Current Liabilities: Definition, Examples and Formula (2024)

What are Current Liabilities?

Current liabilities are financial obligations that a company owes within a one year time frame. Since they are due within the upcoming year, the company needs to have sufficient liquidity to pay its current liabilities in a timely manner. Liquidity refers to how easily the company can convert its assets into cash in order to pay those obligations. Because of its importance in the near term, current liabilities are included in many financial ratios such as the liquidity ratio.

Where Do Current Liabilities Appear in the Financial Statements?

Current liabilities appear on the balance sheet. The balance sheet is a financial statement that shows a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a given point in time. Current liabilities are often separated out in a subcategory at the top of the liability section– the second section of the three.

Current Liabilities Examples

Current Liabilities: Definition, Examples and Formula (1)

There are many general ledger accounts that may make up current liabilities. Anything that a company owes in the near term can be considered a current liability. Here are some examples and descriptions of current liabilities.

Accounts Payable

Accounts payable are amounts owed to a company’s creditors or suppliers for goods or services rendered but not yet paid. When a company receives an invoice from a supplier, it will enter the amount in the books as an account payable.

Accrued Expenses

Accrued expenses are amounts owed for a good or service that has not yet been paid. But unlike accounts payable, the company has also not yet received an invoice for the amount. Accrued expenses are assessed and recorded during the month and year end close process to accurately depict expenses in the correct accounting period according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

Salaries Payable

Salaries payable is another type of current liability account. It is the total amount of salary expense owed to employees at a given time that has not yet been paid out by the company. It is a current liability because salaries are typically paid out on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis.

Taxes Payable

Taxes payable include various taxes owed to governmental entities, such as income tax or sales tax. It is a current liability because the amount will be paid to the government in the short term.

Short-Term Debt

Short-term debt is any financial obligation that matures within 12 months. Short-term debt includes short-term bank loans, lines of credit, and short-term leases.

Current Portion of Long-Term Debt

The current portion of long-term debt is the principal portion of any long-term debt that is due within the upcoming 12 month period. For example, the 12 upcoming monthly principal payments on a mortgage or car loan are considered to be the current portion of long-term debt.

Current Liabilities Accounting Entries

The natural balance of a current liability account is a credit because all liabilities have a natural credit balance. The timing of journal entries related to current liabilities varies, but the basics of the accounting entries remain the same. When a current liability is initially recorded on the company’s books, it is a debit to an asset or expense account and a credit to the current liability account.

Accounts Payable

When a company receives an invoice from a vendor, it enters a debit to the related expense account and a credit to the accounts payable account. When the invoice is paid, a second entry is made to debit accounts payable and credit the cash account– a reduction of cash.

Accrued Expenses

At month or year end, during the closing process, a company will account for all expenses that have not otherwise been accounted for in an adjusting journal entry to accrue expenses. The adjusting journal entry will make a debit to the related expense account and a credit to the accrued expense account. The first of the following accounting period, the adjusting journal entry will reverse with a debit to the accrued expense account and a credit to the related expense account.

Salaries and Taxes Payable

Salaries and taxes payable are payroll journal entries that record the amount due to various parties as of the end of the accounting period. When a company closes its books for the month, it will accrue the amount due to its employees and the government for salaries and taxes. The entry would include a debit to the salaries and tax expense accounts and a credit to the salaries and tax payable accounts. When the money is actually paid out to the respective parties, the entry would be a debit to the salaries and tax payable accounts and a credit to cash.

Short-Term Debt

When a company receives money in exchange for a short-term debt obligation, it records a journal entry with a debit to cash and a credit to a short-term debt account. When the money is paid off in part or in full, it debits both the short-term debt account– for the principal portion– and interest expense– for the interest portion– and credits the cash account.

Current Portion of Long-Term Debt

At month or year end, a company will account for the current portion of long-term debt by separating out the upcoming 12 months of principal due on the long-term debt. The reclassification of the current portion of long-term debt does not need to be made as a journal entry. It can simply be moved to the current liability account from the long-term liability account on the balance sheet. The remainder of the long-term debt due in 13 months or further out should stay in the original account.

Current Assets vs Current Liabilities

Current assets are short-term assets that can be easily liquidated and turned into cash in the upcoming 12 month period. Current assets include accounts such as cash, short-term investments, accounts receivable, prepaid expenses, and inventory. Current liabilities are the financial obligations due in the upcoming 12 month period. Current assets should be used to cover current liabilities as they come due. Since both are linked so closely, they are often used in financial ratios together to determine a company’s liquidity.

