🔴 Baldur's Gate 3 - 1 Player Solo Rogue - Video Statistics (2024)

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[Music] that way [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you ripping [Music] them I keep in shape into my physical fitness [Music] boy oh [__] God damn it I forgot this game had a launcher [__] yeah hold on come on game capture come on bud there we go all right hello video games today not as bad as the last thoughts still little boy hey you know what it's a trademark of the [__] streams I'm not pretending to be a super professional what's the fun in that type for Gnome part three I don't exactly remember what we were doing oh [__] wait that's from the thumbnail all right this was the last one all right [Music] let's steal it's the funny guy and that ain't me Jank is part of his branding exactly exactly if I [__] up it's all it's all part of the plan it's definitely not me just [__] up how are you guys doing oh dude all right so I've been playing with a mod that removes all of this this the uh effects on your character and I forgot how crazy it looked you know when you got multiple passives on like you got long Strider and all this other crap true dude just looks like a swirly maniac especially when you get to like act free by act three my guy just looked like VFX if it was a person I just I had so many effects and passives on my guy that you could barely see him I just looked like a an ethereal being so I've been running a mod that removes all of the VFX and sfx noises for for passives and it's really nice like you can use elixir of the Colossus to be really big but you don't have that obnoxious glow all of your dude pretty great so I guess we'll keep the method it's got one HP that's fine what that nose do though the long gangly fingernails and toes are kind of crazy all right so maybe act two today I thought you will play eight pair of play or party this stream oh yeah yeah I'll probably do that next time I'll probably do that next time I forgot I actually forgot about that the main issue with that is I would have to make a uh we'd have to get the mod and I don't know how easy that is to install it's probably pretty simple but every time people go to install a mod especially on Nexus if it has multiple requirements people start getting confused and [__] and then it you know it it gets messy it gets messy all right I'm just ironing out some stuff in Discord while I'm waiting but we are spooling up let's go right damn oh yeah I forgot I I started playing with the triple stack for my uh my inventory man this feels weird what was I thinking with some of these organizational stuff oh wait no because we are using throwing weapons on this guy that's why our Throne items all right so we just finished the underdog what did we do less we've done the Arcane Tower because we went to go get that stool we've done the the sauce tree we've done most of the stuff in the underdog Sans Underdog clearing all of this good [__] it's so much nicer to look at with three rows I mean I prefer with oh [__] the smaller it is the better in my opinion much as such as life copium man what were we running short side of the first plot I don't think we're gonna need any of this [__] I don't know why I'm saving these it's not like I'm gonna give them to another follower or some [__] we're running the big the thwacking stick we're going ranged anyway we can get crossbowmaster in a couple of levels I'll take feather fall up to speed for that lady plump mating rituals oh I think that's what we were gonna do look at this p*rn book never noticed that oh God although all the pages are stuck together like when you pick up a really stiff sock anyway Oh I thought they said large okay moving on Bliss spores Bliss Sports is such a good buff dude if only you could uh sexually tax contends exactly the opposite with the screen proves too much what remains are simple instructions written in a spare hand secret to forging Adam dried milk I will yeah you know what I'm gonna choose that to believe that I think we already know how to get there I'm just gonna ditch this book on the ground books are for nerds and see as Underdog is not a nerd nothing for you here go oh yeah I forgot that's another thing I'm running a mod that makes it so uh the AI don't react to your summons and they don't react to your your pets and they don't react to you when you're in Druid forms because it makes no sense to me that big mushroom people would be like get the [__] out of here a magical ice Goblin thing meanwhile there's this tiny glowing like muscular ass [__] dual crossbow wielding no man with swirly pens around him and [__] there's like they're all giant mushroom people there's big deer and mushroom infected plague guys and they're like oh man this guy's got a pet wolf get the [__] out of here it makes no sense as he played through to the end before yeah I've I've gotten to act three and done most of act three and I've done the majority of the climactic big ND like whatever the [__] but I missed so much [__] and I [__] up so many of the storylines by by uh because I want the evil round because I wanted to join Catholic Thorne because I I [__] love JK Simmons so I went evil oh [__] you know what we haven't done hold on wait uh [__] where's that Bloody Village I kind of I kind of [__] up my playthrough oh yeah we killed the witch wait did we kill the oh no oh yeah I released the whole It's All Coming Back to Me Now I remember I think we just got to do the goblin camp I think it's Goblin Camp time what do you guys think we're gonna Skip and hop and all you know what there should be a skipping animation for gnomes they have skipping energy I feel like they wouldn't look at a place if they were just you know prancing merrily to their destination I'm just gonna make the guy eat poop I think let's see what what we can get into here only funny got word from moonrise power see it's only like you're such a funny looking little fella Authority I love the hands on the hips I I love it it's just it's so [__] silly elephant wisdom stand aside man attack him this is a waste of time I'm gonna try and deceive him we're pretty good at this deception to get that 1d6 from Bliss spores crushed it right draw Rags lens inside in through the temple why did he just point at the work also have you guys ever talked to walks walks are kind of fascinating so they're actually capable of speech um there I think I looked this up on the stream but like wolves are basically like I thought they were maybe like mutated Goblin animals but they're not they're just wargs but they can speak English they're like weird they're almost humanoid lips run on so they're just like nice little guys um touch me and I'll bleach out um yeah so I don't have talked oh yeah I do have talked to animals but you don't need speak with animals I think maybe you do actually but historically some of them can speak English they all speak Goblin um which is apparently a language oh I forgot about this cutscene they look British they do give off very much like East London or egg uh vibes recognize the oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry knowing what from being an act 3 is pretty cool because I spent so long playing chapter one in Early Access that I was always curious what all this was and like if they were gonna you know expand on it and stuff and I couldn't be more wrong about what it all is you know uh mine sleight of hand stealth you know what these are more useful I might actually just keep The Smuggler's ring on although it does give me a negative to Charisma which is exactly cool jingling in your pocket looking to spend it maybe was I floating right there uh nah Speedy light feeder better I don't know I don't need any of this guy's stuff I think we have dope threads oh we can actually wear medium armor though I put a level it's a fighter so that's good I think fighter might be useless though because from what I understand your offhand crossbow is the same amount of your main as your main hand also somebody commented that I missed a plus one hand crossbow so I need to go back to Mike and did colony to go check that buy a bunch of these sell this wacky stuff he has a really dope set of something I forget oh oh gloves of archery right this is something I was gonna buy this is probably worth it right so you gain proficiency with longbows and short bows in addition your range weapon attack still an additional two damage that's got to be more worth it than the gloves of missile scenario right I'm gonna make an executive decision and say [__] yeah two damage every time I'm hitting versus I don't know reducing the damage of range attacks on us which is you know okay that's pretty useful but also I want more damage please get moving all right what else bubs of archery I like the gloves of missile snaring but I want more damage the more damage we get the better stuff also we can do we've been doing that whole you know stealth shoot stealth shoot thing so I think that'll help us out maybe we could blow everyone up here though missile snare also takes your reaction yeah that's true that's true that's true not that we're gonna be doing much you know reactions wait where's colic's head you just lost your Wilson it's uh I think in the bag right that I put in the bag yeah there it is I'm so dead I'm so thoroughly dead everybody nobody can sip for me anymore she looks like a Borderlands 3 character you know something about this Borderlands screams Borderlands 3 for me I'm not gonna make fun of colic anymore don't worry don't worry colic simps holy cow boxes I'm sorry I'm [__] sorry killing menthora when uh probably whenever we you know wipe out this camp mythara is best I thought manthara was pretty dope but the amount of [__] you gotta do to get her is pretty cringe like in hindsight the game does nothing to reward you for being extremely sh*tty and killing everyone so I rated The Grove on my first playthrough because I wanted to go down the whole evil line and join Catholic Thome and and like maybe join the absolute but mostly Catholic Thorne that was like my goal and then you get further in and I'm not gonna do any spoilers but that basically that really wasn't an option uh no matter what you do uh so the game kind of forces you to be a good guy in act three kinda and uh yeah not super cool uh did you do the adamantine Forge we haven't been outside of act one at all I know that's still technically in act one and so is the mountain pass uh so maybe JK Simmons simp see that's it that's I'm a SIM for JK Simmons JK Simmons is [__] dope dude I am guilty I am so guilty all right I kind of want to get rid of this method actually because it's got one HP and everybody's reacting to it weird so I'm just gonna oh and then we get rid of this whole minute oh dude I love that so much it feels so freeing to not have a bunch of like pop-ups on your the left side of your screen let's go I want to see him doing a little sit well well you look like it's happening he got smile smile it's it feels odd to be the same size as the Goblins you know um I can handle myself but this ain't drug this oh look at him look at this good boy um you can do it reckon it owes us again only the greatest game since eggs Maybe all right I bet all my money wait am I rich yeah we go we got a good amount 8.5 this thing could [__] me up I feel like I'm small enough that I could use the Albert cob as a mount you know I can ride him into Battle Run no don't kill them that would suck go wait wait wait get me brought towards the posts do it come on be a good boy oh critical success let's go all right lady give me my money or I'll kill you well okay oh he did a stand that thing works even better in a chicken reckon we won't eat it after all oh pardon your what think you misunderstood mate ain't no winnings Commander hair is stupid chicken Chase as the thimble glows I am a goblin look at me of course it's through here see that's this is the annoying thing I wish I could play as a goblin so bad dude look how [__] trippy they are it's great um yeah I love that the difficulty Clash for these is always so low kind of easy mode your mind lurches reeling sudden just given my winnings all right how do I poison this drinking water what do we're chasing it you hungry oh can't be goblins are unplayable I know I know I know I know but I want them to be don't act like you don't want to play as a goblin or or an ogre that would be dope I said this so many times I'm waiting for the Fantastical races mod though and there's also a playable ogre mod but it's it's still sort of in its infancy she can add wyvern poison the booze Pot near the pillar uh pillow pillow pillow pillow pillow this one the fire wine barrel next to the punch bowl uh uh oh this [Laughter] is gonna annoy everybody so bad it's right next to the campfire there's two campfires oh I see who's up oh my God what is it yeah what the [__] is big enough to make this bowl dude I can nail this hold on oh get the [__] out of here get the [__] out of here no don't take booze right now Jordan okay do you get blamed if they all die is it gonna bust out into a giant fight oh my God some looking over here let me stealth it come on dude I also like to play as a bug bear they seem pretty cool root feels an extra 1d8 damage when attacking with a melee weapon imagine that as a [__] trait it'll be nuts can I just what if I go invisible I don't have any scroll to invisibility nice [__] it can I just uh I don't have any poison maybe I should have got poisoned before I tried poisoning oh nothing Palm the poison vial and feign innocence I don't have any poison a lethal boy isn't enough to take a lot of you down um just to drop a fire wine it'll give the brew a real kick all right I'm gonna lie I guess I didn't even have anything yeah yeah idiot you got drought poison oh I didn't know that would work all right [__] it God damn it but you feel nothing in response you were a lifted um I'm gonna lie again this time oh my God I'm so good at lying okay God damn it look away you [__] all right whatever bye I'm gonna go suck this guy's toes and it was you now I'm here to suck your toes you're just a Teensy no give me give me them grippers Beyond reach well not you better learn s more food give me them little piggies they look right off your face yep you're you're do I need to rip your air shelves why is there no [__] uh uh intimidation help me kiss my feet is that I should spin your face what is my guy really too prideful I want that ring what was that uh apologies dropped your knees well you're just like getting your tongue deep in those crevices [Laughter] a foot a long lick kiss the foot and try to slide the ring off his toe wait hold on I want to see what happens if you if you give the foot a long lick s I think you've been funny just you may Valencia that's so funny he [__] kills you laughs I can't believe they have the animation for you he got so mad he tried to kill me that's so funny holy [__] [Laughter] I really did I love this game dude holy [__] oh man just a little tongue animation that's a tan warm it up aerated some people get their reference all right slide ahead kiss the foot there should be like an option for sucking his toes you put his whole foot in your mouth lavender the pleasant dude he's really getting in there the taste of something you try not you enjoying that nice can I not oh maybe I don't use the ring though three meters of movement is good but plus two stealth and plus two sleight of hand for my ridiculous insane plus 12 to stealth checks I think I'm good but you know we got some free feet oh they left man they don't even want to be around me he starts walking off I'm like call me uh had a one one night oh my god dude my [__] throat today all right we're good what happens if you talk to these kids I've never talked to them what happens why are we the same height I feel okay I'm gonna kick the cops [Laughter] what did he do to deserve that I'm not gonna ask you that I just got clout with these little Goblin kids they're numbered dublins are just we slendermans they're literally just people from East London they literally talk the same you think you're on oh you're welcome [Music] yeah for the same height okay oh this one you chill shrooms what the [__] so one of them's like one of them's God they really are East londoners oh I'm kidding I don't know I'm not even from London and this is a stereotype don't get mad at everyone from East London please I don't quite throw him into the river and we'll blow them eventually maybe we start off without here I don't think I have any barrels left though hold on oh oh wait wait let me get my eye ripped out real quick my friend how do you fare right okay all right and we're so little my research turned up over all the brilliant technique that's here look at my face in the bottom right it's not to all right wait I'm gonna lose my my blue eye I'm gonna lose my big glowy blue eye a trademark of the of the Sans Underdog uh what the [__] why did it zoom in on my [__] neck the needle finds the gap between eyeball and soccer oh these sounds effects dude and begins to push your fists oh [__] dude as the needle snags though I have it the needle seesaws back and forth plucking the nerve like a heart string oh bother there's some obstacle in the way also need a more robust yeah the obstacles my [__] eyeball dude the obstacle is my eyes stop it once again ice pick give me that [__] all my eyes clipping through my eyelid look at that it's too powerful um yeah Polo slowly brings the answer your eye give me that new eye treatment don't move um okay methyl presses against this Lazelle disapproves I don't give a [__] and then tap tap stab oh do you feel that huh like we have the flight around the Run all right I'm putting up to a vote do we say uh right I vote what do you guys think the chat's about to explode in a weird oh nobody even typed it out four um I think I would say hmm in this situation it's a fight stick return imagine if you picked one of these and you just it had like a really drastic effect I'm a jerk your eye plops down into the mud oh I love how look at him he's like oh he pauses looks this guy is a Savage dude slightly as it sinks into the mud [__] dead what was that look at my little shoes you got some explaining to do man cosmetic damage all that whole cutscene is done with no blood uh all's well I think fantastic perhaps there's something we can do a ball he pulls out five bucks it's not even denies or gold he just he pulls out five American dollars just gives them to me at least and um it was very nice sorry little brain problem one way or another little brain far away from here if you have a heart terribly sorry bro C invisibility and for our troubles we get a nice shiny new eye which I I can't really see it I feel like it's gonna look weird because we have the black eyes with the the whatever you call it all right Withers I'm actually gonna go into the character customizer re-customization thing in the reloaded I want to see that new eyeball oh [__] dude oh my God that looks Wild it's he's got like it's like that devil and angle meme I have two sides this a sweet angle and the devil damn that looks wild all right well that's fine handsome fellow elokoi go check out Wither's new feature can I make out with them Oh you mean okay sorry you're talking about his um right the uh we can get companions in and then delete them right his new wardrobe oh is he a new dialogue for them um oh no isn't there like a new wardrobe thing right is it over here where's it at you have to discuss it with him I don't know where it is oh you have to make a new new game you probably have to have a friend in your game is that the only use for right now just storing people storing companions that people join to create drinking without asking which I'm drinking sugar-free lemonade because my it's better and it has less calories and it's got no sugar in it I used to drink like six cans of Dr Pepper a day dude I had a real problem and then I lost a bunch of weight and stopped drinking soda as much and I and then I went from [__] like I think it was like 180 pounds or 190 or some [__] and I'm now down to like 170. I forget I think six kids that's prepper a day of diet drugs pepperoni diet Ducks pepper is cool one of them tastes like piss and then the other one tastes pretty dope all right I guess it's time to just go inside I don't think we're gonna be able to point oh oh God damn it I saw it oh yeah [__] Look Away shot bye all right wait wait wait okay here we go oh wait and then wait [__] poison then we combined poison booze tub and then we [__] [Music] bam and then now wait wait why am I getting all the 6p did they all die they just slowly die in the absolute Loops were watch business you were a lifted until you rest uh I'm just gonna intimidate him I feel like that's the funniest option okay this could be better though oh all right we got lucky but the absolute says we're all making noise now all right okay damn we got a lot of XP inspired yes I want to go watch these guys die though oh I did if I poison you do you really think I'd still be here ah see that's good logic because it's like why would I stay around and watch what am I a little sicko oh my God why are they all dead They're All Dead oh my God that's there's so many little Mal all right well that went well wasn't me did I [__] it up did I like because I like left and then came back oh nice I don't quite we're following along uh on my own solo tactician Lone Wolf the cape you get from Docker which makes it trivial yay I know I know that's I kind of wanted wish I went dark urge on this guy for some funny dialogue options and [__] and also uh you know so I could get that invisibility yeah apparently it's it's really really generous your Insignia I've seen it before you're in the mile high club here like to it's just business if there was money and being good you're joking till there's no no wait I killed them all I sold enough smoke powder to cover the loss ten times over uh that's not my concern so long as I'm oh all right Loot and good stuff I saw I'm sorry I burped by the way that wasn't cool all right we don't need Red X don't need a Monster High glaive we don't need a stick a fire stick fire stick could be good oh no no okay we don't need melee weapons oh by the way if you guys are playing a melee build and you don't use ranged weapons or whatever or you're a barbarian get a bow of awareness it gives you plus one and the two initiative rolls on your and you don't actually have to use it you just get a plus one of your initiative roles so like I have a wall lock I I'm running a Lone Wolf Wall lock Eldritch blast melee build right now as a hot hawk and it's cool as [__] um because like pack to the blade you can just use whatever weapon you want so I've been switching weapons like all over the place it's been pretty dope but um he just has this bow I don't use it I don't need it but it gives them a plus one to initiative wait no ah [__] no hand crossbows it's too deep like man I I'm struggling to get that second plus one hand crossbow I might buy some visibility potions though very useful for a solo run what is this accent um British Brit American I don't know don't think about it I sound exactly the same as like I don't know other people that pick up accents it's fine it's not that weird why can't call any vendor has the HC plus one all right I'll go check it out and also I'm gonna buy some big boy potions and and we don't need Elixir Hill giant shrimp oh wait we could use some good arrows though push back five meters that's always fun I want those bomb arrows dude when you get those ones that explode the full explosion arrows from like X3 or you know act two pleasure those are dope they are so good that and the arrow of many targets they are amazing I want more of that [__] all right uh [__] [__] oh I know I know what we can do what's my jump height like oh I forgot we would get Athlete on this guy right I totally forgot about our jumping thing why am I walking everywhere we're a little leaping man but like a human jumping spider scroll a chromatic goal I'm never gonna use that but that's cool silverware all right big big Ops here that we get athlete plus 19 strength yeah exactly and we have 19 shreds because of this the club of Hill giant strength which is a a big rounded knobbly stick that increases our strength to 19. so we have 19 18 16 and then a 10 13. we don't need in selecting wisdom that sh*ts for nerds um and then Max Constitution wacky High decks it's all good good [__] I wish we had higher decks though because I feel like our hand crossbows are gonna start running with strength oh no it's it's a plus four to both maybe it won't affect it I don't know I can't jump you'll have to toss me I need to rewatch Lord of the Rings it's been years last time I watched it was with my uh my girlfriend had never seen the series before because every time she tried to sit down and watch it with somebody they would fall asleep uh as we binge watched the whole series whatever movies is pretty dope now we got hella explosive barrels and we can use these to blow up some of the leaders I'm thinking maybe ragslin uh yeah I'll take these these arrows of the old Mater are kind of [__] but that's fine 17 and not 19. ogre headband is 17 uh yeah you can get we could go get the overhead Man actually