Cybersource Message Layouts (2024)

Cybersource Message Layouts

Cybersource Message Layouts (1)

Cybersource TokenRequest (paySubscriptionCreate) XML Message

Cybersource TokenResponse (paySubscriptionCreate) XML Message

Cybersource AuthorizationRequest (ccAuthService) XML Message

Cybersource AuthorizationResponse (ccAuthService) XML Message

Cybersource Tokenand Authorization Request (paySubscriptionCreate and ccAuthService) XMLMessage

Cybersource Tokenand Authorization Response (paySubscriptionCreate and ccAuthService)XML Message

Cybersource DebitDeposit Request (ccCaptureService) XML Message

Cybersource DebitDeposit Response (ccCaptureService) XML Message

Cybersource CreditDeposit Request (ccCreditService) XML Message

Cybersource CreditDeposit Response (ccCreditService) XML Message

Cybersource Authorizationand Deposit Request (ccAuthService and ccCaptureService) XML Message

Cybersource Authorizationand Deposit Response (ccAuthService and ccCaptureService) XML Message

Cybersource AuthorizationReversal Request (ccAuthReversalService) XML Message

Cybersource AuthorizationReversal Response (ccAuthReversalService) XML Message

Cybersource Token Request (paySubscriptionCreate)XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (2)

The CybersourceToken Request (paySubscriptionCreate) XML message is used to requesta token from Cybersource. See the Data Securityand Encryption Guide for processing details.

Note: Cybersourcerefers to a token as a customer profile which has a submitter’sID or token.

Sample transaction: SeeCybersourceToken (paySubscriptionCreate) Transaction: Sample Messages.

Special characters: Certainspecial characters cannot be passed in an attribute of an XML messageexcept through the use of replacement text strings. CWSerenade replacesthe following special characters with the text strings listed below.



ReplacementText String

single quote



double quote



greater than



less than





CWSerenade also removes any non-standard keyboardcharacters from the XML message before sending it to Cybersource.

The elements and attributes of the Cybersource TokenRequest (paySubscriptionCreate) XML message that are used by CWSerenadeare described below. See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.





The account number assignedby Cybersource to identify transmissions. From the:

Merchant #field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Merchant ID Override table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Authorization Services table.


The company code + ordernumber. If the request is not associated with an order, the order numberis zero-filled. From the Companyand Order # fields in the OrderPayment Method table.


Cybersource performs address verification againstthe bill to name and address included in the Token Request.


The bill to customer’sfirst name. From the:

First name fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM First namefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The bill to customer’slast name. From the:

Last name fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Last namefield in the Customer Sold to table.

Note: If alast name is not passed, Cybersource fails the transaction.


The street address onthe bill to customer’s address, followed by the text APT and the apartment or suite numberdefined for the bill to customer’s address. For example: 123 MAIN ST APT 2B. From the:

Street addressand APT Code in theCustomer Bill To table, or

NAM Street addressand Apartment inthe Customer Sold To table.


The second address lineon the bill to customer’s address. From the:

Address line2 field in the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Address line2 in the Customer Sold To table.


The city on the billto address. From the:

Cityfield in the Customer Bill To table, or

Cityfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The state code on thebill to customer’s address. From the:

Statefield in the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Statefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The zip code on thebill to customer’s address.

If the country code is US,the 9-digit zip code is in 99999-9999format.

If the country code is CA,the 6-digit zip code is in A1B 2C3.

If the country code is JP,the 7-digit zip code is in 999-9999format.

If the country code is GB,the 6-digit zip code is in AB12CDformat.

From the:

Zip fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Zipfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The country code onthe bill to customer’s address. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Country Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade country code in the Customer Bill To table or CustomerSold To table to the Cybersource country code.

From the Auth ServiceCountry field in the Auth Service Country table.


The bill to customer’semail address.

If an email address is not defined for the bill tocustomer, defaults.

From the CST emailaddress field in the Customer Sold To table.



The currency on theorder. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

From the ASC Currencycode field in the Auth Service Currency table.


Cybersource validates the credit card informationincluded in the Token Request.


The card number to replacewith a token.

If you use credit card encryption, the system decryptsthe credit card number before sending it to Cybersource; see the Data Security and Encryption Guide.

From the OPM creditcard number field in the Order Payment Method table.


The month when the cardexpires, in MM format.

From the first 2 positions of the OPM expiration date field in the OrderPayment Method table.


The year when the cardexpires, in YYYY format.

From the last 2 positions of the OPM expiration date field in the OrderPayment Method table.


The vendor paytype codedefined for the credit card pay type. This is the code Cybersource usesto identify the method of payment.

