, I think.

WATTERS: I think that was Sharon Stone that bit it off --


-- and then blamed it on the Komodo.

WILLIAMS: All right. Emily?

GUTFELD: Google that.

COMPAGNO: Yes. All of these. All of these. Any snake or, you know, just --


COMPAGNO: Oh, yeah. I mean, it's intriguing. Sure. But no, thank you.


COMPAGNO: No, thank you.

GUTFELD: [laughs]

WILLIAMS: All right. Well, I guess if I if I had the wherewithal, I'd have a panther.

Multiple Speakers: Oh.

WILLIAMS: And of course, the panther would kill me.


COMPAGNO: [laughs]

WATTERS: Yeah. Don't get the panther, Juan.

WILLIAMS: All right. Stay right there. One More Thing like you've never seen it before. When The Five's Animals Are Great Thanksgiving special comes right back. Stay with us.

WATTERS: It's like Tyson.

[commercial break]

[music playing]

GUTFELD: It's time now for One More Thing. For our Thanksgiving special, we're picking our favorite animal videos. Jesse, you’re up.

WATTERS: All right, check out this lemur.

GUTFELD: Ah. [Laughter]

WATTERS: Look at that flex.


WATTERS: That's flex lemur.

PERINO: Oh, my God, that's hilarious.

GUTFELD: That is an amazing flex.

WATTERS: Showing it off.

GUTFELD: That's a Jesse Watters lemur.

WATTERS: Sundown, guns out.


GUTFELD: All right.

WILLIAMS: I like the tail. Look at that tail.

GUTFELD: All right, Dana, what's --

PERINO: I went with a video of Jasper. I took him to the park the other day, and he has these two friends, they're German shepherds, but he can -- they play fight -- sorry, Greg, for the video being the wrong way. But he can really take care of himself out there, two -- fighting off two German shepherds.

GUTFELD: Mm. So what you're saying is racist.



GUTFELD: He hates Germans. All right. Ooh, it's me. Let's check out this fella. This is me basically trying to find something to watch at night. And I've seen all the broadcasts.

WATTERS: Scroll.

PERINO: Oh, my gosh.

WATTERS: I thought that was you on Tinder.



GUTFELD: That's true. Oh, look who I found. "33, single."


COMPAGNO: Oh, my gosh. Poor Elaina.

GUTFELD: All right.

WILLIAMS: All right. Whale watching tour operator Nick Templeman and his dog Yukon had a close encounter with a whale over Quadra Island in British Columbia. According to Templeman, the humpback whale in the video is known in the area as Lorax, named by the local Marine Education and Research Society. Take a look.

FEMALE SPEAKER: Oh, God. Oh, my God.

MALE SPEAKER: [unintelligible] you. Hey, buddy.


WILLIAMS: That's a big animal.

COMPAGNO: Oh, buddy.


WILLIAMS: Pretty cool.

WATTERS: Nice blow hole.

WILLIAMS: That's amazing, isn't it?


WILLIAMS: And you think he's attracted to the dog is what I think it is.

GUTFELD: I know, that would have been --

PERINO: But maybe people feed him.

GUTFELD: What a video it would have been if it snatched the dog, huh?


One more meal.

WATTERS: Hey, Emily, I think you're the end here.

COMPAGNO: Amazing.


COMPAGNO: So -- this is a very special walker treeing coon hound if I'm saying that correctly. This is Lieutenant Dan treeing walker coon hound. He was only born with two legs. That has not kept him back.


COMPAGNO: Yes. Exactly. He is so amazing.

WATTERS: Is the cat real?

COMPAGNO: So full of life. We are thankful for all creatures regardless of shapes and sizes and how they are born. Isn't he amazing?

WATTERS: Which legs does he have?

PERINO: The front two.

COMPAGNO: Front two.

WATTERS: Just the front two?

COMPAGNO: The front two, yeah.


GUTFELD: You know what's amazing? He doesn't know.


FEMALE SPEAKER: Yeah, exactly. He's like, "I'm happy."

WILLIAMS: Well, you know what I was thinking people get like phony limbs right, but he didn't -- not him.

PERINO: He doesn't need them.

COMPAGNO: So the owner does have a little makeshift thing with wheels so he sometimes can be seen at the dog park running around with two wheels like a dog go-cart.

WILLIAMS: Oh, but not --

COMPAGNO: But he also is totally proficient obviously on two legs. And he's amazing.

WILLIAMS: That's great, so no -- no prosthetics. That's the word I was looking for.

COMPAGNO: Correct. Yeah, yeah. Exactly.

PERINO: Well, that was a great show, Greg.

GUTFELD: It certainly was.

PERINO: Yeah. You've got to --

GUTFELD: I think we should do that every week --


PERINO: Cheers.

GUTFELD: -- from now on. That's it for "The Five," Thanksgiving special. See you back here tomorrow. "Special Report" is up next. Do they have pets? I don't think so.

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Animals Are Great: Meet the furry friends of Fox News (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.