I don't really want to kill lump maybe we summon in lump also that would be pretty dope I always forget that I have the horn and I don't this is gonna sound like a flex but I almost never struggle with combat especially in act one um which is why it's probably a good time for me to upgrade to tactician in most of my campaigns I just never really haven't much of a challenge I don't know if it's because act one makes you like strong enough um if you do it all right and it all just feels kind of trivial I know that's not just me that's anybody that has experience in this game but still like I need to start playing on tactician maybe if this campaign gets too easy we whack it up to tactician but we're running solo so I got level seven in act one are you sure you weren't using mods though because there's a there's a finite amount of XP that you can get without slaughtering everybody tactician is pretty trivial too yeah I guess if you know what you're doing though this game's gonna be easy no matter what difficulty you're playing on you were exploiting ah well there you go what that's not I [__] cheated dude and I I took advantage I took advantage of the functionality of the game and now I'm level seven in act one I'm running a Lone Wolf mod on an XP mod so my guys like level nine and I'm about halfway through act two but I'm just running just me as a warlock and it's still unbelievably good I [__] love warlocks by the way I've had an epiphany in this most recent playthrough and I [__] love warlocks dude melee back to the blade I'm a full-on hex blade dude I'm running around in light armor with a [__] hellberg it gives me forced conduit I do like 35 damage a hit it's so good like back to the blade wall like hey as a hex blade is just so cool I was invited but lock it in open yeah paladins are okay but I don't like having an up upkeep do you agree having a vowel and she's Helens are dope Helens are really strong but they're also very overplayed x-blade mod is so sick I'm not playing modded I'm just like I've got one level to use a melee weapon I have extremely high AC because of itemization and high decks in your eyes it's not technically a hex blade but melee wait [__] what now dear child it is time to repent okay good all right I'm ready dude strike me papa wait do you wanna get out wait what I don't get the bonus oh no I do not an apostle okay cool oh my God my little eyes glowing in the darkness right there pure luck is soapy yeah it's insane my guy is Eldritch blast the knock people back I've been here for like 25 damage knocking people back I wiped the hulketh Yankee crash in I pulled the entire get Yankee crash and beat all of them with a single firewall and then just a lot of Eldritch blasting and melee so dope you go back to the blade get the Yankee is the best in slot because medium Armor Plus free Mist he said yeah but then you have to play as a get the Yankee which is like a massive massive worse than slot you know because then you got to look like a weird ugly alien man that's a natural negative five that's it I love this dude just on this next bit look at Sans Underdog's little dog face it's me Daddy uh nice doing so well do not I can imagine another hairstyle on this guy they made this hairstyle just specifically for him look at my little oh wait it changed the camera angle what is this camera angle dude space frog they don't even look like space frogs a space frog race will be dope they just look like it's a pain I don't even know they're very unique they're just like big weird ugly spiky-eared green elves with no noses you know that's that's it's pretty much it that's what I'm building out on my other guy I have one level into um I have one level into Barbarian to get uh on Armor defense based in Constitution and then I just don't have any wisdom and then I've got like ridiculously high strength great crazy sorry decently high like 12 strength uh 18 decks or 17 deck or whatever and then I got the plus one uh a ton of uh Constitution for AC and then like a little bit of Charisma because I'm doing all the talking in the campaign but then I put all my [__] into Monk and then I'm gonna push it into Rogue to get a second bonus action it's a and then obviously Tavern brawler when I get my level four perk eventually It's pretty dope no no okay you don't do any decks Oh you mean like a full strength one because damn egg why are you so good in this game me me not dude me mediocre and it's probably because I got 400 hours man but there's people with a thousand errors they're way better than me it's just time over me doing Act One a thousand times squared leviator's love nice we just killed this guy as well I'm kind of curious to see what he drops I've never killed him before Abby direct you run into this guy later on or should I just can I just assassinate him what do you guys think yes I must try this technique perhaps it looked kind of like bats to be honest nah dude bats look cool get to look goober they look Goofy he's fine to kill I want to see what he drops I'm literally I just I'm just curious to see what he drops all right uh stealth sneak attack back of the head regression okay he's just gonna look at me oh leviathan's oh [__] Grant's resistance to Nook wait wait Grant's resistance and Aquatic damage deals an additional 1D one to six to Chronic damage to nearby Targets including the wielder ah man I thought that was I thought I just found a mace that did one to six extra necrotic damage all the time grants resistance to necrotic damage that's pretty [__] actually good that's actually really good though the one to six necrotic damage to the wielder isn't great that could be better I'll take it you don't oh [__] oh that was close what do you mean murder there's no one here I totally got away with it [__] of being the cause of death I didn't do it it was me I'm the killer honest unexpected but change is nothing what are the [__] are you gonna do I'm gonna honor right I'm just gonna beat this man to death with a stick yeah how does that feel huh idiot and then we pick him up and no one is none the wiser right I'm gonna quickly pick up these healing and some poison and screed of the Willing what the [__] a screed sounds like a racial sword ritual X no no don't throw it I'm gonna examine it hey that's a plus One X The Scrooge Mrs Bane chance to inflict upon the target 1d4 penalties with tackles and semi throws the attacker saw strength there's too much reading for me I'm gonna take these I mean [__] oh I never could recruit my armor ritual ax ritual knife I don't know if never picked these up handmaiden's blessing after a successful attack with the Stagger the willow receives a 1d4 bonus to attack rolls and savory throws until the end of the turn that's [__] good that's just a good ass dagger right there pain is the path to power take one to four slashing damage and receive a 1d4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws that's okay that's fine you take 1d4 damage is not a lot and to get a 1D for bonus to attack rolls is pretty worth it especially if you're here like if you don't have Advantage for example like fewer chances of hitting something are super low you just you know jab yourself and then you get a plus yeah but it only lasts yes oh oh thanks for the donut on my dude or just the DJing by these stance chance to inflict upon the title 24 penalties 25 uh or more hit points they take one D oh that's bad that's really bad you're just that's a terrible weapon mace is dope though we don't need any of this [__] though cool to know that that exists though I've never bothered killing that guy he's always been kind of a homie you know all right oh this guy likes rats I like rats Escape in room my top three favorite factions they might have been knocked out though oh no probably greenskins got knocked down recently but no you gotta keep silent uh please stop hit him in the nuts hit him in the nuts no what don't blue balls me like that man dude he's got [__] earplugs dude what the [__] I head straight I hit your ear plugs exactly like that when I was younger until you rest like with the little the spikes go have yourself a drink the boss sends me okay can I can I just can I torture him should I talk to him guys so I join in on the torture like a really weird little man and underdark begins his villain Arc Ade shut up this is gonna be funny consider the implements provided then all right we're voting all right guys this is on you oh [__] I put three twice [__] okay three is four you know that you know what I mean smash the butt of the spear into his groin that's so [__] how many people in jail or man and you're voting for two you you you animals you animals what are you smooth down there like a [__] Ken doll you know that movie The Bobby movie what if they there was like a sex scene but then they and they they whipped it out but they just had like plastic Nubs down there and they couldn't do anything and they just I mean it's how frustrating that would be could you tell I haven't seen the Barbie movie and I don't know what the [__] it is and what it's about is it a kids movie I actually have no idea about that movie at all that's Team America [__] ball torture time 54 of people want to see this man's balls get destroyed all right I thought this is gonna be bad oh God oh God Sans what are you doing don't do it Sans know Sans don't be that guy oh no sense um ew all right round two that wasn't that bad he just kind of shunted him in the nuts a little bit I was expecting it to be way worse he'll survive rip off Antonio with a pair of tongues crank the wreck and stretch him smash a club into his knee he's not the toenail one you [__] animals [Laughter] holy [__] guys I kind of wanted to crank the rack and stretch him because I want to see like what the [__] that is good God all right guys jeez oh this is gonna be bad oh this could be really bad oh no this is gonna be really bad oh that was nothing please the ruins um the bridge they covered the gate with ivy no Kane you're going good oh my God what we need you know what's Wild is we're a good guy we're probably gonna do the good guy thing um this is good come on I bet we've been getting some of the spoils what the prisoner is there something funny we can do here what if you put like a bomb [Laughter] laughs oh man I can't throw him he's too fat free him free him and give him false hope and then kill him that is so [__] up guys I feel like I should just put him out of his misery well I can I can't oh I can't hit him oh I can't hit him am I hitting him or the torture rag I'm gonna break the torture right I said man lies crumpled on the ground unconscious or healing potion in his mouth nah he's not unconscious I've never done it this way actually I usually either let him out or like blow him up that's the only two ways I've gone about this what can I not push him bruh what is this he has nothing can I pickpocket him I think he's stealth to pickpocket him nice uh yeah I'm gonna take all this now is he light enough for me to pick up come on can I just put this cup of water in front of him he's like I'm so thirsty all right let's leave him they'll think he's escaped and killed those two guys and then he'll get in trouble for it we'll get off scot-free I like it I like it it's got to be the smart way to go about this wait all right I tell you what let's lower gut off and then assassinate her hello Scott needs to touch you too your flesh Sans Underdog is abstinent um we are defending our virginity until we are 30 and then we become a wizard um I'm not letting you bring me on a whim and then we skipped subscribe the absolutes will I couldn't fix anything but then We Will We Will sneak past sir sneak into the into the room turn off the light and then we're here the whole time and she doesn't even know it doom doom dick and then we [__] assassinate the [__] out violence hasn't oh what sneak around the back and then okay oh bam then another shot because oh and she's dead all right for it nice nice good [__] easy clap easy Club easy clap sell all this crap we're good and then we dispose of the evidence wait for it and then dispose of the evidence like this nice nice one down only a couple more liters to go kiss her a little bit what Sans Underdog is no simp we don't kiss women or kiss man Hitman gave three this is basically we're playing this like Hitman I just realized that's what this whole playthrough has been we've just been we're just a tiny hit man with a mustache yeah nice you just killed the best romance option in the game for real you cannot romance her don't lie to me I would have porked a goblin were it possible I know for a fact it's not possible because I Googled it I said I my my search history for weeks was just buckable goblins no and then I boycotted them jump what do you mean modders will find a way I I hope not I hope not if they're fixating on if they make a a romanceable race options without making playable race options I will be so mad agent three and a half that's pretty good Agent three five three three Asian three foot five oh oral histories oral histories of pharaon Paladin oath Breakers I just imagine in a whole book just all about paladins getting their dick sucked much like your words is meaningless get it all histories All Right Moving On all right also I'm gonna get rid of their security option right here uh what they can see me and um I'm gonna stealth and just yeah whoa what did that guy say um all right let's talk to Mandara I guess maybe we send all right here's the plan I have an idea here's the plan I have beat a vandal's been damaging property around here that wasn't me yeah what's your feeling you're under suspicion the Vandal already fled [__] what you may have talked your way out of this one but now plenty of all right I've been expecting you the god without your help they would have extracted nothing but screams and blood her thoughts mingle with yours hand caressing your brain him and thorough we're the same color do you want a boink Little Wonder it is time for the raid to be JK you're gonna die absolute six I'm sure those wretches have it hidden away there we will find it can you romance her you can romance mythora yeah your excitement is palpable she lingers on thoughts of victory of unbelievers blood spilled and of the weapon my campaign she dude she tries to hop in bed with you the second you you if you uh wipe up the Grove she's immediately weeping to get in bed with you carry somehow she has a good jaw afraid that's a handsome woman the artifact does not want apart from you spoilers she's a companion option yeah yeah you gotta do a lot of evil [__] together as a companion though their Refuge and make your way inside um in the back I don't have the most trustworthy face the half devil refugees nobody wants them I would trust Sam's people cling to a blade if nothing else is offered be that place I will gather a reading party we will cleanse the place off and then we did she say infidels first among her face what are we [__] this is some essentially just a fantasy uh Crusade good and well all right the uh the gerblin camp I mean not the you know what I mean The Grove so we'll go talk to zevolor later and then Ambush them and that can be like the climax I love climaxing [__] oh nice they still got the loot when the wearer stands in electric uh water because it becomes electrified I feel like this would be good if it made you immune to being shocked also if the wearer starts to turn on electrified surface gain three lightning judges this would be cool you could uh you know I would like this if it made you immune to shock but it don't you just get electrocuted and then you're gonna you get a disadvantage against whatever that gives forget all right nice nice nice all right wait maybe we go rescue halson what do you guys think halsin now let's go rescue the bear the bearman that's probably gonna be the only character that I romance and it's just to get that bear scene because it'll freak people out we do the bear scene for the meme there's a ring for that there's a cream for that wait there's a ring that oh the ring that makes you mean to being shocked yeah I know you get in the base of the Tower I remember I know exactly where you get the ring you get it in the chest the bottom of the uh Tower and the underdog I'm not changing out my whole itemization for that like how often do you actually standing in yeah I mean you're okay you're surprised you're standing in water a surprising amount of time like there's water right here there's water in a lot of places like fine but I'm also I don't want to unequip my acid ring and I don't know how to equip this ring that gives me stealth and sleight of hand because that puts my plus 10 stealth to a plus 12. and a plus 12 itself is [__] insane no all right okay these have to be the most obnoxious children in the whole game right also I love the stock contrast between all those Gate 3 and and Skyrim you know like Skyrim is like kids like unkillable kids you can't hurt children that's [__] up no killable kids no matter what you know whatever like maybe you can mod it in like but we we do not you know kids are precious whatever this game is like so annoying these [__] Goblin children are wouldn't you just love to kill them the opposite ends of the spectrum man I love this game uh uh he's helped us kids don't die though boss is thinking yeah they do to the walls but first three more yeah I wanna wear more glow yeah those are goblin kids your related power is beyond I know for a [__] kids can die because I [__] filmed a dead kid in my [__] hobbling video he got killed by the snake um time for blood [__] yeah I just I like this scene I wish it was a little bit more visceral because like this this tiny Golem gets crushed by like a like a 600 pound steel gate it just kind of goes like whoops I'm dead I guess oh no bear busty CNS no bear Bussy man I love the [__] Plankton voice you ain't going nowhere child [__] run animation stole that from me Sans Underdog all right one little two little three dead kids I told you they could die see dead you can't kill kids what do you wait this is this one in combat or not destroy the child all right man Jesus bloodthirsty much I'll do you one better I will throw this child into another guy [__] and then I'll let him on fire oh man Game of the Year game of the year 2023 allowing to kill kids makes this game in 11 out of 10. I just like the freedom to do so you know what I mean you should have killable kids please but you know if there's kids in a game and there's murder as an option you know give us that freedom man 99 of players aren't gonna be out there killing kids but you know if it's the freedom to do so nothing like a little Goblin inside oh my God that's [__] oh I forgot I wrote down talking points oh yeah guys I have an idea for a build by the way um and I wanted to run it by you guys right so you know how you can wield salami as a weapon so here's my idea I build I build a whole build about trying to get the most damage out of the salami humanly possible Right han han han never forget the power o z ladies bones of ladies both wait are you talking about britonia thank you for the donut for us um so how about this level one Druid with sheleighly because you can put sheleighly on uh on the salami because it's technically a club right and then one level in Ranger to get the eight damage for enemies that aren't at full HP it's like Colossus or some [__] I forget what it's called get the acid ring from the Underdog get another elixir of the Colossus for a 1d4 and then uh potentially go into pack to the blade warlock or then just start putting all of your ranks into fighter what do you guys think would that work and I'll call like the salami Destroyer like this the salami king or salami God good build good build I thought it'd make a good video because then you're getting 1d4 plus two acid plus 1v8 for Target Style on full HP plus shillelagh which is like another 1d6 or 1d8 or 1d10 or some [__] so all of those together you're getting maybe 30 damage out of a salami and then on top of that I can make him a dwarf to for the extra Constitution [__] like that go go massive amounts of strength to get the most damage out of the club humanly possible and then also I'll make my I'll make the dwarf look like he's made a salami too so I'll make it like a little red swollen dwarf man that's that's terrible awful [__] what are we um oh also I need to get into so look I can make 11 potions of speed I now have seen potions of speed got you can use hyena years to make potions of speed and I never noticed how many that you of them you could make go collect all the Hyatt ears and you can get 16 potions of speed just for anybody doing an X1 campaign go do that it's nuts I've been sleeping on that so hard I've been doing it all my recent campaigns and I just clobber this guy oh that's so satisfying I'd shoot him in the mouth big to mag we're actually really strong though uh can I I'm actually gonna use that throw some grease trip up those wolves and then bonus action turn out the light [__] you can double it with a transmitter from Withers oh that's such a good point yeah I really need to uh offspec a character that I'm not playing on this to make them an alchemist oh it worked for both of them that's so good it actually worked for both of them they're slipped down for that bare busty right now okay shoot him in the ass no he's on my side that'd be mean die six ten and two God we're strong God we're so strong and handsome one down one down elixir of bloodlust so strong we're actually so strong all right he's gonna definitely get a hit on the Cave Bear but it doesn't matter because it's he's in uh bear form he just bit him in the ass good [__] okay awesome let's go have Bearer six let's do it back I'm so tiny compared to him holy [__] not only do you speak with a bear but you free it too a true friend of nature or perhaps a lunatic either way I made a gift monk a deep gnome sorcerer and an oathbreaker Doral uh you owe more than that thanks I think all right I'm just gonna be nice I'm just gonna do all the good guy options I don't know good I cannot allow these but yep you must get a head score um I'll rescue The Grove oh wait he left oh my God he turns into a rat I didn't even know what hey yo why didn't he turn into a rat in the first place somebody brought this up like why didn't halson Escape The Grove turned into a rat am I gonna fall am I gonna fall right now a squirrel that's not a squirrel he was a red I don't rant when I see a rat dude also if anybody doesn't know about this it's it's sort of tucked away but in a pile of bones back here you can get wargfang goblins have disadvantage on attack rolls against the wielder so if I didn't have this um Club I would probably equip that because it still comes into effect um even if you don't have the weapon out so it's it's a good thing to just like if you're an Archer or a mage or something like that come get that dagger and just equip it in your main hand and all of the Goblins will have disadvantage when attacking you and that's with ranged attacks that's with melee attack wait is it melee attacks only no goblins have disadvantaged Attack rules against the wielder so anytime they attack you they'll just have disadvantage so they're they're hot they only have half the chance to hit you that they would have otherwise had animal friendship can I use this on Paulson creature must have an intelligence of three or less oh never mind I'm pretty sure uh Hudson's smarter than that uh what else is around here let's go look these kids kids gotta have some good stuff they gotta have some pocket money I can lift one gold wow they have some broke ass parents damn this one's really poor line breaker boots always Goods line breaker boots are pretty dope actually if you use Dash a lot I'm actually tempted hold on once per turn when you dash you gain wrath for two turns uh oh wait no no okay yeah you have a plus one bonus to damage with melee weapons so they're specifically good for Fighters and uh you know rogue fighters or uh barbarians 9k gold you sold Shadow Hearts a brothel or what do you what 9k gold is not a lot dude what are you talking about I've spent quite a lot of that like 9k gold is nothing do you know how much how much money I have on my my work my current Warlock my warlock who is just now getting to the beginning of act two uh has a 28 000 gold 9k gold is Pocket Change little amount yeah even for acts 1 9k gold is nothing dude I'm not even looting off the [__] that I come across I'm only taking like I'm only cherry picking valuables learn to pickpocket if you're not lazy and move inventory you can get so rich yeah if you're I'm not even being greedy like you can be so greedy and like start pickpocketing and holy [__] that's a lot of healing potions like you can if you do your [__] correctly like I've seen people make it out of act 1 with like 40 50 000 gold you know like if you go around selling everything and resetting people's things and doing long rests and cheesing it to get as much money as possible you can get stupid Rich dude I want that [__] handball plus one actually if you're an Uber Luke Goblin you could have like 40 can act one yeah exactly I had 100K end of x3 which I burnt through in one shopping spree yeah exactly that's the thing I got to act three and I was like what am I ever gonna need this money for so I just started buying up all of the uh high-level uh spell Scrolls that I could that I wanted so I had like eight Scrolls of frost wall and all of this like crazy expensive [__] and I saw it like 50k gold left going into the Final Act let's like uh liable passing I'm an assassinate these guys oh red go what's up buddy talk to me for small spaces stone wall there's a light here tight space oh I wish you could be friends with more rats little homies or one HP homies can all right can I give a good sneak attack on these guys I'm just gonna assassinate him stop looking at me man you weren't even looking at me in the first place here we go all right and then bam stealth shot murderous actions have given an attack and then we give bam oh you didn't die [__] uh there we go wipe these guys out yeah I'm not even loot Goblin I'm like leaving like I could take this leather helmet I could take [__] you know this great X I could take this bow you know 1680 gold whatever there you're really cheesing it you know if you're really loot Goblin I don't like carrying around a bunch of heavy [__] but if you really want to loot Goblin fully like my first couple of campaigns I loot Goblin but I just got really bored of doing all the atomization and dropping [__] to make weight and sending stuff to my camp and then whatever like you can get high tier items that just sell for more than you can get by loot Goblin anyway I don't care what's your ability stats do you mean like these yeah 1918 16 8 10 and 13. 