Ratios with Current Liabilities

Several liquidity ratios use current liabilities to determine a company’s ability to pay its financial obligations as they come due. Here are two of the most common liquidity ratios.

Current Ratio

The current ratio compares a company’s current assets to its current liabilities. It is an easy ratio to calculate because both of these figures are readily identifiable on most company’s balance sheets. The drawback to using the current ratio is that the current asset figure includes both inventory and prepaid expenses. While both accounts are current assets, they are not necessarily very liquid– easily converted to cash to pay a debt obligation in the near term. The current ratio is:

Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

Quick Ratio

The quick ratio is a more conservative liquidity ratio that removes inventory and prepaid expenses from the current asset figure before comparing the amount to the company’s current liabilities. This ensures that only the most liquid of current asset accounts are included in the calculation as a potential source of funds for the upcoming debt obligations. The quick ratio is:

Quick Ratio = (Total Current Assets - Inventory - Prepaid Expenses) / Current Liabilities

Real World Example of Current Liabilities

Current Liabilities: Definition, Examples and Formula (2)

Here is a look at Walmart’s consolidated balance sheet from its 2023 10-K annual report. In it, there is a subsection for Walmart’s current liabilities, which are comprised of the following accounts:

  • Short-term borrowings
  • Accounts payable
  • Accrued liabilities
  • Accrued income taxes
  • Long-term debt due within one year
  • Operating lease obligations due within one year
  • Finance lease obligations due within one year

Walmart’s current liabilities were $92,198 million in January 2023 and $87,379 million in January 2022. To contrast, its current assets were $75,655 million and $81,070, respectively. That means its current liabilities have been greater than its current assets for the previous two accounting years. That is not a good sign of financial health or liquidity. Walmart will have to find other sources of funding to pay its debt obligations as they come due.

Additional Resources

If you found this article useful, consider checking out our Financial Accounting Essentials where you'll learn how to build a balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement from scratch based on a set of transactions. You'll also learn to find, read, and analyze the financial statements of real companies such as Microsoft and PepsiCo. Students who have taken this course have gone on to work at Barclays, Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs, EY, and many other prestigious companies. Get started now!

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Current Liabilities: Definition, Examples and Formula (3)

Current Liabilities: Definition, Examples and Formula (4)

Dolor enim eu tortor urna sed duis nulla. Aliquam vestibulum, nulla odio nisl vitae. In aliquet pellentesque aenean hac vestibulum turpis mi bibendum diam. Tempor integer aliquam in vitae malesuada fringilla.

Elit nisi in eleifend sed nisi. Pulvinar at orci, proin imperdiet commodo consectetur convallis risus. Sed condimentum enim dignissim adipiscing faucibus consequat, urna. Viverra purus et erat auctor aliquam. Risus, volutpat vulputate posuere purus sit congue convallis aliquet. Arcu id augue ut feugiat donec porttitor neque. Mauris, neque ultricies eu vestibulum, bibendum quam lorem id. Dolor lacus, eget nunc lectus in tellus, pharetra, porttitor.

  • Test Bullet List 1
  • Test Bullet List 2
  • Test Bullet List 3

"Ipsum sit mattis nulla quam nulla. Gravida id gravida ac enim mauris id. Non pellentesque congue eget consectetur turpis. Sapien, dictum molestie sem tempor. Diam elit, orci, tincidunt aenean tempus."

Tristique odio senectus nam posuere ornare leo metus, ultricies. Blandit duis ultricies vulputate morbi feugiat cras placerat elit. Aliquam tellus lorem sed ac. Montes, sed mattis pellentesque suscipit acc*msan. Cursus viverra aenean magna risus elementum faucibus molestie pellentesque. Arcu ultricies sed mauris vestibulum.


Morbi sed imperdiet in ipsum, adipiscing elit dui lectus. Tellus id scelerisque est ultricies ultricies. Duis est sit sed leo nisl, blandit elit sagittis. Quisque tristique consequat quam sed. Nisl at scelerisque amet nulla purus habitasse.

Nunc sed faucibus bibendum feugiat sed interdum. Ipsum egestas condimentum mi massa. In tincidunt pharetra consectetur sed duis facilisis metus. Etiam egestas in nec sed et. Quis lobortis at sit dictum eget nibh tortor commodo cursus.