From the CPC vendorpaytype/code field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table.


The card identificationindictor defined for the card, indicating if a CID number has been defined.Valid values:

1 = CIDnumber is present on card.

2 = CIDnumber is present on card, but is illegible.

9 = CIDnumber is not present on card.

Included only for online transactions.


The card identificationnumber defined for the card.

Visa, MasterCard,Discover: The card identification number is a 3 digit number.

American Express:The card identification number is a 4 digit number.

Note: Thecard identification number is available only for online transactions;once an order is accepted, the system removes the card identificationnumber from the order.


The card issue numberdefined for the card being processed.

From the OPM card issue# field in the Order Payment Method table.


The start month definedfor the card being processed, in MM format.

From the first 2 positions of the Start date field in the Order PaymentMethod table.


The start year definedfor the card being processed, in YYYY format.

From the last 2 positions of the Start date field in the Order PaymentMethod table.









truedefaults, indicating the message is for a token request.

Cybersource Token Response (paySubscriptionCreate)XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (3)

The CybersourceToken Response (paySubscriptionCreate) XML message contains the responsefrom Cybersource for the Cybersource TokenRequest (paySubscriptionCreate) XML Message.

Sample transaction: SeeCybersourceToken (paySubscriptionCreate) Transaction: Sample Messages.

The elements and attributes of the Cybersource TokenResponse (paySubscriptionCreate) XML message that are used by CWSerenadeare described below. See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.




The response returned by Cybersource indicateswhether the token request was accepted or rejected. If the transactionwas accepted, Cybersource returns a token in the requestTokentag.


The company code + ordernumber, used to match the response to the request. If the request isnot associated with an order, the order number is zero-filled.

Corresponds to the Companyand Order # fields in the OrderPayment Method table.


A code assigned by Cybersourceto match this response to subsequent transactions.


ACCEPTindicates Cybersource approved the transaction.

ERROR indicatesan error occurred while Cybersource was processing the transaction.

REJECT indicatesCybersource rejected the transaction.


The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The credit card numberrequesting tokenization, encrypted.

Updates the OPM creditcard number field in the Order Payment Method table.



The currency on theorder. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

Corresponds to the ASCCurrency code field in the Auth Service Currency table.


Cybersource returns authorization informationin the Token Response; however, CWSerenade ignores this information.


The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


0.00defaults for token transactions.


The authorization codeassigned to the transaction.


The AVS code assignedto the transaction.


The AVS code assignedto the transaction.


The card identificationresponse for the credit card.


The date and time whenthe transaction was processed, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.


The response code fromthe bank. Informational only.


A code assigned by Cybersourceas a reference number for the transaction.



The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The token assigned tothe credit card payment.

Cybersource uses this code to reference the customerprofile information in the Cybersource database.

Cybersource Authorization Request (ccAuthService)XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (4)

The CybersourceAuthorization Request XML message is used to authorize a credit cardpayment.

Sample transaction: See:

CybersourceAuthorization (ccAuthService) Transaction without Decision Manager: SampleMessages

CybersourceAuthorization (ccAuthService) Transaction with Decision Manager: SampleMessages

Special characters: Certainspecial characters cannot be passed in an attribute of an XML messageexcept through the use of replacement text strings. CWSerenade replacesthe following special characters with the text strings listed below.



ReplacementText String

single quote



double quote



greater than



less than





CWSerenade also removes any non-standard keyboardcharacters from the XML message before sending it to Cybersource.

The elements and attributes of the ccAuthServiceRequest XML message that are used by CWSerenade are described below.See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.





The account number assignedby Cybersource to identify transmissions. From the:

CYB_PAY_LINK_DECISION_MANAGER_MERCHANT_ID_OVERRIDEsetting in the InterfaceProperties File, or

Merchant #field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Merchant ID Override table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Authorization Services table.


The company code + ordernumber + order payment method sequence number.

From the Company,Order # and OPM Seq # fields in the Order PaymentMethod table.


Included if:

• you send the credit card number and not a tokenprovided by Cybersource

• the CYB_PAY_LINK_DECISION_MANAGER_ENABLEDsetting in the InterfaceProperties File is set to true


The bill to customer’sfirst name. From the:

First name fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM First namefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The bill to customer’slast name. From the:

Last name fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Last namefield in the Customer Sold to table.

Note: If alast name is not passed, Cybersource fails the transaction.


The street address onthe bill to customer’s address, followed by the text APT and the apartment or suite numberdefined for the bill to customer’s address. For example: 123 MAIN ST APT 2B. From the:

Street addressand APT Code in theCustomer Bill To table, or

NAM Street addressand Apartment inthe Customer Sold To table.