13 for dialogue it's got a negative one right now because I've got the this ring on which increases myself inside of hand so normally it's a 14 so I get a plus two you can also just equip the bull strength robe and carry around everything on earth ball strength rope is that an act three thing though should you get an X3 you're like there's I feel like when I get to act three I was so [__] strong and Rich from the first two acts that I just kind of everything was just sort of like icing on the cake at that point you know I never ran into anything where I was like oh damn dude like [__] dope dude like everything was kind of additional I don't know it's act two wait what what does it do how much strength does it give you bull strength robe bull strand throw oh do you mean the mighty cloth I I know about the mighty cloth I have it on my Barbarian is that what you're talking about the mighty cloth it's not a robe it's just a it's like clothes is that what you're talking about yeah dude I I have that it gives you charge as well right cat's Grace gives you plus two decks yeah yeah they're just like there's a DEX one in the mountain area and then there's a strength one where you get to the end I know about that I have it on my uh my dude when the word dashes or take a similar action combat they gain momentum for three terms what do you guys think's better three lightning charges every time we Dash and plus one Athletics yeah okay I don't even need to I'm not even asking that's super except boots are worse who are gains Advantage but well that's a melee thing all right we're good more money though also maybe we need to keep some infernal iron probably not all right it's ragsland assassination time and I think that we should you the classic I think we should do the classical classic thing should I feed um Gail a magical item to get him to shut up by the way because I feel like he's gonna blow me up you know does it is there actually any any issues with not feeding him magical item if you don't he blows I mean I wouldn't turn down some head from the Gale man but oh you may explode right give him something let him starve if he blows up he'll kill everyone that's my point whatever it's more personal you see I have this condition all right very different from the parasite just as deadly is it contagious it comes down to is this I'll do my best all right and then we'll give him an item uh what sucks though I want to give him something bad because you have something we don't care about uh you have the wait one of these two items suck dick wait one what's worth nothing hold of Hill Drive shirt there's only with 36 gold what that's insane all these are worth too much money oh that definitely this eat this sh*tty amulet dude there you go eat it you're welcome back to follicle demon okay cool sincerely though all right I I wanna yeah don't mention it literally don't mention it please shut up all right Chess Time here we go all right now we get God I'm carrying around a lot of [__] a lot of fire wine barrels you know what we'll bring these two we'll bring some of these too they weigh a lot but [__] it then we can uh bring one oh [__] these are they really do weigh a lot I think two smoke powder barrels 22-34 damage so like what 44 damage at minimum 44 damage minimum and then a little bit extra from some fire wine barrels that should do the trick let me make it a third I literally can't these are too heavy what else do we got in here I didn't even oh okay I was sending Quest items back you do not need any of these Quest items like game though just the mundane we'll heavily encumber since the name Sans Underdog is so stupid it's really dumb where you get the club of giant might so it's not actually a good weapon but if you want to use it in your offhand to give your guy 19 strength and there you go but essentially uh you get it in the the tower in the underdog the magical Mage Tower in the underdog there's a stool on the top floor where the robots are uh in the top left corner of the uh on of that platform and um of that floor I mean uh and there's a stool called the stool of Hill giant strength if you sit on it you get 19 shrimp but if you break the stool one of the chair legs is the club of Hill giant shrimp and it's kind of bad because it's only a 1d4 you know it's a wonderful damage base but the amount of [__] you can get on top of it and the amount of strength it gives you automatically by equipping it though it puts it up to a seven to ten damage because you get a plus a plus four strength base but there you go why does he keep saying touch he's like the dad from Drake and Josh tush how is this not tipping off anybody though you know you'd think like oh okay that's gonna tip them off they're gonna be like I wonder if uh larion will ever add in like a reaction so if you put an exploding Barrel next to next to somebody oh [__] we never did the wall stuff maybe we should go do that I do like the whole wall thing okay we don't have any fire arrows um how do we set these off I actually don't have anything Fire based am I blind all right I'll just light one of my things on the candles all right and then we [__] sneak [Music] yes absolutely all right dead ragsling wait did that one not see me no they all saw me now they thoroughly saw me what can we knock him into the no he didn't um there we go boom all right they all saved it that's good I'm gonna shoot that guy just because he didn't see me I [__] died all right that gives me another roaring Thunder Arrow so I can knock this guy off into come on yeah there we go right damn it oh he died anyway whatever we are a demigod you want no match for Sans on the dock [Music] how do you reset Trader gold uh oh yeah somebody already responded yeah you just you long wrestler level up what are you guys gonna do you're both level one you're like unleveled Up characters I don't even think you have the hit dice to be able to hit me it would have to get like a net 20. how do we deal with this guy I could finger him could give him some guidance I'm gonna just uh oh I can't hit it with a bonus section but I will shoot him directly in the [__] though right here [Music] then I will just you know what let's just I'll just not finishing him off one little two little three dead goblins four little he didn't die now this song's stupid damn it I didn't kill any of them none of them Bang the Drum oh please tell me he's gonna slip please no come on what are you even gonna do no one can hit me I haven't even taken a hit dude Sans Underdog op what's my AC oh 19 AC because of the shield build right we're like a little mini God man the [__] down there I'm gonna concuss this wait please don't slip oh [__] I forgot about the fine another one down uh one left let me just hide here walk I went the wrong way because the camera angle [Music] so do you just steal stuff sell it back rinse repeat or just steal all their gold rinse and repeat oh I mean you could cheese the inventory with like Traders and [__] I just never do it because you get a lot of money anyway um can I just do like a Smackdown I wish there was you know what would be an amazing addition to this game would be a jumping attack and so like for example if you're if you're in a position like I am to get an extra like I don't know a 1d6 or a 1d8 you jump up to a location and then you you have like a jump attack thing you know maybe or just maybe make it a barbarian thing that exists I think yeah no I know for [__] what do you call it um I know that there's a text that you can land on on people wait barbarians get one what barbarians have one what's it called what do you mean I play a barbarian Albert wild shape has one I know about that one and I wanted to make a video about it like from the top rope that's probably what I'm gonna do in the in the uh for uh Druid video Eagle Barbarian oh Eagle Barbarian okay interesting good [__] well rexel's Dead uh that's two out of three of those guys ah and now we just need to kill menthora but she's going to go attack the Grove so everybody's gonna be prepping for that and that'll be a good way to round it out maybe we uh sneak out the front gate though I don't know if we triggered the whole thing they didn't they didn't um ring the bells bang the drums or whatever so maybe they didn't discover that we've killed ragslyn but from my experience they automatically know when you kill racism for some reason where do we actually hold on when do I awaken my little tadpoles how do I do that can I eat one or do I have to get a true Soul one are these not true Soul ones I only have two do you have to get the one from mythara right I thought I had more parasites than that did we not get the parasites from the uh two ladies oh you came to the wrong room you didn't see nothing okay you have to get the dream visit uh maybe we should do a long rest then it's for posterity yeah I see they're all at war with me and [__] now and War I played too much total war no come on I stealth that [__] come on dude all right I just need to maintain a uh a bonus section [__] you let me go around here Hide they're like oh man what oh wait yeah they're just gonna stand there they're not going to know where I am oh this is long just the decision making okay I don't quite wear ogre oh I do need to do something like that actually you're right uh there's actually an ogre mod that's pretty functional now so I was thinking of doing a a solo ogre run but the it's sort of limited in what you can do I know they definitely know where I am what's even the point of stealth I ran around the corner that should have worked oh no I didn't no never mind I ran around the corner and then stealth [__] God I keep doing them in the wrong order that was on me that was on me my bad I stopped doing that oh can I stealth assassinate this guy even though he's like literally right here must be building a finesse weapon oh that's dumb are you [__] stupid disadvantage well I can't hide now unless I use a major action so I'm just gonna start killing headshot oh no oh no no movement left whatever what are they gonna do ow wallocks are no joke dude they're God damn dude warlocks like since starting a campaign with a wall like and making this like hybrid melee a hex blade wall looks are easily in my top three classes it's Barbarian Rogue and uh warlock now they're so good and they mix so well paladins are no jokes pelons I I know but everybody played a paladin like everybody played a paladin it's the most popular class human Paladin or elf Paladin whatever I know there's at least like a couple hundred people in chat their first character was an elf Paladin or a human Paladin and you should be ashamed of yourself there are so many cool fantasy races and you went I'm gonna play as me but a palliative terrible there's a lot of you guys in chat right now I know it clerics my dudes clerics are really underrated I've uh I've been running Shadow hot as my secondary in my uh my Lone Wolf solo playthrough um for Buffs but then I just had her tag along with me because I wanted to push her uh questline right because I thought her questline was kind of interesting uh clerics are [__] dope dude especially later on in the least popular class in the whole game uh according to uh Larry and stats and clerics are slept on clerics are legitimately slept on like they're really good later on level eight nine Paladin uh clerics are actually [__] dope yeah light and war are good yeah I'm running a light one right now really good like really really good Shadow monk Thief is fantastic yep Thief is a good mix for any build almost there isn't a single character in the game where if you put like three levels of Rogue into that build it's not gonna make it exponentially better get smoke get [__] smoked what are you goblins can I hit that guy what is this line of sight I can see him I can smell him whatever [Music] uh only the one bonus all right come on path is interrupted by [__] what dude I shoot the statue wait can I okay I want to see if I can get it to fall on that guy no don't go under me all right I'm gonna throne I want all right I'm gonna Dash run over here I don't go are you trying to get the extra attack from Rogue and fighter at the same time nah I'm gonna get I'm gonna go Rogue until we get to uh the thing that makes you take half damage and then I'm gonna change lanes and stop putting it into something else maybe fighter for the extra actions like action surgeon [__] which will be really useful for a single player guy nothing like that I'm gonna hide here he's gonna be like oh what and then he's gonna run over he's gonna stand right for the Statue baby no what I did nothing ah that was so anti-climactic dude what that wasn't even worth my time that should do way more damage larion if you're listening which I know you're not please make the statues falling on people do like 40 damage or something that did like eight damage eight damage that should do a million damage legit that should be like a one shot if you can finesse the AI into standing in front of a giant crumbling statue it should one shot them or close Scroll of ravivi that's worth a good amount I love not having to climb ladders dude so good uh yeah we're gonna need to do a long rest we can handle it though it's gonna be a lot of applying passives again no more bloodlusts damn it all right we got one bloodlust on back up for a long rest or the elixir of the Colossus that's two sleeps I got potion of animal speaking stuff still I gotta organize this this is so messy holy [__] oh Inventory management is so rough and then oh wait actually you know I'm Gonna Keep fire arrows so I can light stuff and then okay maybe we get rid of some of these oh I gotta Scroll of eight love AIDS yeah I give my guy AIDS that's always good I think shadowhawk can give me AIDS though at Camp that's fine um there's just too much [__] dude wait I got the featherfall boots now so I don't need the feather fall Scrolls old person is really [__] good and I need to remember that exists because you can get automatic crits all right we're good we're doing the whole necromancy the gay potion boots of speed for the lady West items I gotta remember the lumps wall exists so I'm gonna put that on my bar so I don't forget it all right shadowhunt does have light age yeah good oh [__] okay well what happens if I just close the door and then humanoid uh actually you know what I'm gonna open this I want to Crown a Madness a goblin bam and then I'm gonna close the door run over here turn off the slide and then side all right they're gonna be like oh what and then he's gonna [__] up his friend and he's gonna miss never mind wait they're taking their turn at the same time oh no they're [__] them up oh [__] no no homie get stealth attacked 23 damage all right I'm just gonna wait and see if they oh they're all gonna Dash they're gonna come together and that's gonna let me kill them in a group oh you're only making it worse for yourself how much how about I shoot you directly in your Goblin oh it's a woman I was gonna say in their Goblin Park one down two down I'm like a [__] shop shooter out here I'm like that dude from OverWatch with the guns three down at a single turn goblins are so weak they're so weak but that's fine I'm gonna slap one of these on even though we're not gonna be fighting any aberrations you fight a warlock is bugged with the extra attacks stack yeah everything's stacking is insane if you get a blood loss potion with a fighter warlock mix like my warlock gets like uh because of the pack to the blade second attack in melee I feel like I have like 17 actions it's uh it's nuts noise we do we could do with some more madness spells and [__] though would love to see that you know returning the tides anything that makes the enemies attack each other I would really like ocean of weather Fall is just for me uh uh we need the ability to jump high now I feel like we're good maybe I'll get it as a uh as a bonus action thing [__] are all my arrows on my bar right we're good all right now this is the the worst bit because now we gotta fight [__] everybody um you know what I'm gonna be real I thought more of them were dead I didn't realize there'd be this amount could this be it for Sans undertale absolutely not all right one down when we get an extra action and then I blow lumps wall on [Music] show up my homies it's lump in the boys a weird amalgamation and then we sneak over here go into cunning action hide shoot the ogre in the back for a bit of damage and then shoot him again and then I leave I just leave oh [__] um can I get far away enough far enough away from this guy no he's got two two good movement [__] it let's just get up in there no I think our high AC is Gonna Save Us don't forget to kill lump what why would I want to kill lump I don't need I don't need 17 intellect anyway I have a uh wait what do you got things better 17 intellect or a crown that gives you momentum for three turns at the start of every combat oh [__] well I can't use that Trader anymore not that I could after that oh how did you miss that do we want do we want big brain or do we want it might be good for dice rolls that's true that's true don't smash me don't smash me ow [__] that okay I actually took quite a lot of damage there that's not great it's almost like oh you shouldn't getting melee come over with ogres I love how low they're in is I really want to play an ogre with because of how low their stats are that sounds weird but uh having super super low end makes for more interesting playthroughs it does in D and D anyway having like I played a Minotaur with like two intellect or something and me failing like every intellect roller was really really funny uh these guys are big what can I do here astero here and then I'll stand over on the other side of the ice like here finish off the ogre Maybe good [__] standard the absolute longest point of the ice and then weaken him all right good get them boys get them my big boys two in can't even talk yeah I we really never touched on that at all but I had two ins I think I had two hints unless I'm remembering it wrong but I'm pretty sure it was two ah this was Pathfinder though it wasn't so it wasn't 5e so I don't know if the rules are different [Music] they're not even close to me no why is over attacking I refuse to kill the owl bear it will leave right [__] I shoot it on the [__] Albert thing first dude if that Albert gets killed by the ogre I'm gonna cry that would suck um can I trip him I do [__] I'm gonna do [__] you done goofed [__] we're disadvantaged and it don't even matter man oh I don't want to walk around that man um okay let's just start picking them off and don't kill it don't kill the owl bear I use the horn here as well Alberta is toast unfortunately no don't say that what if I knock it out before they kill him does that just count as dead anyway gonna have to kill lump now I guess I could just start assassinating all of the ogres now right let's do that oops sorry whoops LOL whoops whoops sorry whoops whoops sorry whoop whoops how long you're streaming for oopsie oh hello mystery uh I don't know a while dude hot a hot minute so to speak also that's another thing dude I've been having some um issues getting uh recording footage for the uh beforehandling Barbarian video because not a lot of people are available and it is uh it is rough no I will save you take me not them I've been trying to record footage first for days but uh when I ask there's not enough patrons available because everybody has jobs and lives sucks dude I need no lifers I need people that don't have lives so they can help me record hopping footage it is rough yes go for me go for me no [Music] no all right that one's dead right now I just shoot lump in his big mouth then I shoot lump in his big mouth and then I shoot lump at his big mouth and then I shoot lump in his big mouth so many actions I'm gonna throw his own hornet in to kill him can I do that get him can I can I do that it's not I feel like it's not gonna do any damage foreign cup how do I do that yeah we'll cook the crown too for an action [__] it Dash back into the building oh okay big brain let's try that yeah if anybody's interested in helping me record uh well halfling stuff that would be that would be great I usually try and do it with patrons because it's one of the few benefits of being of supporting me on my patreon is you get access to like the patreon Discord and [__] I never plug it but yeah I need more people to like record it with and stuff like that and so everybody's down you don't have to become a patron or anything I guess that's usually where I announce it it just sounds like I'm plugging never mind link it's I mean the link to my patreon is in my description [__] like that but don't don't support entirely because of that no I'll leave you alone Albert Cub I won't hurt you should probably just not be looting instead there's nothing wrong with plugging my dude I guess I really don't plug a lot too so I guess it's more forgivable there's some YouTube channels that plug like every [__] five minutes and it makes me [__] vomit all right here we go hopefully now I won't be in a fight with him right unless it's just gone now he's there oh I can talk to him yes hungry you're welcome there you're so welcome there buddy maybe yes he runs away only nice all right good we got the homie that works don't forget to smash that like button exactly right hey guys before I show you the content of this video and before you've seen anything or I've been given any content at all remember to [__] like comment and subscribe before you know if you're gonna want to see more of this content [__] [__] I don't never understood that at all or that that [__] um remember to leave a like because it helps out the video tremendously engagement does help but if people like it doesn't do [__] like you need views not likes it doesn't benefit people to like like benefit uh YouTubers to like the video it's wild it works raid Shadow balance dude I had two raid Shadow ads we've all been there we've all been there we need rent I wanted to do this full time we've all stuck our hand in the bucket love okra for saving Albert how could you kill the [__] owl bear if you killed the Albert your Cub you're a monster I've never touched that option ah there we go oh a bag is a bag exactly yeah but also you can have some decency GJ preceding the O bear like after I turn I've turned down about 500 times the amount of sponsorships that I've taken I only take sponsorships for [__] that I like and I got dragged into raid by a friend and then and then I started uh considering doing the ads also I needed rent God damn it so you turned down a thousand sponsorships I've turned oh I turned down a lot dude I get daily emails it's either I also I'm terrified because people keep getting their their uh [__] taken away from them like their Channel they people keep losing their channels because of scam emails about like sponsorship offers and [__] so I'm always terrified that um when you click on like a malicious link and like lose my channel what else is there to just do the goblin Camp raid right or defend the goblin Camp raid do Rose get two bonus sections by default no at level three you can pick a subclass uh which is like a magic Rogue which you get a bunch of spells and can trips uh Thief which gives you an extra bonus section you take less fall damage and uh assassination which gives you more damage against surprised enemies and if uh it's a guaranteed crit if you attack an enemy that's surprised I like um the thief subclass because getting an extra bonus action is so much more useful 99 of the time than than the Assassin bonuses it just you almost it's very rare that you actually have enemies that are surprised all right we've done this dumbled Village done the swamp I think we've done everything legit I