Odio felis sagittis, morbi feugiat tortor vitae feugiat fusce aliquet. Nam elementum urna nisi aliquet erat dolor enim. Ornare id morbi eget ipsum. Aliquam senectus neque ut id eget consectetur dictum. Donec posuere pharetra odio consequat scelerisque et, nunc tortor.
Nulla adipiscing erat a erat. Condimentum lorem posuere gravida enim posuere cursus diam.

Current Liabilities: Definition, Examples and Formula (2024)


Current Liabilities: Definition, Examples and Formula? ›

So, current liabilities are essential data for the company's directives and third parties interested in financing or investing. Current Liabilities formula = Notes payable + Accounts payable + Accrued expenses + Unearned revenue + Current portion of long-term debt + other short-term debt.

What is the definition of current liabilities with example? ›

Current liabilities are the sum of Notes Payable, Accounts Payable, Short-Term Loans, Accrued Expenses, Unearned Revenue, Current Portion of Long-Term Debts, Other Short-Term Debts.

What is the formula for current liabilities? ›

You would use the following formula (or some variation of it):Current liabilities = notes payable + accounts payable + short-term loans + accrued expenses + unearned revenue + current portion of long-term debts + other short-term debtsFor example: A coffee shop owner owes $300 in accounts payable, $500 in accrued ...

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Some examples of current liabilities that appear on the balance sheet include accounts payable, payroll due, payroll taxes, accrued expenses, short-term notes payable, income taxes, interest payable, accrued interest, utilities, rental fees, and other short-term debts.

What are 10 liabilities? ›

Accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, long-term debt, deferred revenue, unearned revenue, contingent liabilities, lease obligations, pension liabilities, and income taxes payable are the ten types of liabilities in accounting that provide information about a company's financial obligations and ...

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CL include accounts payable, wages payable, income taxes payable, utilities payable, accrued payables, some notes payable, and many others.

What are three examples of current liabilities and an example of a noncurrent liability? ›

Examples of current liabilities include accounts payable, accruals, short-term debt, and current maturities of long-term debt. Examples of non-current liabilities include deferred tax liabilities lines, certain kinds of credit, capital and long-term leases, and bank loans.

What are the five most frequently used current liabilities? ›

Current liabilities
  • Type 1: Accounts payable. Accounts payable liability is probably the liability with which you're most familiar. ...
  • Type 2: Principle & interest payable. ...
  • Type 3: Short-term loans. ...
  • Type 4: Taxes payable. ...
  • Type 5: Accrued expenses. ...
  • Type 6. ...
  • Type 1: Notes payable. ...
  • Type 2: Mortgage payable.
May 10, 2024

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Current Ratio

The current liabilities refer to the business' financial obligations that are payable within a year. Obviously, a higher current ratio is better for the business. A good current ratio is between 1.2 to 2, which means that the business has 2 times more current assets than liabilities to covers its debts.

What is not included in current liabilities? ›

Current liability does not include long term loans, bank overdrafts, and assets. This is because current liability includes short term financial tasks, that is, obligations in the business, which are less than one year.

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The most common current liabilities found on the balance sheet include accounts payable; short-term debt such as bank loans or commercial paper issued to fund operations; dividends payable; notes payable—the principal portion of outstanding debt; the current portion of deferred revenue, such as prepayments by customers ...

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Recorded on the right side of the balance sheet, liabilities include loans, accounts payable, mortgages, deferred revenues, bonds, warranties, and accrued expenses.

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An utility bill is an expense but when it is unpaid, it is also classed as a liability..

What is the difference between current liabilities and non current liabilities? ›

Current liabilities are the debts that a business expects to pay within 12 months while non-current liabilities are longer term. Both current and non-current liabilities are reported on the balance sheet. Non-current liabilities may also be called long-term liabilities.

What is the difference between current assets and current liabilities? ›

Current assets are short-term assets, such as cash or cash equivalents, that can be liquidated within a year or during an accounting period. Current liabilities are a company's short-term liabilities that are expected to be settled within a year or during an accounting period.

Are salaries payable a current liability? ›

Accounting managers and professionals often record both salaries payable and accrued salaries on the balance sheet account under current liabilities. Current liabilities might also include employee health insurance, state income taxes and federal taxes.

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