The second address lineon the bill to customer’s address. From the:

Address line2 field in the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Address line2 in the Customer Sold To table.


The city on the billto address. From the:

Cityfield in the Customer Bill To table, or

Cityfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The state code on thebill to customer’s address. From the:

Statefield in the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Statefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The zip code on thebill to customer’s address.

If the country code is US,the 9-digit zip code is in 99999-9999format.

If the country code is CA,the 6-digit zip code is in A1B 2C3.

If the country code is JP,the 7-digit zip code is in 999-9999format.

If the country code is GB,the 6-digit zip code is in AB12CDformat.

From the:

Zip fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Zipfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The country code onthe bill to customer’s address. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Country Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade country code in the Customer Bill To table or CustomerSold To table to the Cybersource country code.

From the Auth ServiceCountry field in the Auth Service Country table.


The bill to customer’sday phone number.

From the:

CT# Phone fieldin the Customer Bill To Phone # table for Phone# type D, or

CS# Phonefield in the Customer Sold To Phone # table for Phone# type D.


The bill to customer’semail address.

If an email address is not defined for the bill tocustomer, defaults.

From the CST emailaddress field in the Customer Sold To table.


The CWSerenade soldto customer number.

From the CST Customer# field in the Customer Sold To table.


The customer’saccount password, used for merchant velocity use only and it not stored,displayed, or returned.

Note: Thisfield is not currently implemented in the CWSerenade integration withCybersource.


Personal identifier,supported only for Cybersource Latin American Processing.

Note: Thisfield is not currently implemented in the CWSerenade integration withCybersource.


Included if the CYB_PAY_LINK_DECISION_MANAGER_ENABLEDsetting in the InterfaceProperties File is set to true.

The shipTo is different from the billTo if thecustomer specified an alternate shipping address on the order:

• order ship to: see Assigningan Order Shipping Address

• permanent ship to: see Using aPermanent Shipping Address in Order Entry

• recipient customer: see Addinga Recipient Order in Order Entry


The ship to customer’sfirst name. From the:

First name fieldin the Customer Ship To table, or

NAM First namefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The ship to customer’slast name. From the:

Last name fieldin the Customer Ship To table, or

NAM Last namefield in the Customer Sold to table.

Note: If alast name is not passed, Cybersource fails the transaction.


The street address onthe ship to customer’s address, followed by the text APT and the apartment or suite numberdefined for the ship to customer’s address. For example: 123 MAIN ST APT 2B. From the:

Street addressand Apartment inthe Customer Ship To table, or

NAM Street addressand Apartment inthe Customer Sold To table.


The second address lineon the ship to customer’s address. From the:

Address line2 field in the Customer Ship To table, or

NAM Address line2 in the Customer Sold To table.


The city on the shipto address. From the:

Cityfield in the Customer Ship To table, or

Cityfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The state code on theship to customer’s address. From the:

Statefield in the Customer Ship To table, or

NAM Statefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The zip code on theship to customer’s address.

If the country code is US,the 9-digit zip code is in 99999-9999format.

If the country code is CA,the 6-digit zip code is in A1B 2C3.

If the country code is JP,the 7-digit zip code is in 999-9999format.

If the country code is GB,the 6-digit zip code is in AB12CDformat.

From the:

Zip fieldin the Customer Ship To table, or

NAM Zipfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The country code onthe ship to customer’s address. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Country Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade country code in the Customer Ship To table or CustomerSold To table to the Cybersource country code.

From the Auth ServiceCountry field in the Auth Service Country table.


The ship to customer’sday phone number.

From the:

CT# Phone fieldin the Customer Ship To Phone # table for Phone# type D, or

CS# Phonefield in the Customer Sold To Phone # table for Phone# type D.


The service level definedfor the ship to customer’s zip code.

Service levels defined in Cybersource DecisionManager are:

sameday:Courier or same day service.

oneday:Next day or overnight service.

twoday:Two day service.

threeday:Three day service.

lowcost:Lowest cost service

pickup:Store pickup. When a ShippingMethodis defined for a ship to in the ccAuthService message, the shipping addressis not automatically added to the negative list. You can add a shippingaddress to the negative list using the Transaction Marking Tool; seeMarking Order Data During Order Reviewin the Case Management section of the Decision Manager User Guide.

other:Other shipping method.

none: Noshipping method because product is a service or subscription.

Note: To usea custom value, create a Decision Manager custom rule with the shippingmethod order element.

From the Service Levelfield in the Ship Via table.


Included if the CYB_PAY_LINK_DECISION_MANAGER_ENABLEDsetting in the InterfaceProperties File is set to true.