think we just need to do a long rest oh all right let's go back to camp oh should we do ball I could do bual before we do the camp what do you think do the camp or do wall do people know what bual is it's the fish people thing the thing with the fish fish guys yeah we'll do fish cab van buwal but then we lose all of our our uh our stuff we'll do that first all right Underdog Beach time to go talk to some dope Fish Man you can do something I'm gonna try and do the dialogue options where you fight the Little Gnome thing but you leave the fish guys alive because you get an option to say like build an army and I'm wondering if you can use them way later on at the climax of the game as like reinforcements oh God do you like fish sticks I love fish sticks I love putting fish sticks in my mouth I'm a massive fan of fish sticks yeah they're pretty good uh go sell brother I mean yeah that's probably a good idea we got a lot of [__] um all right time to do this we gotta succeed these dialogue options I love the delivery on one of his lines to build your temple I want that hat so bad oh I want that puffer fish head so bad also for the plus one hand crossbow oh dope yeah good good uh good looking out oh look at they're so good at dancing too look at your nails though maybe manifest their God I want to play as a fish man 's sacrifice you will be enough look at these dope fish mans God they're so cool I don't call it when the evil race mod comes out which uh which are you gonna play excluding ogres uh kuatoa fish guys uh minotaurs goblins uh and that's pretty much it those are the main ones that I'm excited about um [__] I forget which one you do all right whatever let's just try a new oh see there you go warped headband of intellect all right it's already coming it's already oh [__] it's already becoming helpful okay we this is our last scene supporting inspiration didn't even need a sickle blade it's no religious totem it belongs to a common Red Cap fake I love these fish guys do these change the interaction with the fish guy to neck too probably not because those guys are like Undead infected ones um are you followers aware that you're just a little rabbit fake creature I went over there one we got pretty good uh all right we got lucky oh my God in the Outburst of emotion you feel the Divine he's gonna want me alter then revert to its basic cruel nature I would love if I could get his facial hair and beard you know this is like a couple of options for facial hair and hip I love the delivery on this what what my chosen I want that I need to click out that little bit like thing of him turning to the camera and going what like just using it for everything um I'll just kill you and claim it for myself pen to him there you go so now I all of the the kuatoa are not at war with me but I can kill this guy and I will absolutely deck his [__] all right so potion of speed for the extra bonus action oh no [__] all right shoot him in the mouth whoa not a lot of damage not as much damage as I was hoping shoot him in the mouth and then we just run the [__] away run the [__] away because he doesn't have the movement to catch it so he's gonna Dash he's gonna be like Oh I'm coming to get you uh I can't even reach you and then we shoot him in the mouth that nice we crit shoot him in the mouth shoot up no [__] dude I hate the camera drag so much of course he's not dead a [__] course he's not dead now because of that I hate the Miss clicking man he's gonna Dash he's gonna be like Oh I'm coming to get you ah I'm Gonna Get You So Good you're dead you're doomed even and then I'm gonna pick him up I'm gonna launch him to his [__] Doom that is never not entertaining give me let me load him oh my God the lethargy all right and now we have homie Fish Man look at this dude just laid up can I just hold on oops can I just [__] I need to get a zoom thing sorted how do you even [__] Zoom I still have never figured that out I can't zoom enough I'm trying to zoom in on his nuts stupid obs all right let's talk to The Pool Guys pool drip the zealous the gender we knew in our hearts the God poor was false okay by your true name can we rename your first commandment Sans makupa umpadoc Underdog [__] a better name than mccrumpa for one I kind of want to see what they do when you say that yeah all right spread word of Magnum wait now wait I want to get the option for okay I just wanted to see what he said I'm gonna load it and to pick that Army one just in case that actually has any effect on the game where are the fish people uh when we leave I'll leave through the main entrance so you can see I like how everyone in the underdog gives you names that's true that's true I find it endearing what is to be our first commandment you oh what oh [__] apparently I I saved did that bug out it just did the option after I whatever it's fine whatever [__] I'm gonna pick that up inventory is already too full sacrifice your companions for the buff bruh what what do you mean you can get a buff for sacrificing companions wins curious when can you do that you get a buff that causes more damage to enemies who are bleeding if you sacrifice one of your companions to the wall you can do that that's a kind of very specific buff though you can sacrifice your companions to below and you get advantage on anything bleeding what the [__] Gail is perfect for this but won't that destroy everything oh [__] first error with fiend slaying I gotta collect these These are great arrows for killing specific enemies are so goddamn strong double damage deals double damage to feed so 20 30 damage doubled so you know 40 to 60 damage most likely in all seriousness is there any actual point of helping the fish people what how dare you sir you blast femur you blasphemer against the guy I've already forgotten the name I already forgot the name of whatever my guy's called now what do they call me again something like that that's racist to magloompa what's that what's that Oompa Loompa I would [__] dare you I saw that somebody made a good co-op build one of them uh made uh uh [__] what's he called uh Charlie [__] what's his name God damn it uh somebody made Willy Wonka and then a bunch of other people made halflings that look like Oompa Loompas but then one of them for some reason made the the main character from the book or movie or whatever uh like Charlie um for for whatever [__] reason you uh but like I like the idea of Willy Wonka with three uh Oompa Loompas that's actually pretty dope probably bucket is that his [__] to believe that's his last name Charlie Brown Charlie from Charlie the Chocolate Factory full name Charlie Bucket what Charlie Bucket represents lust what the [__] why is that at the top results of Google oh what the [__] excuse me I'm reading this verbatim Charlie Bucket represents lust he wants the golden ticket more than anything absolutely lusts over it [__] all right Google calm down Jesus that that's a child character I'm pretty sure imagine if Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was just so horny for the golden ticket though that would change the pace of the movie for sure childhood ruined LOL my childhood is ruined by the fact that he's called Charlie Bucket what is that name did they just think like what's the most poor people name I could you could come up with and they were like Charlie Bucket I feel like all the poorest kids I knew growing up had weird last names though Charlie got a got buckets full of Riz ew ew damn dude our jumping is nuts I gotta stop running around and just start jumping so this is where you go by the way so there's some platforms I kind of see [__] dude so you're here here's where I am wait what it's not showing me there we go right so this is the Arcane Tower this is the beach you go up here through here here and you jump down onto this little platform there and that's how you talk to the fish people I don't know if there are any major benefits to talking to the fish people but you know all right now we're doing we gotta buy that second crossbow if it's there I hope it's still there it should be I haven't leveled up so [__] it I just showing the stream what were your final class be Rogue what do you mean Rogue I might dabble in um I might put one level into Ranger though to get that that one d8 you give us oh there it is nice nice nice okay nice cool nice cool oh [__] what [__] I gotta get rid of all this like trash items why can't you like major select for this also why doesn't this default like you go to sell two items it defaults to one why doesn't it default to two and then you can just oh my God whatever [__] it it's nonsensical man it okay show where to get the to the fish people yeah I just did insufficient gold damn that amazes with 206 gold it's pretty cool oh what what okay we can buy some [__] right I already bought the can crossbow swap that out look how dope we look they took out the owl bear egg I kind of want to see what happens if you give that lady that's looking for the egg the Albert egg portion of giant strands true why not [__] it if we're buying stuff might as well buy some potions of speaking and yeah okay by any ears ah kill giant fingers ah I'm just looking at Cloud join once no work things they never have woke fangs and I need them for bloodlust potions uh all right now finally we have the double handies nothing like a good double handy you know especially considering I use my offhand to shoot more than my [__] main hand I really needed this plus one this guy got any more money welcome back you uh no I don't want to talk no I don't want to talk about no get this guy away from me yeah right cool sure [__] it's the lava I'm without the shield uh that's not to worry [Music] oh my gosh [__] I offered her the chance oh my God oh God finally [__] one wrong dialogue option click and then this little tentacle Man shows up Homeland is sick as [__] I know he's cool I know he's cool he's a cool guy I just didn't want to get in the dialogue at all uh oh three 80 that's enough dude oh I wish Traders had more money like I get it but have more money I have more money than you that shouldn't be the case all right all right bye and now wait [__] [__] uh Emerald Grove elephant is also a vendor what no he's not is he actually I don't think he is I think he whacked I think you're cracked out of your mind don't sell [__] I greet you child nah see you don't sell [__] what do you mean is it later if you do his quest he is oh hold on uh I found those mushrooms oh [__] we have Advantage though throw on your will powder resist like a creature all right let's do his quest then nice nice good chicken uh Advantage Advantage advantage Hollow me out baby cold blades uh I felt it grow inside of me all right that's not what I expected to say to this guy potion you're always gonna kill me no we're good so the outcome was not in my cups melon but in truth uh is priceless hey all right he does have a treaty ring of mine shielding Creations Echo oh [__] dude I've never seen this gear I'm not even kidding I've never [__] seen any of this gear before so this is new to me uh if the wielder deals acid fire lightning radio narcotic damage becomes resistance to that type of damage for two turns that's pretty [__] good ish pearlescent restoration you can replenish extended spell Slots of your choice once for long rest that's okay if you want to be like a door can carry that around just for that uh with aware of inflicts condition upon hustle creature they also inflict two tones of reverberation that's really good that's so good for a mage WoW you restore an initial two hit points every time you heal another creature that's a ring slot though that's pretty okay with the word subscribe a shout out of the spell let's get into plus more motive space spell save DC making them more likely to succeed damn dude these are all really good these are all actually really dope how does he have 19 strength because look at my [__] pecs dog look at my my I'm absolutely jacked out of my little gourd what do you mean do you not see this man's 14 pack do you see the absolute hog that he is packing that boat fight is gonna be a nightmare for okoy boat fight Oh you mean the one where you go to Grim for just nah it's gonna be easy you don't even have to do that fight you just pass it a a verbal check and you're good all right I like omellum so I'm gonna give him a free finger God what are these sentences man I was legit gonna give him some free [__] to make him like me you know what I'll do my Scrolls nice we've already got loads of money I don't even I don't even think I'm gonna spend 12K on anything I'm just gonna give him all this Love Me Oh Milam there you go now he likes me attitude 26. if you wish to acquire the ring later oh I didn't buy it [__] oh you just keep recording it at the moment it's company [Music] what shall you offer in exchange [Music] fascinating topic indeed music cool we got a free ring and a potion of stuff and much crap to sell and some some of these things Christmas check never trust a flare what do you mean some of them are nice relaxing your advantage against throws against being Charmed that is not worth it they actually do anything else where do we get our illifid thing right when can I do a lipid I gotta get that cut scene have you already been to the forge we have not been outside of act one that's why I'm trying to try to speedrun that [__] right now all right it is Camping Time for our little man skipping all his way to Sleepytime land yup uh go to bed yep wait there's somebody you can't that wants to talk to you ew I'm not [__] Gail dude I don't want to talk to Gail no thanks feels a nerd I don't need a weapon nice you feel an unfamiliar weight amongst your belongings huh oh curious multi-sided artifact ancient looking wait so that just appears in your inventory metal exterior openings you can see uh put it away then we do a snooze a little snooze Swede oh um wait do I not have any Revival Scrolls did I give them all to omelum [__] [__] uh uh can I revive her with Withers it's because of that binding thing that I did don't worry about it um I'd like to call it one of my photos this is the price I require anything no I'm good bye she's still dead as [__] this this [__] just scammed me what are you talking about inventory nah what am I gonna go to that thing leave camp in return oh oh all right well I may as well just use your level up things to get more benefits let him let him land let him land all right all right we'll let him cook he will be cooking all right no cure wounds protection from Poison sure we get fit that one on protection from energy uh cured curse anime dead daylight now that's bad for sneaking uh Beacon of Hope allies regain nah what else can I get passively nothing right uh warding bond which is kind of a bad idea but it gives us an extra plus one Alma class as long as we just keep Reviving this lady she gives us AIDS we've got protection from Poison uh Shield of Faith which doesn't really work uh we'll get whole person in case we want to hug I'll just give her daylight anyway [__] it reverify I would take River fight if she could revive herself then we get I don't know some free [__] we haven't re respect her you can have Gail be awarding Bond bot because he heals himself at Camp so as long as you don't exceed Gail's Health he should never uh he should never die really he heals at camp all right well hold on so long Strider uh [__] what else uh which are the ones we can do I Aid all right give me age [Music] Swede and then can we just pull can we speak with animals on me nah objection for poison yep nice oh [__] we don't need warding Bond yeah we do [__] damn it I want that resistance damn it [__] all right we need a spell slot bag how do we get a level two spill slot back [__] all right let's just I I have a better idea hold on oh I don't care it's just something I have to live with uh yeah go to Camp uh yeah I'm sure bye all right so we get to keep longstrider we get to keep we see invisibility now we got AIDS we got protection from Poison uh we've got levia toys whatever the [__] uh we can talk to animals and read minds we have bloodlust I don't need Elixir Hill giant sir I just realized I have that [__] club I don't need this anymore although if I get a better melee weapon it gives me something else cool I can use that maybe and we're good we're stacked any more passives we'll put your furnace back to where we were at I want to go let's uh hold on let's read spec gay eel hi Gail go ahead I'm listening yep okay join me all right now run over here respect yourself hurry up fancy man uh yeah help me change my class and then all right what's the good build for this Wizards are fine but they don't really get many ritual spells so clerics get a lot of ritual spells but then she's also a cleric so maybe that's not a good idea what could we do for Buffs paladins we make him a paladin can trips none of these are good for oh light could be good maybe nah none of these are for long rest [__] it uh false life key you can only do on yourself none of these are good droids get long Strider and some other good Buffs yeah but we've already got long Shredder on the cleric Drew to cleric are pretty similar in terms of Buffs oh Wizards get long straighter and also a stone they can give they gives bonuses long Shredder rules I have long Shredder shadowhot already gave me a long Strider and AIDS is there any can Gail give me anything how do we get warding bond is it just like a paladin thing at a high level right in large enlarges it's for 10 turns it's Clary campali [__] it I'll just make him a cleric it doesn't matter and then we'll go life because you get more Buffs and healing sh*ts or maybe knowledge knowledge what do you get for knowledge oh you pick a oh this is neat lekki lathander Talos timura tiamata grimsh dude you can make a knowledge you can make a Grumps knowledge [__] hot Fork that'd be dope flight all right we'll go live live oh I can still pick a deity oh is that new oh is this new now is this a new cleric thing I've never seen this before oh it's because shadowhawk doesn't get to pick her God right okay because she's automatically um I forget which one mistra mystra I want to say it's mistra it's not mystra [__] which one is it glitter gold Char yeah that's it it's not here though right all right whatever which one gives us a good bonus do we get any actual bonuses from any of these it's sharp but you can't pick it which uh which should I pick for for this guy then for Buffs no bonuses just dialogue it's just dialogue ah it doesn't matter then we'll go with [__] Gall glitter gold because that sounds funny and then wisdom none of this [__] matters and it was just level his [__] up [Music] nope I'm just gonna go all these Buffs also there's no reason to create water all right that's fine next next by level five we should be able to get there it is warding Bond uh warning bonds issue for poison enhance ability oh also this spiritual weapons [__] dope uh I've been using on the cler it's a it only costs a bonus action and a level uh two spell slot really good especially because a lot of level two spells for Clarice are kind of stinky [__] I don't even halberd other weapons for the reach yeah I just go by weapon type like you could summon in a hammer if they're weak to bludgeoning [__] like that uh pretty flame I guess this doesn't really matter I just want those level three spells feats ritual Caster maybe and then we can get like see none of these bad we've already got all of this [__] you know the other one has long Strider and then speak with animals but that doesn't matter because you can only cast that on yourself Constitution for HP I'm Not Really Gonna Be oh I'm a good idea damn yeah I see what you mean I could I could just make it like a pocket dimension for healing I'll get tough then [__] it yeah good idea uh still just level two spells that's fine all right and then I can where am I at where's me there I am B and then ordering Bond guessing doesn't great now okay no additional benefits bam and then I will give myself Aid at level three to give it more health and then invoke a healing energy to the restores your allies can I do any of these that like what about that buff that heals you when you're almost dead can I get it for this guy lasts ten turns I didn't tell myself what if I uh hold on I can't cast it and then get him out of the party can I talk to him if he does that what happens if I make him go asleep and then I can I oh I can't talk to him okay damn it [__] all right how can I help uh romantic Camp I question the wisdom of that yep all right now we got warning Bond we got a gale to take all of our damage for us so he's got 50 HP and you should be able to heal himself when he's a camp and then we've got all of these Bots from shadowhawk the last two yeah I did Blood oh bless now bless only lasts for ten turns no it lasts but you have to have concentration that's it it's all rest but you get it it requires concentration for a goblin get up here shut up is everyone with your [__] fold the ass dramatic face we need to talk okay why is he mad oh because I I [__] uh tortured that dude for information maybe probably wait I have an idea I want to do something here I have a fiendish and dastardly dastardly plan did you ever do a long rest yeah of course I did that's why I had to reset all the Buffs and stuff then we're going to go to the chest I'm gonna get out a bunch of barrels probably just wine barrels I guess as well just because they weigh a lot to spread the stuff around and then go back out I'm sorry but why does this character look like that what the [__] is that supposed to mean dude how dare you acting like this man isn't the most handsome little guy ever you're out of your mind then we'll leave them there all right cool are we helping the devil spawn yes you say that in the most derogatory way I've ever heard we helped helping out these filthy devil spawn Sans underdark is a nice guy oh [__] wait there's more up here let's move these down please I want to get below before before what afraid you might actually have to fight no no Asher up already oh it's that lady who's paralyzed do they fight well they don't have skill but their numbers and luck matter more yeah I hope I'm just roasting them quietly can I still jump good no I'm pretty good wait I never damn it dude um [__] [__] it I'll use one since we just have it save time can we put one like and then one uh actually you know what I'm gonna put one here and then move the oil barrels oh [__] is maybe they'll connect now I'm gonna pull one up here maybe that's where mythara goes climb Sands nice all right can we just jump up like without me having a climb oh my God I could have done that the whole time how many times did I go up that [__] ladder God's above you're alive a little light just as the day seems darkest I've given you up for dead at the goblin camp yes we've seen the messing in the woods um uh uh the Goblins are coming to the library house I didn't think well we threw them back once if you're with us perhaps we can do it again um with you you must understand I'm with them we need to thin the goblin numbers quickly of which every ounce of oil that we could spare has been buried out in front of we'll blow the horn to draw them in and pray our fire arrows strike true uh all right cool make one let's do that that sounds fun I feel like this is all gonna get triggered though early so maybe we wait for them to move in for a turn and then we blow it up right wait did you say to blow the hormone already [__] it let's [__] do it baby let me play as an ogre let me place an ogre please it would be dope like in the base game though look at my little guy I'd be so intimidated this is it everything turns on this all right isn't that a goblin bow you can't hit menthora with that weak [__] all right we need to open that gate sorry McDonald's what was that gang sign [__] what's you doing like a a [__] mic drop with your hands I'm not even in combat dude that's great oh [__] oh big spider big spider big spider big spider um invasive I'm having some invasive thoughts guys I'm having a certain ways um it would be good but also bad nope they're not at war with me it's fine foreign if we can get that other spider because apparently they can get up they can get up here without having a [__] oh but that it there's a lot of them there though okay yes or no I mean I I feel like this would be the best bit okay boys can we [__] go nice I think a good amount of them died ogres like weakened only a couple left what happens if they all come in though if we like waited a turn nice oh there's about sappers left oh that can't be good dope is she standing right in front of the barrel dude it was meant to be oh there's still a barrel that I'm oh transport Barrel you dinguses you ain't gonna do [__] you can't get up here oh [__] hell that was a high hit and a crit they're just a 25 damage that little Goblin oh my god dude is everyone gonna die he's got 16 HP oh does everyone might die is it oh [__] we gotta save zebler like now um oh [__] um what if I throw this like here all right huge huge that's good let me just [__] the spider up spider dead and then that gives us another action and then we can throw another greater potion at zevi bam all right nice do they actually weapons if they blow up the thing what happens if they actually reach it oh man I wanted to see him get blown up dude sand floors in the worst position ever this guy needs to move should I get off the Gatehouse Maybe we just gotta kill that booyag no no dude they're dumb they're standing around and [__] uh can I hit this damn it all right let's see what I'm Gonna Miss This step here like this and then I'm gonna run around with a dash to like here then damn it [__] I wasted that explosive barrel and everything I throw Maybe what's my throat is this why is my throw distance longer than my [__] what can I okay what happens if I throw a fire arrow no I can't throw it apparently he just goes to shoot it strength is opaque right yeah true true fair enough you can outrange it no a chemical fire I no I sold them all [__] damn it well you lose some you lose some I'm just gonna shoot this guy I guess oh [Applause] [Music] you can blow up holy [__] damn did you go in oh Ben Thor's coming in oh never mind if that [__] Zephyr [__] dies after all of the healing that I've done for him you're not Ray of sickness that man oh oh my God he's gonna die oh oh no oh no oh my God he's getting so lucky oh damn dude [__] overthrow pee [Applause] I think he died dude he's so close 6 hp holy [__] can we actually get over there and save him I'm gonna have to miss you step back all right dash to as far as I can go and then Misty step to like here and then throw and then a big ass healing potion on savvy keeping you alive dip [__] maybe don't die this time I wish you wouldn't stand on that goddamn ledge oh I platonically love you oh thanks man I'm gonna take that as you like the content [__] he's [__] there's no way he's absolutely [__] dead foreign I [__] tried I tried keeping him alive I tried keeping him alive guys I what more can I do I like I babysat him so hard all right I guess just how many of them are alive all right one down maybe it would have been a better idea to just be killing them instead of trying to heal him because then they can't damage him more another one down double boss Goblin boss nice we're so [__] you could have saved him how [__] how your survival instincts yeah I guess please agrees with the Sonic Force if it reaches it oh like I could have done that on him 18 meter range Infuse a creature with Sonic force it reaches zero hit points it heals instead of falling unconscious yeah that might have probably maybe been a good idea maybe a little bit kinda why is everyone so attached to zevolor anyway is he like a beloved character I mean like he's he's fine he's more popular than I thought though apparently he has an arc [__] he was a hell Rider he's a really cool guy all right all right he's always dead in my camp in my late game campaigns I kept him alive in my warlock campaign though so I'll see I'll eventually run across him later on dude we're Sans Underdog is a [__] G soloing an entire Goblin horde by his little self oh homies in my main campaign please um well first of all you shouldn't have come up here Target can't be restrained [__] why because of bless or a protection Ellen is in Saving throws uh creatures movement speed and why what why can't I push him can I shoot them out of them off the cliff nice damn it dude can't be restrained is that a bug it's the item she has uh I don't know about that I don't know about that Elixir bloodlust item Arrow Thunder focused stride when you catch the spell that require that requires concentration you gain movement from one turn while you were concentrating you can't get knocked prone or be moved against your will [__] oh I'm gonna hold her then damn it dude she's too good at this but what if I hold you again damn it this lady's good this lady's real good 20 chance if only I wasn't completely immune to damage somewhere far away in another land Gail is in a lot of pain right now uh is it one off yet oh damn it what if I just okay I'll knock out a concentration then oh my god get hit concentration saving throw successful God damn it all right I'm gonna bunker with my stick all right what if I do this vow of enmity oh [__] ow what the [__] benthara the [__] is valve enemy this one's like an STD where the [__] where is that I don't have it anymore Focus um all right you wanna play games then lady huh [Music] oh Bonk your brains out bam stop saving with your [__] concentration [__] throws die damn it [__] do not Soul Remy again okay here normal hits are nothing conditions to expand the middle guard oh oh it's like a hidden thing [__] well she didn't crit this time no no no no no I missed my turn because of my face potion [__] I haven't been Thora God her not maybe not being able to push her is really bad smoke I said Advantage Attack rules against the affected entity so they so they just crit there wasn't any like crit thing they just happened to crit what about if I go invisible what will you do then lady oh my God no come on um now what are you gonna do [__] don't detect invisible don't you dare detect invisible your day is unnumbered yes but you have no idea where I am don't you dare detect invisible don't you dare use detect that's what I'm talking about you stupid [__] [Music] I hate this game I hate this game stealth has bit me in the ass [__] God [__] damn it God damn it she still can't be restrained [__] those boots how are you still concentrating I'm gonna knock her out of concentration I'm gonna knock her out of concentration oh my gosh she's back in full health dude I [__] this so hard oh my God the concentration get [__] get out of here why is she so good at concentrating ow [__] stop ow I hate this lady no you stupid ogre [__] you're gonna make me dislike ogres oh my God what do I even all right I'm doing another potion of speed to get double actions can I push her yet I hate these boots dude get out stop concentrating stop it I'm just gonna beat her to death you're doomed now lady [Music] I might take these boots of striding that's pretty good that's pretty good for melee actually it's pretty good for melee I'm reasonably sure she has advantage on concentration yeah probably I'm gonna maybe put on her her funky outfit and maybe her funny shoes they just look like fancier shoes than mine so I'm gonna try those on all right now we just got to finish off this all grayer uh Dome shot for big damage and then we I'm gonna blow the kind of build a horn again can I blow the haunt to get Advantage could I have done that the whole time [Music] damn it did they wait did they all die ashoreck is dead zevolor's dead I don't see any of the other ones did they just all die did I blow them up and [__] all right let's just down this guy let's get him out of here you're too big that's your problem you can't climb ladders and [__] he's just gonna stand there angrily skip your turn oh please tell me I can do this please tell me I can do this no no that you're having to throw but I'm so strong all right whatever nice all right now I can loot him at least well Debbie's dead rip zebby all for maclumpa damn right mcclumpo is the only Survivor God damn minthara is way better in at like way stronger if she actually gets into melee I feel like I'm the probably the worst thing she could have been fighting or the best thing she could have been fighting I mean like the worst thing for me I'm gonna do a short rest for once all right wait consume consume can I actually do that hold on refuse it as you desire say your dream visitor will inform you when it's time what happened by now I tried to consume shoe what happens if I uh what does this look like oh wait no I have my my cute little my cute little jacket oh it wasn't me reported a theft in this area what it seems yours it wasn't me it was them they looted him when they killed him it wasn't me I'm just minding my own business this has nothing to do with me exactly right see what are you [__] stupid I would have thrown off the cliff damn it all right boots of striding while you were concerning you can't get enough prone to be moving as you will plus one Athletics when you catch the spell yeah so I'm not going to be casting spells um Hell Riders Pride when you heal another not gonna be healing anybody the mace is kind of useless for us spider silk armor though 12th Armor class plus one bonus to advantage of constitution saving throws and gain a plus one bonus of strength through stealth checks so that'll put us up to 13 stealth right or is that a an advantage thing I think it's better than the two less bludgeoning what do you guys think one extra AC or uh plus one bonuses spell to stealth checks best boots for any Caster yeah for casters baby and also people that can wear medium armor stealth AC stealth we've already got lots of stealth though I guess yeah maybe this maybe the AC that's what I was thinking like AC is good especially for solo because it's always going to be us that's getting attacked I might change out the shoes though all right yeah we're gonna upgrade the kicks fancier shoes I feel like this outfit will make us look like a super villain but if I get some dye some nice pink dye or something maybe we can dye it that'd be nice is everybody gonna be like super sad because the devil is dead when I heard they had a drow no she's just me I didn't do that I didn't mean to me to [__] click that what the [__] yup I'm glad are any of these traders who the [__] is the traitor Carissa I tell you to stay safe she's not a traitor Lying Game that lies also I [__] this I should have got the idol of Sylvanas for Maul always a deal to be done [Music] can I sell God damn it oh wait try not to die uh combine what does this look like oh it's just black with a gold trim nah I like the little McDonald's jacket that ain't too dope would drip it greetings from Brazil hello I wish I spoke Portuguese I would say hello in Portuguese whatever that is wait that means I can make another blood loss Elixir knife I got two go we're so we're so lusting wait is that little guy dead what happened to the little guy doesn't he sell to you hold on where are the Traders is this dude here as well I mean he's here what happens to the little guy did I kill him by accident or something oh wait might as well steal this [__] foreign area huh you saved us I wasn't sure we'd make it through I wish I had better but this is rotate you can get them to organize his inventory and put all his magical items to the Top If you go to the trade window and then back to the bottom window I don't know why their inventory is so messed up sometimes but you can just fix it anyway [__] damn that's worth a lot it's spider [__] I always forget nice chick chick funny money money money I don't think this guy sells anything that we want maybe purple dye a nice healthy purple could be good for our outfit make time what if purple this oh it's a little better I guess it just kind of looks Brown I still I'm keeping the McDonald's jacket dude this is like an iconic feature of the boy we're not Sans Underdog without our absolutely spicy jacket anyway Act 2 is a Colin let's [__] Boogie all right we've done this talk to Sarris oh they replace it with saris okay who the [__] is Cirrus it's never a little dies what happens if if zebra dies it goes to Ceres what happens if saris dies do you just not talk to anybody act one is jover I think you need to kill Colac to get nope still rape here what are you guys talking about Cirrus I don't remember Sarah's he will reward you for your efforts nice oh yeah I can talk to wrath and get the [__] hellberg and [__] let's have his black bones I'm too late you know oh where's zebler oh um rotting with the rest of the corpses I expect oh my God that's Savage tell me it's that law she didn't even care if I find a clear path to this city you keep everyone alive long enough to use it that was the plan no bloody heroics but I guess heroics were necessary to survive all this who are you um okay I caught you live my boy how many hours are you up to in bg3 I am up to 400 like 450. 430 450. um no mentioned in his last message I found a path to the city and with those Goblin dead there'll never be a better time to get on it does this woman look like slightly weird to anyone else I don't know if it's like the fact that her eyebrows are a different color to her hair and [__] I don't know should you be heading west because this new all right people will join your camp tonight A Farewell if you'll have us yeah though you kind of assumed there a little bit uh I don't have time to celebrate just yet what are we doing anyway all right we've done that [__] do we just push that it'll make me do another long rest though I don't really want to do another long rest maybe we just go to the Grim Forest right until we make the coin for up all right well I'm gonna go do the hold on I'm gonna swap to these feather boots what if I put my boots in that's what I did on my other guy I could have swap back and forth that way bam feather full swap back to better boots all right where the [__] is rapid he doesn't say I get a reward what's with that how are you gonna fight Grim uh easily it's a big baby big stupid baby robot that's easy to kill you've done it no I cannot thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you give me the Rune of the wolf let's go Speed Run Speed Run speed run all right Baker into the hammer no I was gonna kill him with this uh with this club that does I was gonna kill him for 40 minutes with this club wait what the [__] oh have you seen the Albert one shot Grim yeah it's because of this blunt damage it's pretty dope so why does touching it give me a knot in my stomach stomach so much free loot three potions of animal speaking damn we got too many potions of animal speaking now I don't think I need to talk to this amount of animals hatch what the [__] when healing another the where against one to six head points that's actually not bad no I feel like our healer is good by the way has anyone actually tried to make a Healer like a dedicated healer with all the healing items and [__] like that is it actually good because I feel like it would be too dependent on spell slots you know if you could have a healing dramatically as a dentist in the UK I think you make good money as a dentist anywhere man life cleric is baller my shadow heart is that I feel like if you just bankrolled everything into like a healing cleric EPS is better than healing yeah exactly if you kill stuff fast enough it can't damage you and then you don't need healing that's kind of my my whole way of going about it Channel Divinity life clerk yeah this one's dope I don't care where do you get the thing for the Rune from you just talk to uh the the the rage guy ref the drew the black guy the Druid guy and I'll go I grabbed the my floor specimen on the table I'm pretty sure I already have I'll check though I always steal it oh I didn't steal it what the [__] ER damn I always steal that [__] all right we need to do another long rest sometime soon it feels a little early to go to the long rest because I just did one but maybe I just do it now get it out of the way I feel like purple dies kind of mid I want that bright [__] that wacky [__] luminescent pink gear oh talk to Sarah's kilnery all right maybe we'll do one long rest and then go to okay here's the big thing we go to mountains or do we go to groom Forge mountains or grimforge what is next for Sans underdark I'm gonna put it up to a vote actually mountains or Grim Forge I prefer doing grimfort second because Grim then you get um morning Lords the morning Lord buff if you go to the mountains first you can do get the morning Lords Radiance buff and it's so you can do 1d4 extra radiant damage to everything in the Grim Force Grim Forge Wagram Forge first for a lot of you guys what's your reasoning I do mountain first because then you get morning logs Radiance Buffs so then you just have like a 1d4 damage to everything all the time if you're Buffs W Zone more cooler yeah but we'll do both I'm gonna do both regardless maybe we could use the uh the purple Barrel that we get from the Grim Force to blow up the get the Yankee crash like herd them all together into a big group and then blow them up all right Grim Forge it is time for Grim Forge right after we do a rest I guess [__] it we can get more Buffs it resets everything we there's nothing we can't get back so [__] it oh [__] wait no I need to talk to that stupid lady clear the this place they should add a teleporter into the middle of the uh the camp Mountains will move the timeline broom Forge knot are you sure it's still worth getting the buff in my opinion thanks for the donut by the way I don't know Ordo knows [__] wait she's over here okay yes mountains warned you I guess so good to go yes I am why the [__] does Lazelle want to talk why do I feel like this is going to be what is she wearing I've seen the kithraki Terrace yet they couldn't okay for us both you've turned your back on me so often oh ew wait did she try to lay my little guy what is she seriously this easy cheese Hot for killers hey yo what I'm not even gonna talk to her you nasty as hell lady I'm pretty sure we're bald down there anyway right no we're not oh God never mind I thought I made him like Smooth down there like a Kendall oh man okay don't jump forward and suffer it's fun star struggle coin moments that was a frame of gnome Wang okay there's there ain't ain't no [__] way what are you sneaking around for gorilla Gods what's that smell ew she just like disappeared who the [__] was that lady called gorilla and then she vanishes into a cloud of thoughts the [__] was that once you go gnome what you going home you're gonna need a wheelchair shadowhots got blood all around her wait how's Gale faring you lose much health no he's still got warding Bond all right Gail is like an infinite source of warding bomb that's crazy Raphael's warlock I know who she is I know who gorilla is thank you all right let's go for a nap come on do the cutscene I trust you enjoyed your evening oh my god when do I get this [__] cutscene it was well it may be some time before you report the journey what a big man cool big man very cool very cool very cool very cool very cool very cool put some [__] clothes on why is she not wearing clothes what the [__] what's with everybody just being naked all the time what happens if I just long rest again all right now we're doing another long rest what's that pig doing I'm doing another long rest we might as well we don't have any of our Buffs anyway [__] it I guess that doesn't count oh why am I so tired it's why am I this sleepy what is this cutscene it's heavy drips down your voice is it the milk that I drank um press your fingers to your mouth what Oh I thought he meant like fingers milk of your lips wetness sweat blood and saliva mixed did I get poisons guess liquid hey what the [__] through you tendril squirming and I can first you your mind's intertwine sense a touch hey what the [__] lizelle foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] what was that cut it just cut to a standing awkwardly next to each other um you look so unusual I expect I am your first oh she didn't hate that I put that large fleshy nose of yours looks like a mistake hey what [__] you you know what they say about little guys with big noses okay yes no matter I do not intend to stay is she out of the camp she's yellow now so she's not an ally so I I mean I don't there's no talking your way what Nelson okay in my defense she attacked me she attacked me what the [__] that's not fair that's not fair at all what happens if I just go invisible and wait it out I don't care what is going on bro I don't know there we go hey how did that work this individual doesn't seem particularly fun all right Elsa this individual doesn't think very highly of you your offer appears to be of interest good one [__] pay this dick you can have an antidote and uh 69 bucks um there's no way oh my God nailed it oh my God I had it so close too no this isn't even worth the joke now there you go um all right bye I'm just gonna loot lizelle real quick well that was the buggiest uh end game I've ever [__] seen 480 might be a little Overkill how do you split these right are you serious what that okay God damn I hate the [__] system with the food there just should just be a campus supplies chest like why there needs to be a camp supplies chest I think they goof they [__] biffed it with that [__] you know it's bugged I can't even interact with it it's just totally bugged ain't no way all right there we go God am I gonna get the cutscene release oh here we go who did I make as my guy again oh is it a dwarf lady I don't remember oh the hands are like red I came just in time you are transforming oh my God I forgot what I did I forgot what I did with him oh no [Laughter] I forgot [Laughter] oh [__] oh I'm just gonna pretend like that's supposed to be Mario and not someone else it's not Russ Swanson it's not who it's supposed to be you're not gonna guess who it was supposed to be who in the hell's are you you're salvation oh Dr Phil no can can really nobody guess who that's supposed to be supposed to be Charlie Chaplin there you go yeah that's Charlie Chaplin we're gonna end it ended on that I have to save you again Dude Looks like everybody's uncle you will not become oh you're so gross not what I'm I [__] love the neck goiter that he has I'm gonna take his hand let's make out let's make out dude we haven't much time so listen closely there is great potential within you it comes from that parasite your instinct is to resist the double neck is great nurture it I will keep it from consuming you but for the sake of both I love that this character is obviously supposed to be either like a big hot handsome dude or a big like hot handsome lady and that's what most people do they're like they think it's gonna be like your wife or whatever or your husband whatever like they like without knowing the story like uh potential of them or whatever so people either make them really stupid or make them I think they're supposed to be hot though because that's why they went with the the voice and the lady voice so most people have done that I've seen why is your guardian stalling the enemy is closing in he's not Stalin The elusive Choice lemel yeah this game has a surprising amount of Illusion of choice which which is unfortunate all right can I eat the [__] tadpole now please can I my God consume this one is a true Soul yummy yummy yum yum yummers do you mind get in my brain nice six olympic tadpoles all right so first of all we're taking uh favorite beginnings and then look at the four realms we've got elephant persuasion which is good wait what does that do you can use your connection to parasites if okay uh and then Force tunnel so I can unlock this place and call the weak call the week is what I want call the week is [__] amazing we're on a solo play through look so check this out when you bring a creature down to hip to fewer hit points than your number of of all the other powers it dies in all nearby creature stake one to four psychic damage so if I kill something that has less HP than either four or five six seven eight eight if it if they have eight HP or less it's nuts this is crazy Opie on my wall log it's god tier and then if you just keep getting stuff like Sonic backlash and you keep picking [__] up eventually anything that you kill below like 30 HP just [__] everything up around them it's so good hey D4 yeah okay what you know what I mean yeah call the week is amazing I was sleeping on it on my earlier playthrough because we were sharing out um like I should I tried to share them out amongst my companions instead of just giving them all the my one guy what a mistake I should have been way more uh selfish buff time all right get in the potty for like two minutes Shadow heart okay I need to use you you're bad enough having just one of those tadpoles forced upon us all right is she complaining because I just put like 18 tadpoles in my brain I just like the idea of this dude showing up in my dreams said yo you can consume these things put them in your brain right and then I'm like all right cool and then they just catch me in the morning just stuffing like seven of them in my brains okay there we go so uh uh reporting bonds the plow I think that's it I think it's only oh protection from Poison [__] it and then Aid might as well [__] it about the same stuff um I think that's it I'm just gonna have him pain dad for fun oh wait then I can't tell him to leave never mind all right Gail you made yourself quite useful I get the [__] out of here what's on your mind again I'll be yep bye and then we get Shadow heart longstrider [__] I should have done that oh wait no it's fine don't need protection don't need warding Bond if only you could stack multiple casts of wateringmon pass Without a Trace requires concentration uh I think Shield of faith it gets rid of Shield of Faith can't use daylight I think that's it all right something the matter get the [__] out of here fine I am sure and now we pop back to animals read minds bloodlust and I think that's it right I don't think we get any more passives we're back to full strength baby wait free damage reduction from Gail warding Bond and not taking damage yeah so we just basically have infinite resistances now because he'll just keep healing himself when he's at Camp apparently so as long as nothing hits him for 53 damage in a single hit then we're gonna take off damage from everything I