The number of itemson the order, starting with 0. Forexample, if two items are on the order, the first item would be set to0 and the second item would be setto 1.


The unit selling priceof the product.

From the ODT Pricefield in the Order Detail table.


The quantity of theproduct being purchased.

From the ODT qty reservedfield in the Order Detail table.


The type of product.

Product codes used by Cybersource services are:

adult_content:Adult content.

coupon:Coupon applied to the entire order.

default:Product classification has not been defined for the product.

electronic_good:Electronic product other than software.

electronic_software:Software distributed electronically rather than on disks or other media.

gift_certificate:Gift certificate.

handling_only:Fee that you charge the customer to cover administrative selling costs.

service:Service that you perform for the customer.

shipping_and_handling:The shipping portion is the charge for shipping the product to the customer.The handling portion is the fee you charge the customer to cover youradministrative selling costs.

shipping_only:Charge for transporting tangible personal property from your locationto the customer. You must maintain documentation that clearly establishesthe location where the title to the property passed from you to the customer.

subscription:Subscription to a web site or other content.

The setting of the ProductClassification for Fraud Scoring (M15) system controlvalue determines whether CWSerenade sends the item’s item classdescription or item category description to Cybersource.

• If set to ITM CLASS,from the ICL description fieldin the Item Class table.

• If set to ITM CATGRY,from the Item category description fieldin the Item Category table.


The name of the product.

If the item is a non-SKUed item, this is the itemdescription.

If the item is a SKUed item, this is a concatenationof the item description + SKU description.

From the Descriptionfield in the Item table + the Descriptionfield in the SKU table.


Merchant’s productidentifier code.

If the item is a non-SKUed item, this is the itemnumber.

If the item is a SKUed item, this is a concatenationof the item number + SKU code.

From the ITM Numberfield and SKU Code fieldin the SKU table.



The currency on theorder. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

From the ASC Currencycode field in the Auth Service Currency table.


The amount to authorize,including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

Online transactions:From the OLA auth amt fieldin the Online Authorization table.

Batch transactions:From the Auth $amt fieldin the CC Authorization Trans table.


Included only if the credit card number has beenreplaced with a token provided by Cybersource.


The token for the creditcard payment.

If you use credit card encryption, the system decryptsthe credit card number before sending it to Cybersource; see the Data Security and Encryption Guide.

From the OPM creditcard number field in the Order Payment Method table.




Included if you send the credit card number andnot a token provided by Cybersource.


The card number to authorizeand replace with a token.

If you use credit card encryption, the system decryptsthe credit card number before sending it to Cybersource; see the Data Security and Encryption Guide.

From the OPM creditcard number field in the Order Payment Method table.


The month when the cardexpires, in MM format.

From the first 2 positions of the OPM expiration date field in the OrderPayment Method table.


The year when the cardexpires, in YYYY format.

From the last 2 positions of the OPM expiration date field in the OrderPayment Method table.


The vendor paytype codedefined for the credit card pay type. This is the code Cybersource usesto identify the method of payment.

From the CPC vendorpaytype/code field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table.


The card identificationindicator defined for the card, indicating if a CID number has been defined.Valid values:

1 = CIDnumber is present on card.

2 = CIDnumber is present on card, but is illegible.

9 = CIDnumber is not present on card.

Included only for online transactions.


The card identificationnumber defined for the card.

Visa, MasterCard,Discover: The card identification number is a 3 digit number.

American Express:The card identification number is a 4 digit number.

Note: Thecard identification number is available only for online transactions;once an order is accepted, the system removes the card identificationnumber from the order.


The card issue numberdefined for the card being processed.

From the OPM card issue# field in the Order Payment Method table.


The start month definedfor the card being processed, in MM format.

From the first 2 positions of the Start date field in the Order PaymentMethod table.


The start year definedfor the card being processed, in YYYY format.

From the last 2 positions of the Start date field in the Order PaymentMethod table.


The merchantDefinedData fields can be used tostore many types of information that may be unique to your business.

Note: The merchantDefinedDatafields are not currently implemented in the CWSerenade integration withCybersource. Contact your MICROS representative if you would like toimplement these fields in the CWSerenade integration with Cybersource.

For more information: SeePotential Uses for Merchant-Defined DataFields in the Cybersource Decision Manager Developer Guidefor examples of the type of information that can be captured in thesefields.


mddField_1 to



Optional fields thatyou can use to store information.

The value appears in the Case Management Detailswindow in the Business Center.

Merchant defined fields cannot be used to capturepersonally identifying information.

These fields can only be used if you are referencingtarget API version 1.75 or higher.



true defaults if the CYB_PAY_LINK_DECISION_MANAGER_ENABLEDsetting in the InterfaceProperties File is set to true.In this situation, Cybersource Decision Manager evaluates the transactionfor possible fraud. See CybersourceDecision Manager Fraud Scoring for processing details.

falsedefaults if the CYB_PAY_LINK_DECISION_MANAGER_ENABLEDsetting in the InterfaceProperties File is set to any value other than true.


Allows you to specifythe name of a different profile to use to evaluate orders.

Note: Thisfield is not currently implemented in the CWSerenade integration withCybersource.





internetdefaults if the E-Commerce indicator (Futureuse status 1) field in the Order Header table is set to I or the order type for the order matchesthe order type defined in the E-CommerceOrder Type (G42) system control value; otherwise, moto defaults.


A code received froman authentication service, such as Visa’s Verified by Visa programor MasterCard’s SecureCode program, indicating whether the cardauthentication password the cardholder provided was approved for thecredit card. See CreditCard Authentication Service for more information.

From the Authenticationvalue field in the Order Payment Method table.


A code received froman authentication service, such as Visa’s Verified by Visa programor MasterCard’s SecureCode program, indicating whether the cardauthentication password the cardholder provided was approved for thecredit card. See CreditCard Authentication Service for more information.

From the Authenticationvalue field in the Order Payment Method table.






Cybersource Authorization Response (ccAuthService)XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (5)

The CybersourceAuthorization Response XML message contains the response from Cybersourcefor the Cybersource AuthorizationRequest (ccAuthService) XML Message.

Sample transaction: See:

CybersourceAuthorization (ccAuthService) Transaction without Decision Manager: SampleMessages

CybersourceAuthorization (ccAuthService) Transaction with Decision Manager: SampleMessages

The elements and attributes of the ccAuthServiceResponse XML message that are used by CWSerenade are described below.See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.





The company code + ordernumber + order payment method sequence number, used to match the responseto the correct request.

Corresponds to the Company,Order # and OPM Seq # fields in the Order PaymentMethod table.


The unique transactionID assigned by Cybersource for the transaction.

Updates the TransactionID field in the Authorization History table.


The overall decisionfor the entire request from Decision Manager.

ACCEPT indicatesCybersource approved the transaction.

REVIEW indicatesCybersource Decision Manager marked the order for review for furtheranalysis. The credit card authorization remains approved and valid, butthe order may or may not be processed at a later time. See CybersourceDecision Manager Review Process for more information.

ERROR indicatesan error occurred while Cybersource was processing the transaction.

REJECT indicatesCybersource Decision Manager rejected the transaction. CWSerenade deactivatesthe credit card payment and requires you to add another form of paymentbefore you can accept the order. See CybersourceDecision Manager Reject Process for more information.


The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Decision Manager.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

400 indicatesthe fraud score exceeds your threshold.

480 indicatesthe order is marked for review by Decision Manager.

481 indicatesthe order is rejected by Decision Manager.

See the Cybersource documentation for a completelist of valid reason codes.


The token assigned tothe credit card associated with the authorization transaction, encrypted.



The currency on theorder. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

Corresponds to the ASCCurrency code field in the Auth Service Currency table.



The reason the authorizationtransaction was approved or rejected by the authorization service.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table and updates theAUH vendor response field inthe Authorization History table.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

See the Cybersource documentation for a completelist of valid reason codes.


The amount authorizedby Cybersource, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

Updates the AUH amountauthorized field in the Authorization History table.


The authorization numberprovided by Cybersource.

Updates the AUH auth# field in the Authorization History table.


The address verificationresponse for the credit card.

Updates the AUH AVSresponse field in the Authorization History table.


The address verificationresponse for the credit card, from the processor.


The card identificationresponse for the credit card.

Updates the AUH VendorResponse 2 field in the Authorization History table.


The date and time thecredit card was authorized, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.

Updates the AUH authdate field in the Authorization History table.


The response code fromthe bank. Informational only.


A code assigned by Cybersourceas a reference number for the transaction.


The account number assignedby Cybersource to identify transmissions. Corresponds to the:

Merchant #field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Merchant ID Override table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Authorization Services table.


Cybersource Advanced Fraud Screen reply. Informationalonly; these fields are not implemented in the CWSerenade integrationwith Cybersource.

Included if the CYB_PAY_LINK_DECISION_MANAGER_ENABLEDsetting in the InterfaceProperties File is set to true.


Numeric value correspondingto the result of the Advanced Fraud Screen request.


Total score calculatedfor the order.