think which is uh pretty nuts pretty pretty [__] insane all right it is grim Forge time I think that's everything I don't think there's anything we've forgotten to do I can't think of anything I kind of want to do that boat fight all at once how close are we to leveling still 2 000 experience God damn dude 's murky Waters all right Sans on the dock goes to the Grim Forge that okay what you gonna make at the forge um Shield Maybe a shield uh but probably not because it has to be out it has to be in your hand you to benefit from the uh clap back mechanic that you do when you're holding it and I still don't get plus one to saving throws uh from the other Shield like I won't get that anymore I so I don't know man I might make the the medium armor because I I Technic I have uh splint male not snow spoon's heavy uh I'll I might make the the medium armor immunity to crits uh take two less damage all that crap or one less damage I think I think it's slightly worse that animation with a jump is pretty dope slide out here like this all right should I push him into the water or do we try and dialogue shover talk if we talk I can talk to this guy later on and he becomes a traitor if I push him I don't actually think we can loot him so also I kind of want to see what happens if you push him and fail but I don't think we're gonna fail [Laughter] [Laughter] that was so much more funny than I thought it was gonna be [Laughter] come on path is interrupted yeah go on [__] it no damn it that sucks they have blind assignment full boat they do another one of those and then I can hit him with the double gold off you go [__] that's why we need the ledging Mechanics for this and then we maybe try and [__] I don't know dude there's no real way to avoid the fight here maybe a potion of invisibility I'm more afraid of the the this dude I think again why do I keep talking go as far away as possible actually not near the ledge that's probably a bad idea don't you dare shoot me [__] my AC is too good I just love how that guy stood there staring at me and I gently put my hands on his chest and just shoved him off the phone Oh that's oh that's right okay oh I do not want to knock the chest off the cliff though there we go and come on concentrated blast wait can I do that oh that sucked I might as well just shot him horse tunnel I feel like is bad and it costs an action so I'm good also did that guy go invisible I don't see the other one get bopped nice get our piercing shut off because we've got a long rest and I missed and I wasted my piercing shot nice unless it doesn't consume it bruh all right we're immune what was the point of being invisible so I could not see you throw a [__] bomb was that the plan the [__] was that I bet you suck my arrow of Darkness actually that's a bad idea um can I just [__] goober on them like I have good strength can I just [__] I mean these guys are clowns and now I'm right up in this guy's mouth push all objects away from you oh close am I missing out on any loot by not looting these guys by the way or not what's in here in trend tangent Warhammer you knock nearby foes prone after killing a hostile Target or Landing a critical hit that's [__] good what the [__] that's pretty dope uh only the first guy you pushed eh all right let's see what this guy does okay I don't think they've landed a hit okay there we go oh oh okay I got just I got my all right goodbye nice well the craft is ready to sail we did it return to the cave chart no I'm continuing across the lake I've never done this before so I'm actually curious to see what they're gonna say when I show up in uh on some dude's raft and everybody else is dead women are ready Lass companies calling oh hello I'm smaller than you but we're the same color so you can trust me failing to Grim forward short ass what got any reason I shouldn't sever your head oh they don't like oh they don't like deep gnomes um should we just kill him they just call me [__] short this will not stand what do you guys think kill or masquerade save the little gnomes all right let's let's see what happens we'll see about it why did that lion get me I'll be you're one of them Cults freaks felt the tingle in that case let's talk business your twat's old friend there caused a Rockford trapped tighter than a horn it's ass you know what all of these um remind me of people that oh like went their entire life without swearing and then they moved out or they locked they're like parents house or some [__] make a donation and then started to swear but don't know how to do it so they should say [__] like [__] and uh [__] soul and stuff like that like it just doesn't make any sense and just sounds terrible I'll take your head before you take my gold unclog your hole just like that sitting around just [__] around what does that means how you say that man you see I'm just [__] around which makes you know equally as little since but still [__] so goes hard though I guess if to me it seems like people that don't know how to swear also apparently they're fine with their deep gnome racism they're just they're not gonna they're not gonna do [__] so that's fine we're off to see the wizard oh God damn that camera bug is or to Titan publicly displayed spare theirs I speak true Brothers we need no robots are you convince these guys to like attack their own dudes he keeps us small Earth oh [__] oh [__] I didn't know they did this oh my God you heard her all right I did not know that happened I they always like agree and leave that's that's funny the girl spider was the liar damn hey stick [__] another [__] I just realized his name's stick fit I never noticed that that's up to it that's right to the Shadows that guy's getting [__] we got enough gold it's getting bullish and owns a true Soul well she 'll she yeah [__] look at that sassy little stance hands on hips little smile um how dare you to say my people they deserve dignity not servitude uh that doesn't sound like a cool guy move um Ward Magmar um you disgust me [__] I'll kick out my face order a brew watch it work no complain but I love it I'm telling you you're quite the blowhard I can appreciate that and then appreciate half you sh*ts I have to give you hey coming right up piss pop stick [__] dogs like smug and he wrecked that shroom Village and then shagged it here's to smug don't talk to me dude hey what what myself we're literally the same I heard the piss pop yup so like I said pass out hey my name is Sans Underdog I'm not really a true Soul you're a true Soul all right you look it you smell it how are you smelling me oh I won't say it again piss the drug off oh my God I'm a [__] like give this guy a lashing piss off yourself kill it you guys are mean dude what do you guys think I'll prepare to strike no doubt gives you pause attack The Gnome and his owners are sure to defend him his owners you can't own people what is this USA so whoops sorry guys persuasion all right [__] it we're the same race that means we're Allied because fantasy because fantasy rules hold on you aren't just talking [__] oh yeah Adventure now why in the hottest helles would a true Soul be helping me oh fine let's say I believe you you want to kill these peckers um that felt like pointless dialogue I just realize I'm taking no damage and every time I do Gail is just in extreme pain I don't know why I really enjoy this setup also I'm taking less damage because of my my Thief skill I think oh yeah hidden explosives oh the [__] was that nice nice nice take some smoke powder satchels you can use the smoke powder sessions to blow open the uh place where an area is by the way and for some reason I didn't think of doing that I'm assuming everybody just does that anyway and I am late to the party right there where's your pickaxe gnome three no you're hey what oh nice you can lie get on with it then and keep quiet all right that one it just blinked that gnome just blinked that gnome just blinked run the run run that [__] back it's blinking its eyes are moving he's alive what I just always did you see that yes it did it just blinked I saw its eyes move no I'm not I saw its eyes move it did blink thank you oh dude killing it quit sniffing around nerves that motherf*cker's eyes open that was [__] creepy no I'll call you blinked nah nah his eyes moved man anyone in around here and you're not gonna make me you're not gonna Gaslight me I saw his eyes moved he did blink it says he's dead though so guess he's dead pretty good ring is it though I feel like the rings that give you stuff per short or long rest are kind of mid yeah like I can go invisible cool but once per long rest and for 99 of that time I'm not taking advantage of the ring if it did something like makes you invisible if you get critical hit it or or [__] you can turn invisible if you end your turn in darkness in like Shadow or something like that like something good and passive I feel like once per long rest you know that's super Limited in how many times I can use that I don't take long rest very often if you're like in a mage group and you're long resting constantly then sure be Dirk for invisible what you could always take it off when you don't need it yeah I guess I mean it's essentially just like the same as having like an invisibility scroll though but it's like a reusable invisibility Scroll once for long rest you know what yeah you know what that's actually a decent idea I'll keep that on my bar like here and then I can just you know it reminds me that it's there I guess and I can use it if I need it also Force tunnel is more useful than I thought it would be I think I'm too rich to be looting I silver stuff now that might be worth a look thanks baby did wegar get infinite invisibility what dwygar do not get these wait did we get unlimited invisibility Is that real I know that they can make themselves huge I really want to make it a a the next guy that I make is probably going to be a dwigar like in one of my next campaigns I kind of want to make a joy guard Druid I've haven't I've never had a high level druid blue goblin is a sub subclass once for combat you can go invisible once per battle as a dweger that's insane casual you're never gonna gonna use it I know I'm never I'm gonna remember that I have that [__] invisibility thing oh wait this is where the blob spawn ready to revisibility do the same thing random visibility is good though you can like interact with [__] while invisible it doesn't knock you out of invisibility I don't know if it's like a check based thing but that's that's still good no what ice Arrow [__] it I'm just gonna let him discover me oh what are they weak against or resistant I guess slashing and Lighting I'm kind of disappointed not more enemies aren't weak to specific elements you know damn it um here nice hopefully they won't be able to shoot me there's something weird about a blob being able to Dash you know hmm yeah they're not weak to anything so I I'm just gonna stop bopping them foreign we get so many shots though actually looks so insanely strong and then I could just leave like bye and then they have to dash again never mind [__] ow can you dash you're gonna shoot me too [__] God I thought I could cheese him damn what is the build yeah I will reveal the build actually [__] it so much right so it's dual uh plus one hand crossbows an offhand Club of Hill giant strength and a shield for because we're just using the crossbows so this gives us plus two armor class and uh plus one all saving throws the club gives us 19 strength which obviously gives us 19 Shred uh we've got you know plus two acid ring we're five little uh four levels in a row one level in The Fighter for uh weapon proficiencies and also offhand uh dual weapon proficiencies but I might change that because I took uh [__] where is it wait did I respect out of two-handed weapon I think I did yeah I think I respect into archery yeah I did so plus two to range weapon attacks instead of the two-handed weapon thing because they both do full damage with hand crossbows so you don't need it but uh it gives us the ability to use medium armor and stuff which is great and then I don't know guidance pending right now some random ass gear the Gear's not important but we've got the intelligence Crown so we're 19 18 16 17 and then 10 and 13. and then just double bonus actions bloodlust for the extra main action and then just stupidly strong I don't call it the helmet you got in the underdog is free invisibility and when whenever you want no it's not it's [__] short rest you mean the the shroud of Messer whatever the [__] the one that you get in the um it's once per short rest so like you can use it twice and then you got a long rest basically these fights are legit trivial at this point we have 58 healing potions like the I don't like this build is actually so [__] strong I really think there's very few fights that I could get into that I wouldn't win maybe I'm overestimating the build but I don't think we really struggle except maybe with mintara that was kind of a pain in the ass but it was more annoying than difficult you know easy game I mean it's a j it's a crpg you know like it's not a crpg what is it that's Chinese RPG it's a [__] I can't remember what people keep calling it like a top-down tactical RPG whatever the [__] what do people keep on this game people keep saying it's their first something's RPG dtrpg new Grim buff post patch one wait what do you mean Grim got buffed computer RPG oh so it so maybe it was crpg I was thinking I was thinking of um what's the Korean like Korean and Chinese RPGs there's like a name for that Chinese RPG chinese-made rocket Propel grenade Gail is probably dead he's not dead he heals actually I'm gonna go check on him I'm pretty sure he's fine Spades oh [__] you could hear his voice when you go to your camp yeah Gail's fine he's got full health he's got AIDS Arcane hunger and Welding Bond [__] do I need to feed him another item I could give him the sh*tty wapia's crown how many of these you gotta give him before that [__] becomes a problem it's worsening again yeah okay you can have to consume some powerful magic [__] where is it what what am I using the guidance pendant I think I am [__] this little [__] I got equipped of the situation it's incredibly World shatteringly important you give me a suitable artifact all right all right dick God God I'm gonna be mean to him now eat [__] Gail Gail's fine all right also how are we gonna handle this because so here's the Tactical dilemma this is filami she's uh she has this which is a rune powder Barrel which is a 5 to 120 damage 10 d8 plus 40 damage automatically Critical Hits objects in environments explosive Barrel for people that haven't come into this now there's a lot of tactical options that you can do and [Laughter] was that worth the joke [Laughter] I have a better idea I have a better idea you did I did one shot I did you know technically I could actually probably just [__] one shot is that worth it hold on what if I just stealth and then you blow up [Applause] yeah she blows up a little bit oh whoops that could have gone better I didn't I didn't like holy [__] we really have to get Yankee crush with that right could you just sneak steel the barrel I'll do you one better you can't sneak steal the barrel because it automatically uh puts you into combat but now what I swear to iron hand one more step and a blow us to chunks okay [Laughter] his eyes turning to the [__] thing buggery all you moved them damn right I did drug me to moonrise I'll make you cult not to suffer cult matter sounds like you just you're trying to say [__] but you you went PG you cut you cult okay I'm reading it to nothing love the Love at First Fireball how do we do this I could just say like she looks so sad should we just kill her and then I think she has another vial too she has like a vial of explosive powder which is why she explodes when you kill her should we leave her alive what do you guys think save or not all right I'm gonna put up to a poll actually because I don't know I'm on the fence she's badass let her live romancer she is the same height as me she is precious you guys are too wholesome in the chat man it's weird seeing people that are like nice she was ready to go out in a blaze of glory yeah I guess that is pretty brave no all right she is the same race I don't know why I keep saying that apparently Sans is racist you'll be a psychopath okay all right shut up you this is the same [__] stream chat that voted to goddamn launch uh barcus off of the [__] windmill so uh you got the Rune powder so now you cut and run look you have no idea what you're dealing with any true iron hand would trade their life for a great it's the whole damn reason over here we've heard the same ones I bet well it's real a vials all I got left and I'm not partying with it for nothing um look all right we're Freedom Fighters we need this powder to prove a point to people who really need a point all right proven to them I go where the [__] sister I'm getting gone wait pickpocket the thing offer get it get it no no [__] [__] [__] [__] [__] I biffed it [__] damn it oh I better just [__] locked pictures she was leaving whatever I'll love quicker later if she shows up damn it I I [__] panicked and hit the wrong button [__] oh a glyph of warding okay I do actually love glyphs glyphs is glyphs are such a good spell dude don't sleep on glyphs people they're absolutely amazing like that that is such a good mid-level spell for baiting people and I am a master of baiting I have talented hands that are made for baiting I'm a masturbator luck picking her bra I see dude all right you're the psychopath that ain't me as I have explained Sans Underdog is abstinent and wants to become a wizard at 30. he defends his virginity valiantly how long did you wait to make that pawn I've already forgotten what I said literally I've already forgotten what I just said my brain is like mush also this is a kind of a cool spell Scroll of Edward's black tentacles the problem is if you shrimp save you don't say cough damage you just don't take any damage it counts as difficult terrain that's kind of like the only good thing I think it counts as difficult Terrain yeah it's okay actually [__] it maybe we'll use it I don't know pushing Ray nah we just shoot stuff Erica you said you lock picture oh oh I see black tentacles are awesome yeah but there's better AOE spells like area of effect like spells like there's Frost wall flame wall one that you get as a warlock is [__] awesome it counts as a Cloud area and difficult terrain so it it counts as Darkness it counts as difficult terrain it counts it does uh poison damage when you start in it and a frost damage when you start in it and poison damage when you end in it uh and it's like like it's so good dude it's such a good spell hunger of Hadar that's it it's amazing dude it's such a good warlock spell I'm using it at like a in in mid like mid game still you know I have access to like um wall of flame and I'm still using uh their arms of hate ours ability It's So Dope Cloud kill is good as well Cloud kill is also dope a lot of area of effect like damage spells are amazing in this game Catalan George to a weary Mason Arrow of exploding Fireball fly Stone skin stinking stinky Revenge creatures from taking actions that could be good scroll magical weapon I'm actually gonna get that uh let's show the Colossus yeah [__] it fire arrow why not bam and then we should be able to freeze oh [__] I did not mean to mock that as an item to sell whoops whoopsie we are definitely keeping that I could have sold that that would have been a massive l that would have been dumb so I'm gonna might as well put this on while I can now we got something to concentrate on until long rest or until we break concentration we just have that extra plus one damage a chance to hit please a quick look if you don't mind um it takes half damage requires concentration will you take half the image I feel like my concentration would just be broken goodbye back I could just pickpocket it off him but my odds of pickpocketing it are probably pretty dark [__] nope all right all right oh wait I want to do his dialogue thing a quick look if it's suspiciously you're welcome but these learn it up take a look all right tell me what you've seen what do you actually be [__] what do you get for this I should add in my the bonus thing anything standing uh how long is the stream been going uh I started at five uh four hours God damn dude stupid gaming stupid fun stupid Chad being entertaining sorry that was mean foreign and I I just I questioned the use of that dialogue okay will you play Starfield uh I'm not really a big sci-fi guy I'm gonna be real with you if the game is good so I'm not a huge sci-fi guy but I love Bethesda games and it's one of those games that I might play months down the line after it's been patched to [__] and inevitably it's a [__] Bethesda game so it's gonna take them a couple more months to fix it like that's just how it goes like they've never released an amazing like a game that runs perfectly out of the gate like remember Fallout 4 on release like you know Sky I don't remember Skyrim being too bad but uh yeah [__] Fallout 4 was was rough release they don't fix it motors do yeah there's gonna be good mods exactly exactly that's what I mean so why not play it in like a couple of months when it's got amazing mods and also you know runs great that's probably when I'll pick it up and it'll be it'll be a lot cheaper so win win win win also pre-ordering games is stupid just don't do that even if you want a game super bad pre-ordering is almost never a good idea no matter what it is Skyrim books can be hilarious though true true true I I don't mind bugs if a game's buggy and it's funny buggy I like that like if it like like in Boulder Skate 3 when when bugs happen they're funny you know what I mean it makes for good stream content but when a game runs like crap because it's super unoptimized that's not fun for a stream that's bad for stream waited seven years to buy Fallout 4 LOL I mean you got a much better game like probably with Game of the Year Edition with a [__] ton of DLC and there's a ton of guides and information about on the game it's kind of the best time to play it to be honest you know like if same with Boulder's Gate 3 technically this game is a masterpiece right now but if you wait a year from now like when the complete edition releases with all the of the potentially finished endings any patches and changes that layering have added in you're gonna get a better experience for your first time playthrough so it's better to just not play something on release technically it's better to play games like a year after it's been released that's just how the games industry is hanging on by an ass whisker think about how good this game like Boulders Gate 3 is going to be in like a year from now though it's already like a [__] Masterpiece how is this game gonna be in a year from now if they release Like A Game of the Year Edition you know or like uh with all of the you know additional stuff that Lariat is gonna release for free because they're [__] awesome you know uh do your own Dirty Work good job I'm thrashing harder something Boots the dumb sh*ts so stop your join and get to working um us oh you're a fight oh what I have to fight the [__] roof guys that sucks can I ledge these two that would be funny what about what if I what if I if I have to fight them then I may as well just try and Legend now okay knock this one off baby damn it [__] all right Sprint get out of this guy's attack range get over to here give them a shove oh come on whatever fight amongst yourselves talk to the cows for funnies I probably should have don't you dare oh they get so many attacks now God they're right on the edge of the cliff don't you dare or Gail oh man I feel like this thing's about to get balanced it's the stratosphere oh God um oh oh come on [__] yeah wait no no come on nothing like Legend nothing funnier okay don't it's this thing's just gonna attack me all right I love animals but I'm sorry no oh well rip and now we just gotta get this guy off all right I'm gonna bait him why do I feel like he's gonna launch me off the cliff though [__] it no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no if this guy pushes me off oh oh no oh no oh come on what this deep Roth's in the way can I what if I double push there we go bye what a way to go and now I will make friends with this animal um [__] how do we make friends with this animal if I help him um um no maybe we could uh run away good idea how are we gonna open this up a cave in though don't hit me oh um I've got to be 27 meters away all right you see Gage Dash and then there we go oh my God it's parkouring able to get near me I have an idea I have an idea right dash go around the corner oh what around the corner eyed I should have hidden before I went here maybe he won't know snort hello front grunt come on dude snorts I'm trying here bud grunt grunts all right okay all right whatever uh we're almost far enough away [__] I literally don't think I can get far enough away in this direction oh my God are you serious wait nailed it nailed it nailed it then we just go straight back out hey I know you should still be over here right nope nippity new he is gone well I didn't kill it that's something all right how do we get in here I might