The risk associatedwith the customer’s email domain. From 0-5, where 0 representsan undetermined risk and 5 represents the highest risk.


Customer’s localtime in HH:MM:SS format. Calculated from the request time and the customer’sbilling address.


Information that affectedthe score of the order. This field can contain one or more codes, separatedby carets (^), for example: B^Y.

See Risk Factor Codesin the Cybersource Decision Manager Developer Guide for alist of factor codes used by Cybersource.


Indicates a mismatchbetween the customer’s billing and shipping addresses. This fieldcan contain one or more codes, separated by carets (^).

See Address InformationCodes in the Cybersource Decision Manager Developer Guidefor a list of address info codes used by Cybersource.


Indicates a problemwith the customer’s email address, IP address, or billing address.This field can contain one or more codes, separated by carets (^). SeeInformation Codes in the CybersourceDecision Manager Developer Guide for a list of possible values.


Indicates that the customerprovided potentially suspicious information. This field can contain oneor more codes, separated by carets (^), for example: INTL-BIN^RISK-T.

See Suspicious DataInformation Codes in the Cybersource Decision Manager DeveloperGuide for a list of suspicious info codes used by Cybersource.


Indicates that the customerhas a high order velocity (purchase frequency). This field can containone or more codes, separated by carets (^), for example: VELV-SA^VELI-CC^VELSIP.


Name of the score modelused for the transaction.


Two-digit country codeassociated with the BIN of the customer’s card used for the payment.


Type of payment cardaccount, such as credit card, debit card, or prepaid card account type.


Subtype of card account.

• Maestro International

• Maestro UK Domestic

• MasterCard Credit

• MasterCard Debit

• Visa Credit

• Visa Debit

• Visa Electron


Name of the bank orentity that issued the card account.


Cybersource Decision Manager reply. Informationalonly; these fields are not implemented in the CWSerenade integrationwith Cybersource.



When verbose mode isenabled, name of the queue where orders that are not automatically acceptedare sent.


When verbose mode isenabled, name of the active profile chosen by the profile selector. Ifno profile selector exists, the default active profile is chosen.





When verbose mode isenabled, summarizes the result for the rule specified according to thesetting that you chose in the Profile Editor. This field contains oneof the following values:









When verbose mode isenabled, raw evaluation result of the rule specified by the number #.This field contains one of the following values:

• T: The rule is true.

• F: The rule is false.

• N: The rule cannot be evaluated because thedata is insufficient.

• E: The rule cannot be evaluated because an

error occurred.




When verbose mode isenabled, description of the rule as it appears in the Profile Editor.



When verbose mode isenabled, name of the profile selector rule that chooses the profile touse for the transaction. If no profile selector exists, the value isDefault Active Profile.


You receive this fieldonly if you subscribe to the Enhanced Case Management service. The prioritylevel ranges from 1 (highest) – 5 (lowest); the default value is3. If you do not assign a priority to your rules or to your profiles,the default value is given to the order.


List of informationcodes triggered by the order.

These information codes were generated when you createdthe order and product velocity rules and are returned so that you canassociate them with the rules.

Cybersource Token and Authorization Request (paySubscriptionCreateand ccAuthService) XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (6)

The CybersourceccAuthService Request XML message is used to authorize a credit cardpayment and to also request a token in the same transaction.

Sample transaction: SeeCybersourceToken and Authorization (paySubscriptionCreate and ccAuthService) Transaction:Sample Messages.

Special characters: Certainspecial characters cannot be passed in an attribute of an XML messageexcept through the use of replacement text strings. CWSerenade replacesthe following special characters with the text strings listed below.



ReplacementText String

single quote



double quote



greater than



less than





CWSerenade also removes any non-standard keyboardcharacters from the XML message before sending it to Cybersource.

The elements and attributes of the ccAuthServiceRequest XML message that are used by CWSerenade are described below.See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.





The account number assignedby Cybersource to identify transmissions. From the:

Merchant #field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Merchant ID Override table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Authorization Services table.


The company code + ordernumber + order payment method sequence number.

From the Company,Order # and OPM Seq # fields in the Order PaymentMethod table.



The bill to customer’sfirst name. From the:

First name fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM First namefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The bill to customer’slast name. From the:

Last name fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Last namefield in the Customer Sold to table.

Note: If alast name is not passed, Cybersource fails the transaction.


The street address onthe bill to customer’s address, followed by the text APT and the apartment or suite numberdefined for the bill to customer’s address. For example: 123 MAIN ST APT 2B. From the:

Street addressand APT Code in theCustomer Bill To table, or

NAM Street addressand Apartment inthe Customer Sold To table.


The second address lineon the bill to customer’s address. From the:

Address line2 field in the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Address line2 in the Customer Sold To table.


The city on the billto address. From the:

Cityfield in the Customer Bill To table, or

Cityfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The state code on thebill to customer’s address. From the:

Statefield in the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Statefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The zip code on thebill to customer’s address.

If the country code is US,the 9-digit zip code is in 99999-9999format.

If the country code is CA,the 6-digit zip code is in A1B 2C3.

If the country code is JP,the 7-digit zip code is in 999-9999format.

If the country code is GB,the 6-digit zip code is in AB12CDformat.

From the:

Zip fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Zipfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The country code onthe bill to customer’s address. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Country Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade country code in the Customer Bill To table or CustomerSold To table to the Cybersource country code.

From the Auth ServiceCountry field in the Auth Service Country table.


The bill to customer’semail address.

If an email address is not defined for the bill tocustomer, defaults.

From the CST emailaddress field in the Customer Sold To table.



The currency on theorder. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

From the ASC Currencycode field in the Auth Service Currency table.


The amount to authorize,including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

Online transactions:From the OLA auth amt fieldin the Online Authorization table.

Batch transactions:From the Auth $amt fieldin the CC Authorization Trans table.



The card number to authorizedand replace with a token.

If you use credit card encryption, the system decryptsthe credit card number before sending it to Cybersource; see the Data Security and Encryption Guide.

From the OPM creditcard number field in the Order Payment Method table.


The month when the cardexpires, in MM format.

From the first 2 positions of the OPM expiration date field in the OrderPayment Method table.


The year when the cardexpires, in YYYY format.

From the last 2 positions of the OPM expiration date field in the OrderPayment Method table.


The vendor paytype codedefined for the credit card pay type. This is the code Cybersource usesto identify the method of payment.

From the CPC vendorpaytype/code field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table.


The card identificationindictor defined for the card, indicating if a CID number has been defined.Valid values:

1 = CIDnumber is present on card.

2 = CIDnumber is present on card, but is illegible.

9 = CIDnumber is not present on card.

Included only for online transactions.


The card identificationnumber defined for the card.

Visa, MasterCard,Discover: The card identification number is a 3 digit number.

American Express:The card identification number is a 4 digit number.

Note: Thecard identification number is available only for online transactions;once an order is accepted, the system removes the card identificationnumber from the order.


The card issue numberdefined for the card being processed.

From the OPM card issue# field in the Order Payment Method table.


The start month definedfor the card being processed, in MM format.

From the first 2 positions of the Start date field in the Order PaymentMethod table.


The start year definedfor the card being processed, in YYYY format.

From the last 2 positions of the Start date field in the Order PaymentMethod table.










ccAuthService run



internetdefaults if the E-Commerce indicator (Futureuse status 1) field in the Order Header table is set to I or the order type for the order matchesthe order type defined in the E-CommerceOrder Type (G42) system control value; otherwise, moto defaults.


A code received froman authentication service, such as Visa’s Verified by Visa programor MasterCard’s SecureCode program, indicating whether the cardauthentication password the cardholder provided was approved for thecredit card. See CreditCard Authentication Service for more information.

From the Authenticationvalue field in the Order Payment Method table.


A code received froman authentication service, such as Visa’s Verified by Visa programor MasterCard’s SecureCode program, indicating whether the cardauthentication password the cardholder provided was approved for thecredit card. See CreditCard Authentication Service for more information.

From the Authenticationvalue field in the Order Payment Method table.









Cybersource Token and Authorization Response (paySubscriptionCreateand ccAuthService) XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (7)

The CybersourceccAuthService Response XML message contains the response from Cybersourcefor the Cybersource Tokenand Authorization Request (paySubscriptionCreate and ccAuthService) XMLMessage.

Sample transaction: SeeCybersourceToken and Authorization (paySubscriptionCreate and ccAuthService) Transaction:Sample Messages.

The elements and attributes of the ccAuthServiceResponse XML message that are used by CWSerenade are described below.See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.





The order number + orderpayment method sequence number, used to match the response to the correctrequest.

Corresponds to the Order# and OPM Seq # fieldsin the Order Payment Method table.


The unique transactionID assigned by Cybersource for the transaction.

Updates the TransactionID field in the Authorization History table.


ACCEPTindicates Cybersource approved the transaction.

ERROR indicatesan error occurred while Cybersource was processing the transaction.

REJECT indicatesCybersource rejected the transaction.


The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table and updates theAUH vendor response field inthe Authorization History table.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The token assigned tothe credit card associated with the authorization transaction, encrypted.