have to use one of these smoke powder satchels because I can't do any of the [__] wait piercing resistant but not immune that means it's gonna take half damage though and I don't think I can do more than 10 well more than live so no nothing I'm gonna have to blow it up back wait is there a torch around oh nice [__] do I really have to use two of these wait I can just throw it hold on uh oh God the inventory management yeah really really now oh now there's not even any fire damn it we gotta run back run back okay close but not too close there we go nice we're doing it oh four go oh I want to show the devil foil Max looks like on my little guy Okay so it's so one of the hottests I've left was uh I was playing a lizard man Rogue on an earlier playthrough and I put on the devil foil mask onto a lizard man expecting it to like you know be weird on his shaped head right he just wears it on the end of his mouth like on the end of his snout so it looks like he's got a really long extended head neck that ends in like a little face on the end of his mouth and I laughed so [__] hard dude I was like in tears with laughter it was so [__] stupid what there we go also these have a hidden thing if more than one of your guys wears a devil foil mask uh you get minus one wisdom and intellect for every person around you wearing a devil foil mask but you get plus one strength for everybody around you wearing a devil foil mask so if you have a party of four and you all wear one you get a plus one to strength each so you can get like an extra plus three to strength but but you lose three wisdom and three intellect I think maybe also three charisma so it doesn't tell you that they do that but they do and it's pretty dope I think they should make it a little bit more beneficial time for a full Bob potty see that's what I was thinking like if I get the um the full halflings here we can all put on the little tinfoil baby masks and uh get like a bunch of extra strength I remember this bit you ain't getting me foreign use that for your hufflinks yeah that's the idea I just need to get there or we need to get there that's that that's what I was talking about earlier though is uh it's difficult to get enough people on actively enough to record footage for four halflings everybody's always busy and they have their own lives and [__] and I need people that don't have lives that uh that are free to record anytime I need some no lifers or some people that don't have jobs or something unfortunately patrons are usually people that do have jobs that have lives and [__] hence why they're able to support content creators so it's kind of like a double-edged sword trying to do stuff with patrons can you make each of those four halflings different sizes using potion Scrolls eggs I think it would be hilarious yeah we're gonna get four Scrolls have been lodged at some point hopefully and then all casts the uh thing to make us really tiny yeah all really big four potions of the Colossus is also in the constitute so we can be big hofflings I'm I'm unemployed lamel unless you can take like you can count being a YouTuber is a real job right that's the wildest take that I've seen people uh people have when they're like you're a YouTuber you've never had a real job it's like bruh I worked for [__] like 12 years working sh*tty jobs like I was a chef for eight years from when I was like 15 years old that [__] sucked ass I've worked in the service industry for years and years like like most YouTubers or a lot of YouTubers are people that have grinded hard as [__] working real jobs to be able to afford to do it full time it's crazy like I've worked so hard to be to become a [__] through YouTube full-time it took so much work I gotta make each offering a different size a small one a normal one a big one and a giant one I kind of do wish there was more options for body sizes though like I like to be a shoulder halfling or a slightly taller halfling so they're not all identically the same size you know like humans tieflings and elves all have a bigger body option hopefully Larry and add in like three variants for each Race So then certain characters uh can be bigger you know what I mean like also it'll let you make your character slightly more unique what was that watch word not that it like changes their size but if it's like short you know like just so you can be shorter or taller and [__] like that I'm on my sixth play now this time full solo Arc throw assassins with cheese yeah dude the [__] throwing builds are insane there's so many any items you can get to increase your throne damage seems appropriate yeah that that too let give me a fat body slider or something so I can make my guy either skinny like I want to make a gethianki that isn't like a string bean you know maybe that's just their biology and they're all supposed to be that skinny but like I would really like it if I could make my make like a big fat like a big tall fat hoffling or a tiny little bat hoffling or you know a giant fat half walk or you know whatever like just give me that option that'd be awesome all variants one for each member yeah except for cutscenes I imagine I mean kinda it's just like a slider thing you know what I mean like there are fat characters in the game like Balthazar so I'm pretty sure he's a bespoke model though like he's a unique looking dude I don't even know what racy is he's just like some fat Undead guy all right I'm gonna use that glyph I think I remember there's some stuff in here uh I failed my [__] self trick weak all right Glyph of scroll of glyph uh uh Thunder I want to see all these guys are weak to thunder is there one I can get just three of them that wasn't as strong as I thought it was gonna be bam it's pretty cool Miss what's happening this doesn't happen to Sans Underdog unique Sumo Orchestra animation I don't mean like morbidly obese I just mean I mean like if they gave you that option that would be cool it would just be nice to be able to you know further detail your character and make them more unique gith look like Runners what are you talking about gits look like malnourished [__] skeleton people they look like malnourished alien skeleton people like that's the biggest thing that stopped me playing against Yankee is like I can handle the goofiness I just can't handle how skinny they are it makes them look so shrimpy and weak and pathetic I just cannot take them seriously I know that they're super strong but I cannot take geethanky seriously no matter what I just they just look so silly you know is it just me get their astral beings right but they're astral beings dude they look like [__] little green bean stick man why they gotta be like that I've seen artwork of gift Yankee where they look dope but they went and made them look like they were assembled on somebody's plate out of green beans [Music] American warrior I kind of like maragon I kind of wish you could summon merrigan like if there was a you know pack to the chain uh let you summon uh like it's like a pact right like packed with demons or whatever the [__] why are Soaker oh [__] she was an additional wonderful piece now it's a burning targets so like I was always on the fence about this unless you have a one unless you have another way of making people on fire is that worth it because you're missing out on a plus one right you're you're losing a plus one to attack rolls and to your damage but you're gaining a 1D forward against burning targets but how often are people burning not that often I would have to use fire arrows all the time right it's inferior I I'm Gonna Keep it though because I'm pretty sure you get a hand crossbow later on that lets you uh that that lights people on fire burning is so rare yeah there's another crossbow the handcrowser that sets people on fire yeah that's what I'm talking about wall of fire dope dope dope oh [__] what up koi fish Michael Jackson noises they do look like I've seen somebody made a really [__] funny Michael Jackson uh get the Yankee and it's eerily similar in a really offensive way poor Michael how many devil foil masks am I up to there's three is there no more than three that seems kind of underwhelming American's leader can you find American leader around here what's the lore on this guys do you actually know like where did this maragon come from also uh that's something I was gonna say uh [__] you know pact of the um packed to the chain pack to the chain right now lets you get a uh for a warlock lets you get a an imp or a closet and that's it and then when you get to level five they get an extra attack and that's it I think at like level eight or nine or some [__] you should get a better PEX to the chain warlock summon right like a maragon or some other kind of demon or some [__] the temple for mac 2. oh that's the only time you can get more and [__] are that's the leader they're so far away though are you sure that they're involved I don't know that seems like they're too far away to be involved it's even worse on tabletop oh damn really that's I mean that's why I always go back to the blade back to the blade is [__] dope you just get very proficient in melee and as long as you have a good amount of decks or like your multi-class here you can basically get an easy hex plate out of a walk like my wall looks a [__] God way like way too strong oh [__] me did I just consume a potion of speed [__] what a waste wait the [__] there's no little parasite in that corpse uh [Music] uh uh um what he said because you waited too much I went back to Camp to check on Gail for 1 8 of a [__] second and he died before we what the [__] I have not rested twice I went to camp and then left you can't even go to camp what the [__] that's [__] dumb as [__] the head breaks off cleanly from the drop I mean do we just go with it then it catches your eye a thick layer of dust coats okay fine well that sucks this is Pixie Dust used to illuminate a lamp apparently you can find a pixie in this game like later on no spoilers but apparently that's the thing and I never did it because I went with the evil route the fire I don't think I can I literally I don't even think you get the oh okay this is actually a okay this might be worth swapping right I can't be in webbed and Tangled in snared can't slip on Grease or ice and I get Misty stat this is an obvious switch right to lose lightning stacks for dashing I always forget that I have The Dashing ability anyway this feels like an obvious change they are so good it's so Opie they're like the best boots in the game I feel like what's your accent um from um South Africa we'll go with that I'm from uh I I was born in Uganda and then I moved to uh South Africa finger guns oh Sonic backlash [__] it more stuff please Rhodesia [__] is that all right Quest stuff's done we just got to get more molds damn dude that sucks though a little bit massively that he's dead oh another double format so you can get four of them in this location cool is that it then [__] man I really should have rested I mean I didn't even rest I didn't even short rest I haven't done a short rest or a long rest I went to camp for like one second that's really dumb it should only they should change that so it only happens if you sleep because that is [__] crazy I think you should be allowed one short rest and if you do two short rests it advances time and he dies and it triggers it or if you long rest but if you go to camp that shouldn't trigger that's wild you save the explosives at least yeah I mean I got the barrel at least and and I guess I saved the explosives I use them to blow open the other door though I didn't save them it didn't affect anything down the line this happened to you yeah I mean I guess it would have been nice to be able to save the Gnomes though you know my the Gennady goblins I don't quite it's because you ran from the goat it counts as hiding until things calmed down oh wait so when I fled from combat it did it God damn it [__] I wondered why everybody why everybody disappeared oh that sucks dude like that no that makes a lot of sense what a stupid reason then you missed a bunch of XP that's dude that's such a good point I'm 540 from from leveling up too oh is that a with a Reload or is that too much to reload back from what do you guys think is that worth reloading back to Swift to like fix or should we just like [__] it because that's a lot of a lot of stuff we just missed out on potentially I'll put it onto a vote I'm totally fine to continue I don't give a [__] it just means that we can get to later parts of the game faster and I can go and do the Grim the we'll go fight grim and [__] but yeah I'll see what you guys think if you think it's worth reloading then we could it's just I've done a lot of stuff since then so I'd have to do the whole maragon fight again I have to go to that room I have to reloot everything I feel like I should just roll with it personally but I'll see what you guys think yes to reloading or no to reloading wow everyone says reload yeah that's surprising I expect everyone to be like nah [__] it whatever we'll just continue I'll still get enough XP to level up bear in mind guys all I gotta do is do a couple of fights I really can't be bothered reloading I don't know why I put this up to a vote I don't wanna at all I really don't I'll still get enough XP to level up and I'm just gonna roll with it like [__] it uh oh I almost did it almost [__] it up I might use Everett's black tentacles for this I can't use them on anything past this point because it's flying so it's all it's like uh oh God oh God oh my God 50 50. yo I'm gonna end on 50 50 and then I'll make the executive decision oh God what what excuse me 50 49. excuse me what um YouTube I don't that I excuse me something might be a little bit scuffed there I'll be the one percent then I'll vote no so it's 50 50 and then we'll just perpetually not loading but loading at the same time nailed it here difficult terrain is so good for range builds though and we're strong God's eye was strong then see this is what I mean you never deal the damage the black tentacles never seem to deal damage because oh could you uh can I can I get larion to get rid of that [__] that [__] that drags your camera back to your character every time you take an ability like I don't want my camera to then pan back to my dude every time I do a major attack like every time I use an action you know don't you dare lick me I ain't into that I know that it's panning to my character every time it's his turn or every time I take a major action it's super annoying it's it is literally I know okay right the difference is though it it look wait Dynamic combat camera so this is it it pans to people when it's their turn and I like that I just don't like that it pans back to your character every time you do an attack in the same turn but you can't disable that it's not an option it's either get rid of all of the camera panning or only get rid of camera panning for you know there's no middle ground I I it's it's all or none I really like to not drag my camera around because that's [__] me up more than more than a few times [__] is this thing trapped I'm just gonna shoot it can I damage it oh bludgeoning only if I I feel like if I smack it it's gonna deal damage to me though ah one damage nice well that's better than trying to lock back in and taking a bunch of Thunder damage what do you actually get from this oh [__] I could use the boots of speed now I guess but I don't need them uh gloves that give me plus one to Alma class and botic inspiration I feel like they're okay but really good for a ball and no one else maybe a mage I think I've used them on Mages plus one hand X I keep thinking oh I'll just save some stuff and then give it to a companion I'm like no companions this is a solo run I could really do with a place to sell right now wait if this is technically in the same Zone can I teleport to the mic I did Camp because it doesn't matter if I pass time now anyway I could just go to the mic in a camp right sell and then come back yeah I'll do that how close would be leveling 323 uh five XP yeah we're definitely gonna hit the six still act one uh I know what I have a good idea I'm gonna get the teleporter in this next bit and then I'll uh I'll go to sell damn dude I was looking forward to this narrow fight this is a fun fight especially if you work with the uh the dwaygar really good fight ERM ERM [__] a dude I can almost make that wow damn it dude I don't have to go all the way all the way around could I just jump in it I have big strength God athlete is so hilarious look at my [__] jumping ability I don't have jump like the jump ability on that guy just has absolute hops I feel like I met a man of this size if he tried to do a jump like I am doing his legs would break also I don't think it's worth me carrying a bunch of these I'm not gonna make the splint mold this heavy armor although it's worth a lot of money so maybe I could just make myself a set hmm long story I'm not gonna make Scimitar I'm not gonna make it I didn't wear the boots this fight almost turned into a kill box for me the first time that's fine almost Central kill boxy why would happen like everybody just declared like [__] went to fight you I think if you don't work with those guys in the background they don't join your side so it's what's the what's the 10 minute Speed Run just long jumps yeah I know like glitching through the wall and [__] somebody's complete the game in like five minutes didn't they like way faster than that make a shield on a weapon I don't need a weapon I'm gonna be wielding the the club of Hill giant strength I'm gonna make myself some medium armor to replace the padded armor uh because I'll still get uh benefits from decks uh and this one should bring my AC up way higher if I get the the 19 you see stuff or at least it'll be the same and I'll get like the inability to be critical hit [__] so I'll wear the we gotta find the chain what's it called not the chainmail mode whatever it is scale mold I think oh [__] yeah it's way faster to jump around I really got to get into that habit May small don't need that all right yeah so I got the teleporter and I can go to the mic in The Colony so and then teleported back immediately and I'll call the enemies and narrows surrounded my potty in the middle and I was being bullied by range units yeah a lot of fights turn into kill boxes though if you get the absolute worst outcome I always position my Nudes on cliffs and stuff oh my God I didn't mean to do that what what are the odds pretty high welcome back have you made any new discoveries I discover that you're a [__] I'm sorry blurred I didn't mean that actually I really like blurb he's pretty cool can I just I didn't think so oh [__] it I think I have too many healing potions at this point I don't think it's worth buying anymore I'm gonna set fire still gonna can because they got that other crossbow ever which is unlikely sheesh dude I wish why can't you shift select like this stuff it bothers me so bad I shouldn't have to click this much this is so time consuming I kind of wish um Traders just had like thousands of gold you're gonna find a way to sell your [__] anyway it's not like I never understood that in games like they they give them a limited amount of gold like to make it so you have to pass time in order to sell like maybe it's just a bit less gamey it's more gamey to have them have unlimited gold but like it's like in Skyrim like why not just give the the Traders and [__] like 900 9999 gold because you're just gonna wait you're just gonna press t wait two days and then sell again so why not just skip that step give people a pass unlimited theft oh I guess yeah that's true that's true I don't want all my [__] to sell oh my god it feels so good when you get rid of like a full inventory of crap alternative [__] Dome piece while I'm here why not might as well still doing stuff PT oh [__] what do I tell this lady oh I'm coming along um I get an option I just can't even tell her finish imagine me just starts kissing it so that's like tonguing the [__] out of the skull so it's making out with it hardcore that's awesome can I just say this is the most dick tease reward I've ever seen from this from like killing nere isn't exactly like an easy thing you know like if you look at it from from like kind of a story perspective this is unacceptably bad so you get the invoice amulet for killing Nera a true Soul a guy with like almost 100 HP all this like mind stuff whatever surrounded by all this powerful [__] and you get a plus two to persuasion checks for ten turns once per long rest that is a dog [__] it is [__] terrible especially because previously like prior like if this was just you get this you put this on and you just get plus two to persuasion checks that would be pretty bad but okay this is terrible it should be permanent exactly it should be permanent it should just be [__] not 10 turns just like even if it gave you the ability to use voice in the circle yeah I don't know who the [__] Pro like programmed that one in but that's a massive L Larry and that that is like nobody should be using that or or is it is terrible the true war was the friends you made along the way who then got caught it off with the drag out exactly what friends I literally the only thing I got from from going there so far was i j nothing I don't think I've got anything from going there yet I mean I'm about to maybe get some new armor that's about it all right wait but that's my best in slot necklace what for the for the like speed running the worst build in all of Ballers gate three what do you mean it's a terrible necklace where's the splint mold oh there's the scale mold I mean oh you big douches death shot nice their surprise that's good for me so I can run up here I'll grab that on the way past do I really don't have enough movement to get there now what the [__] what that did not cost me an action to do that damn it dude damn it I don't have the exploding thing [__] it one down what [__] come on hey get my melee weapon out stand near him other surprise I forgot damn it this one's ranged yeah damn a 64 chance the hit is pretty low nice that's that um call the weak ability right there nice God we're just so disgustingly strong I'm not even worried just shoot me like shoot at me you're gonna miss oh [__] oh no he hit me and I took one damage oh wait you just use Dash this is nothing hey Undead guy you're stupid holy [__] 61 damage wow whoa okay holy [__] yo that was a lot of damage wait I want to see what this looks like funny mask funny masks time it kind of looks sort of cool actually I don't know why it looks cool on it but it does I always I hate it when they put masks into these games though and they float off of the face you know sort of kind of ruins it a little bit kind of a lot that just me oh we leveled up dope all right what route is Sans under dock gonna go down lunch time for the elemental lunchtime for the elemental oh yeah the little guy down at the bottom of the thing thanks for the donut my dude I didn't even think about that I see him down there moving around become a Druid now why oh first sheleighly Maybe I don't use melee weapons like I'm basically entirely uh ranged for the 19 inch strength so we have like wild jumping distance with our athlete perk and stuff no let me get like get mad hops mad hops for days did you switch this technician already if not you should maybe do so why because it's because we're so unbelievably strong and hot and sexy and powerful and hot sounds like you're molding dude what do you mean you can't get mad because we're winning or we asked me to put it up because we're winning that just means it's going well actually do people think we should put the difficulty up or do you think it like it's get we're getting too strong and difficulties should go up or it's fine what do you guys think tactician for act two uh I feel like act two is a lot more difficult than act one why do we kind of look almost cool the cape's kind of gay okay Kip's kind of gets kind of kind of can't uh I don't know stinky wrong color recolor the cape I don't like capes we don't even wear a cape we have a little McDonald's vest remember oh [__] Are we literally about to become immortal hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on if we have uncanny Dodge use your lightning quick reflexes to protect yourself when an attack hits you you only take half the usual damage right so now we take half damage combine that with the resistances you get do we take half of half damage [Music] so we take so does that mean we're just going to take zero damage from everything or or just continue to take like one damage even if it gets to like 14 damage foreign [Music] like how strong is that gonna make us okay I want to test this because this gives us resistance to fire right so we have oh no not what I meant to do zero damage I'm gonna test okay this should do 10 damage right nine damage one damage it should do wait [__] wait this should do 15 damage damage let's check on Gail he keeps healing him so this build is actually broken he just heals himself do you see that we caught him healing himself so every time he's back at camp and he takes damage it doesn't even matter so we just take half damage forever now and we take and so that plus uncanny Dodge is uh insane that's just insane where is that actually where is on Candy Dodge level Gale up oh good idea yeah that's Big Brand also I'll do the same thing with shadowhawk because [__] it all the Zales dead if a [__] companion dies at camp they're dead ass body he's just getting back up [Laughter] all of the dead bodies [__] and move it to camp and dump their dead body back down in a new area at a new camp [Music] yeah all right subclass feature healing others heals you as well oh it's just the same [__] but he gets more health 61. we're just raising the cap on this shut up so look yeah so lazelle's Camp didn't get moved but her dead ass body is she wasn't here before okay can't you raise them at Withers yeah I don't need her alive though she attacked me in the night so I killed her actually she attacked me in the night I confronted her about it and then we just stared each at each other awkwardly for a bit and that was kind of it and then I killed her and then Halston got mad and now I think Carlson wait did Halston leave or is he still here did Halsey Luna pleaving no he's still here Nelson likes me again okay good also we might as well level up shadowhawk [__] it something the matter a little bit of extra HP and all of the same [__] will you be trying a true solo run where you don't use the party member buff glitches I've tried and it's definitely hard will you be trying a solar room where you don't use the party member of glitches I've tried uh yeah I I mean I only the I was doing a solo run originally without these these passes but I was like why the [__] not it's just it's just free bonuses that you're not using you know what I mean it's kind of what I'm doing with Shadow hot on my warlock as well I've taken it with me most of the time because I'm trying to progress her like um her story and [__] like that to see what her whole background is and [__] but uh most of this I am uh something I'm running solo I'm trying to all right time to fight grim thank you for the donut by the way Warren much appreciated all the donuts and stuff by the way guys always appreciate it keeps me going like bonding you know what I mean all right better watch my step do I have the range to shoot him at this distance knit nip definitely not ah F all right whatever where's the elemental you like around here oh there it is man that thing's hard to see will you forge the Elementor and scale mail since you're a multi-class fighter oh God yeah exactly that's exactly what I'm doing and then also I might make the shield I got the shield to splint and the scale I don't know why I've got the splint I can't even yeah so I got the scale and the shield so I'm gonna make a scale and shield and see if that's uh decent oh [__] I didn't go and fight the [__] little red guys again [__] idiot oh it just keeps healing because it's starting its turn in the thing so it's just perpetually immortal what is happening is it ever gonna answer combat with me or am I just gonna keep passing Six stealth checks I understand man alive I cannot be seen just I have an enigma I don't even exist stealth is the only option I'm literally there it is holy [__] holy [__] dude I was genuinely starting to think it was bugged it was going on for that long give me the [__] out of here all right let me just wait for him to get out of the lava I think you passed with a two-third there yeah I mean actually you know we just gotta wait can I do a high [__] I use the glyph up I was gonna save that glyph and use it here to put out a frost trap this thing so this guy heals infinitely it regained 20 to 120 hit points when it's starting your turn in love so getting him away from the lava you just is a must can I kill this guy how the [__] am I gonna do 90 damage at a single turn I'm gonna have to use Frost arrows like [__] non-stop this guy takes double damage from frost right yeah oh he's resistance to piercing okay this is [__] oh no what happens if I jump over here what does he do Arrow of the ill Mater at okoy oh big brain I can't I don't have any of those but that's a good idea is this guy fiend or Elemental okay well he's in lava so if I crossed Arrow yeah okay that did nothing that did like absolutely [__] nothing and now I'm gonna he's gonna take half damage from all my shots and then he's just gonna perpetually heal right yeah 64. what the [__] how do I even kill him is this even doable can I actually kill him I can't push it it weighs [__] 600 kilograms I don't actually know how to kill it spells to stop healing push com push is too heavy volleyball them off don't have any void bulbs I I might have to leave and get an arrow of the old Mater I don't think we have anything like on me right now I don't think I have anything that can we still curse yeah no I I think it's water can trip I'm a [__] Rogue what do you mean water can trip use the forge I it's it won't it's not even it can't even get to me look oh [__] no see it's just gonna look at me angrily watch It's Just Gonna Keep creating lava and looking at me really mad I I legit don't even know huh smash him Barrel him I mean I I could just leave and get out of combat but it's just gonna keep getting real real mad goodbye weird fight doesn't matter if this passes time I guess this time is it gonna go back to its yeah it even okay whatever I want to try something here I want to see if these fire guys can even do any damage to me so I'm just going to keep ending my turn and just seeing if they can do enough damage to me the critical Miss surprise for a turn even if they hit me they're gonna do what like one to two damage one one Miss do I have any aoes I could use here I need some more Frost stuff man really bad maybe I should be buying more Frost arrows and [__] could I just in theory just keep bonking them now have enough hit points so call the week is just gonna completely obliterate these guys strong I'm barely even taking damage so call the week no on [__] who has low enough Health eight I have at least eight no how many elephant powers do I have let's see three four five six seven eight I'm eight maybe it counts as seven because the the original one doesn't count I guess this is so unbelievably cracked bruh this is like what is all these turns oh my God and I just let him hear me maybe going max range and stealthing just to break Elemental AI it doesn't even matter no I would need to stop it from healing I I would have to leave get some arrows of the Omega rare Frost could work wait what about if wait what if I use this with a 2d6 cup now because I gotta stop it from healing I've either got to do enough damage in a single turn or maybe I'll get lucky and get a scroll like in use now I bet um another black tentacles can they heal if the wait if I put I hate that bug dude if I put um black tentacles Underneath Him will that will they just get replaced mithril oh yeah I'll get the mythrow I'll get the myth though I forgot I did forget I actually just totally forgot what if I put black tentacles underneath it and then uh use want to just keep replacing it with lava I remember I got it out of the lava and it didn't use create lava all the time I mean it just from I from Mike's Music creates lava all the time you just gotta kill it before it creates lava and I always have the ability to do like a [__] on a frost damage for some reason I'm not even being careful why even be careful at this point if I take I just took no damage from that and if I do take any damage I have 60 healing potions okay I think they stacked because I stack Congo hitter and Ice hunger pedar would be great for that [Music] all right well we definitely want the scale mail oh I forgot to get the damn I even said I would get the medal I know I know gotta think [__] I have absolute mad hops you can get here in a second dumb stupid brain moment it's more like I was reading chat and I have extremely potent add I legitimately have fully diagnosed add since I was a little kid I just don't take medication for it because the medication [__] me up I did when I was a kid um um let's say that's it all right we just gotta slam it we'll deal with the lava guy after we've got our scale mail and [__] I don't know what difficulty is this uh just normal it is on balance I've been considering switching into tactician but you know I figured playing seeing like as a solo gnome would be hard enough but apparently not Sans Underdog is just too powerful Premier Mortals oh my God I'm so sweaty buy scale male is instead of The Shield or maybe gold buggies yeah exactly I'll probably be going both [Music] you get more XP on Tech though right I don't think so I think you get the same amount of XP no matter what difficulty you've done and all right um so here's the plan I'm gonna jump over to the platform like a soul right here what the [__] why didn't he walk down the middle I've never had that happen and then we shoot him with disadvantage doesn't matter though never mind it doesn't matter absolutely all right this way to turn then just gonna stand there like a [__] all right and then I'm gonna chug too actually and then shoot him come on there we go thread assessment and then we're gonna go here and then in turn and he's gonna be like Oh I'm coming to get your I'm a big terrifying robot and then what oh he's still superheated it's fine and then we [__] pull the lever in bam 124 damage and then scale mail is there too which I want to go grab but I really can't but very good all damage increase by one wait it only has 16 armor 16 plus two for my AC will be plus two for dexterity instead of plus four the other one that I'm wearing right I think is 12. yeah it's gonna give me so much more dude the helmet what don't take it yet what what do you mean what did I do what did I do what happened what did I do the helmet is heavy heavy armor yeah you want about the Grim helm yeah that's heavy armor Helm is heavy armor dude I want to get rid of these guys and then get as far away as possible nothing did people just freaking out about the helmet it doesn't matter you can kill him with the hammer and you can still get his helmet yeah you can wear heavy armor if you respect it Withers and go fight her first then Rogue just saying it is yeah but I'm Dex so it doesn't matter like my AC will be higher if I go medium armor and get the plus two to Dex then if I go heavy arm ERM [__] oh [__] dude all right this is the dangerous part he's not targeting me though which is cool lava wait is he just gonna stand there again and get lit up is that gonna make him superheated or is he not technically standing at it right now [__] he's not technically standing in that what oh if you take the armor of the forge bugs out and you can't create a second item oh that's what cause did in my first playthrough that makes sense he's gonna kill the [__] oh oh no no oh no no not me not me though not me though bro bro bro bro big man big man big man big man I used only a little bit of my movement to get up because of the athlete perk very good all right concussive smash nice nice all right I'm gonna pretend that didn't happen and I'm gonna miss you Steph well how the [__] do I get out of this one oh [__] oh I can't even I'd use my [__] action to hit him so I can't even [__] [__] I really wish I didn't dodge that [__] you with that Miss click [__] whatever kill me just [__] [__] my cheeks oh just [__] me up wait how long on my phone for cool not too long luckily oh did he hit the [__] okay and then we missed you ship to here and then run and then chug and then shoot him like this no don't get in the lava you [__] [__] oh you big stupid little [__] oh God that was stupid I hate it when it does that man why doesn't they why isn't it programmed for him not to get in the [__] lava what are you thinking nice different threat assist that really sucks because now I have to go all the way back to pull the [__] thing again can I shoot the platform oh I'm in the lava right there I'm just straight up in it [__] idiot all right so now can I shoot this to like turn it on oh wait the lava's already on I'm [__] God damn it all right we're gonna jump over here I think his threat assessment is on me but just to be sure and then I'll stand here and tank it with a potion of speed and I'm just gonna shoot him again just to be a dick all right no intern I know he's gonna go oh I'm coming to get you I'm so mad and angry he's gonna smash my absolute [__] in oh no the [__] it just stepped on me [__] I think he's too far away but we will try it all right and then I will disengage and then I will jump and then I'll pull the lever and uh 22 HP I can finish him off I can Oh wait [__] no I can't I gotta pull the lever again okay don't do the lava we got so much movement it's fine then we [__] lava dude the magma thing then we just he's gonna be superheated right maybe right maybe maybe no no all right all right threat assessment is on me run over here he's not even close to being able to reach me he might do his Quake but he's not gonna hit me oh my God nice what no no my hasten thing [__] no my hasten wore off okay um not great yes I don't go hit him with a stick I I know I thought of the same thing [__] yeah dude hell yeah soloed grim that couldn't have looked more dramatic all right let's get that animanta and scale mail put this [__] on alright so adamantine scale mail so that brings our our AC up three points uh which might be worth it but I think it's disadvantage on stealth checks [Music] here's the thing that will be offset by the fact that I have advantage on self checks but it also means that I will be worse at cell checks all incoming damage is reduced by one which is insane um when the melee attack hit me they'll be Reeling for two turns and also I can't be critical hit and that brings me up to 21 AC and looks [__] crazy holy [__] we're settled like a main character over here look at Sans dude we're looking beefy I'm gonna keep the light for now I'm just gonna keep it to the side in case we want to switch back to it because we still have plus 12 to stealth and then on top of that uh I think as a gnome we have advantage wait no wait where is it no stone camouflage advantage on Cell checks so that should offset the disadvantage so we should just have a regular [__] ton instead of an advanced shift on I mean I'm Gonna Keep Scroll of fire Shield because I think it's cool and that's pretty much it to get rid of this potion of featherfall because we don't need it we don't we can't wear the heavy helmet and that's fine we don't need it and I'm going back to my little jacket all right let's make that Shield see if it's worth it no use it's blocked [Music] all right so put in the chilled mold put in the mithril schlem de hammer I'm gonna short rest suit because [__] it then we get our our Misti step back through the lava you know what would be a really cool thing is if there was some extremely difficult but doable way to get the uh Grim to get Grim to follow you around but only in the uh in the Grim Forge imagine if you rocked up with that thing behind you when you busted out nere like if it changed this whole dialogue and [__] and he was like intimidated that'll be dope wait [__] did I not do the thing in time [__] like a Golem control rod yeah something like that that'd be dope that'd be pretty cool and schlam we get the big spicy shield from my experience The Shield ain't as good as the no don't get the lava oh [__] I will say I love that he's so small that every time he has to climb up these little things he look at the way he gets off he just Falls onto his butt and slides off okay here's the thing is this worth it so at a glance you'd be like [__] yeah it's blue it's shiny you know but attack attacks uh attackers can't land Critical Hits on the wearer right that would be good really good but our armor does that anyway and we're probably gonna be wearing that for a long time right it's just the same armor class as the Safeguard Shield uh when a melee attack misses you the attacker is sent really for two turns I don't think that Stacks with the chess piece right um and then on top the only thing we get basically what we're the toss up here is do we want plus one to all of our saving throws or do we want Shield Bash right it does it stacks reeling is really good at IMO yeah but also the chess piece gives us reeling adamantine backlash and then Adam and cyan oh no animation Shield okay maybe they do stack because it's technically two different things So Adam Ant time backlash and and wait Shield bash and then adamanto Shield right yeah so adamantzone shield and adamantine backlash adamantine adamantium adamantine adamantine whatever but the thing is like we're losing a saving throw so instead of like you know plus I got plus three plus three plus eight plus five plus nine plus six right with this it's like plus six plus ten uh plus wait plus nine plus eight eight percent uh maybe whatever whatever I'm I'm pretty sure this one's better right [__] it saving throws are great but we've had that shield for a while I think it's time for an upgrade also this looks [__] hilarious this looks like I looted someone this looks like a hobo with a stick [__] looted somebody looks like I've just stolen a really rare like ancient item the drip is better are you saying this looks better than this this makes him look like a heroic Warrior though this makes him look like Sans underdog all right time to figure out how to kill that stupid [__] thing thingy the McD rip is better exactly we're also also by the way guys this uh stream is sponsored by uh Ronald McDonald and the McDonald's corporation as you can see they loaned us this beautiful outfit for Sans uh that is not true I wish that was [__] true though because I get I bet McDonald's would pay so much [__] money for sponsorship they are loaded they are an unbelievably financially successful company I'd take a McDonald's ad who doesn't need McDonald's every now and then right it [__] oh my God yeah see we can still stealth like tiny little demigods oh [__] um right I'm gonna do it again let's leave let's run let's go same Tech as before I guess but we'll figure something out there are many McDonald's in the underdog there's like six Subways and two McDonald's in the underdog did you just French accent jump scare us no what are you talking about the Golem doesn't drop anything if I recall all I did was jumped around him and got the amulet what oh this Golem right you mean the elemental it's not a Golem they'll be racist dude Elementals aren't Golems I really like uh how larion did all the Elementals by the way they're pretty cool I wish they uh some of them were reskins though which I don't like but they're technically the same creatures so just with the different elements so I get it I definitely don't like how the wind water ends I don't like how the wind wind and water Elementals look they look kind of goofy but these ones are dope all right it's in lava so the next time it starts its turn it's gonna [__] how do we even do this man I don't think it's I'm not worried about how hot this thing is gonna hit I just don't think I'm gonna be able to do enough damage in a single turn to get rid of lava how long does this create lava last melt the Earth is that it lava pool is in this creature's footsteps what if we waste its time for one more turn like this look so like let it hit for just one second oh my God I took so much damage oh my God I took so much damage why did I take so much damage oh holy [__] it's reeling what does reeling actually do minus one really penalty for technicals nice I don't think you can hit me right now what can I use really okay it's cool it missed and then if I do black tentacles maybe I don't want them to light on fire though and then I [__] I mean I'm gonna have to save now but come on don't put lava on my tentacles no son of a [__] all right it broke the cut my concentration which removed the tentacles immediately man we gotta approach this differently Gale is reeling Gail's getting absolutely [__] smoked I want to text the effectiveness of this [__] I gotta I gotta get him off this lava man wait can I bait attacks out of him like that he just keeps creating lava infinitely uh okay foreign why is he not hitting me now the 26 damage from that hit but then when to see it when he ends his turn oh he's not healed yet I don't I literally I don't think I can do enough damage before he heals back up the full hit me dude what if I bait a hit come on hit me hit me stop trying to hit me and hit me [__] hey dude I saved right before this right no [__] way I forgot to quick save [__] I can I completely forgot to quit oh this is now a survival situation oh no all right I just gotta survive one more turn get [__] all right well I'm not gonna kill this thing I'm leaving [__] this thing dude I don't need to kill it Sans undertale Will Survive to live another day I think all right you should steal the necklace by sneaking knock it off with what or are you telling me to stop I have dude I have no idea how to even approach this also I think I think we're good I think the song was decent uh I would need one of those things that knocks people off cliffs if see if I was the [__] warlock right now this thing would be dead it wouldn't even be the same clothes yeah I don't think the Mac the magmatic it wouldn't be a problem if it just didn't put lava underneath itself why are you fighting it it isn't neutral though no if you attack it I I don't think it's neutral what happens if I just like keep going mmm like if I just keep leaving what happens does it just give up like if I just keep going yeah far enough away and you're just done all right cool I think we're done in Groom fours then I really can't think of anything else to do find the lost amulet maybe we can come back and do that later I guess maybe we find something Frost debased and come back and kill it later it's a hundred percent neutral the guy won't attack you if you don't attack it first are you kidding me I've attacked it every single time oh but yeah but you got to kill them to get rid of the explosive lava [__] right that's why man I waste a bunch of abilities fighting that thing right what's the next move we now have dope Shield dope armor just a mountain pass right I might leave that until next time though what do you guys think so next time we could uh it's pretty late next time we could do uh we could do the mountains we'll go to the Yankee crash and when we're at the Yankee crash we can take advantage of a certain something I will quick say it before I end the Stream what do you guys think good plan for next time on the adventures of sans underdark thank you for all the donors by the way that was dope thank you thank you views are amazing I haven't had this amount of concurrent views for you for a long ass time glad people enjoy this stream I've been having a blast solo Rogue is extremely fun but yeah we will blow up the gethianki crash next time I think but in between now and then I think I'm gonna do a stream where we do an eight player campaign run so I will be uh getting the [__] what's it called multiplayer limits removed or some [__] uh let me check potty limit be gone yeah I'm gonna be getting that mod and it'll it basically increases the multiplayer cap to eight people so we will have seven people that also have the mod randomly joined and create characters and we will just put it on the hardest difficulty on tactician and we'll just see how absolutely chaotic and mad it is I think that'll be a lot of fun are we ending yeah I think that that'll be it for today we've done a lot of zones I've been up for five hours five and a half hours I've been streaming it's been it's been a blast I've been these are the longest streams I think I've ever done yeah that's the plan for next time blow up a bunch of people with the people with the room paddle Barrel do the mountain area maybe collect some of the barrels that have uh Cobalts in them but yeah we'll see also because I never do it um links to patreon in the description if you're down if anybody's interested in that [__] you can help with the halfling videos in future videos all that kind of stuff if you're down uh I never really plug anything I always forget also Discord in the description I hang out there all the time we've got uh [__] what do you call it um [__] uh there's like video suggestion channels naming suggestion channels all that kind of stuff there's you know uh if we have any people for stuff it's a great place like I just discuss [__] in there all the time I'm always in the Ballers Gate 3 chat but yeah uh what else and that's pretty much it thanks for the donuts thanks for watching hope you guys had fun uh next time uh we'll be blowing up again crash I guess full of there's a lot of kids in that crash now I'm just thinking about it there's a lot of good Yankee children in that crash that might be a little [__] up but we'll do with that next time and I'll see you on the next stream guys for the eight player multiplayer one probably all right later guys foreign


Channel: Okoii

Views: 92,321

Rating: undefined out of 5

Keywords: baldurs gate, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur, gate, warhammer, baldurs gate stream, streams, balurs gate, Dark Urge stream, baldur's gate multiplayer, multiplayer, multi stream, multiplayer stream

Channel Id: undefined

Length: 327min 15sec (19635 seconds)

Published: Fri Sep 01 2023

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