The currency on theorder. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

Corresponds to the ASCCurrency code field in the Auth Service Currency table.



The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The amount authorizedby Cybersource, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

Updates the AUH amountauthorized field in the Authorization History table.


The authorization numberprovided by Cybersource.

Updates the AUH auth# field in the Authorization History table.


The address verificationresponse for the credit card.

Updates the AUH AVSresponse field in the Authorization History table.


The address verificationresponse for the credit card, from the processor.


The card identificationresponse for the credit card.

Updates the AUH VendorResponse 2 field in the Authorization History table.


The date and time thecredit card was authorized, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.

Updates the AUH authdate field in the Authorization History table.


The response code fromthe bank. Informational only.


A code assigned by Cybersourceas a reference number for the transaction.



The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The token assigned tothe credit card payment.

Cybersource uses this code to reference the customerprofile information in the Cybersource database.

Updates the OPM creditcard number field in the Order Payment Method table.

Cybersource Debit Deposit Request (ccCaptureService)XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (8)

The CybersourceDebit Deposit Request XML message is used to deposit a debit invoicewhose amount is equal to or less than the authorization amount.

Sample transaction: SeeCybersourceDebit Deposit (ccCaptureService) Transaction: Sample Messages.

Special characters: Certainspecial characters cannot be passed in an attribute of an XML messageexcept through the use of replacement text strings. CWSerenade replacesthe following special characters with the text strings listed below.



ReplacementText String

single quote



double quote



greater than



less than





CWSerenade also removes any non-standard keyboardcharacters from the XML message before sending it to Cybersource.

The elements and attributes of the Cybersource DebitDeposit Request (ccCaptureService) XML message that are used by CWSerenadeare described below. See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.





The account number assignedby Cybersource to identify transmissions. From the:

Merchant #field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Merchant ID Override table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Authorization Services table.


The company code + ordernumber + order payment method sequence number.

From the Company,Order # and OPM Seq # fields in the Order PaymentMethod table.



The purchase order numberassociated with the deposit. From the Purchaseorder # field in the Order Ship To table.

If a purchase order is not defined, the system defaultsthe CWSerenade order number. From the Order# field in the Order Payment Method table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelII or III discounting and the payment method is Visa, American Express,or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


Included only if you do not use credit card tokenizationor if the credit card payment has not yet been replaced with a tokenfrom Cybersource.


The bill to customer’sfirst name. From the:

First name fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM First namefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The bill to customer’slast name. From the:

Last name fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Last namefield in the Customer Sold to table.

Note: If alast name is not passed, Cybersource fails the transaction.


The street address onthe bill to customer’s address. From the:

Street addressin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Street addressin the Customer Sold To table.


The second address lineon the bill to customer’s address, followed by the text APT and the apartment or suite numberdefined for the bill to customer’s address. For example: GARDEN TERRACE APT 2B. From the:

Address line2 and APT Code inthe Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Address line2 and Apartment inthe Customer Sold To table.


The city on the billto address. From the:

Cityfield in the Customer Bill To table, or

Cityfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The state code on thebill to customer’s address. From the:

Statefield in the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Statefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The zip code on thebill to customer’s address.

If the country code is US,the 9-digit zip code is in 99999-9999format.

If the country code is CA,the 6-digit zip code is in A1B 2C3.

If the country code is JP,the 7-digit zip code is in 999-9999format.

If the country code is GB,the 6-digit zip code is in AB12CDformat.

From the:

Zip fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Zipfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The country code onthe bill to customer’s address. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Country Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade country code in the Customer Bill To table or CustomerSold To table to the Cybersource country code.

From the Auth ServiceCountry field in the Auth Service Country table.


The bill to customer’semail address.

If an email address is not defined for the bill tocustomer, defaults.

From the CST emailaddress field in the Customer Sold To table.





The unit price of theitem, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order, minusany hidden tax included in the item price.

From the IDT Pricefield in the Invoice Detail table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelII or III discounting and the payment is a method other than Discoveror JCB; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The quantity of theitem shipped.

From the IDT Qty shippedfield in the Invoice Detail table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The item number on thedeposit.

From the ITM Numberfield in the Item table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


A description of theitem.

From the Descriptionfield in the Item table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The SKU of the itemon the deposit.

From the SKU Code fieldin the SKU table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The tax amount for theitem, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order, includingany hidden tax included in the item price.

From the Taxfield in the Invoice Detail table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelII discounting and the payment method is Visa, American Express, or MasterCard,or the transaction qualifies for level III discounting and the paymentmethod is Visa or MasterCard. See Level IIand III Discounting.


The unit of measuredefined for the item.

From the Unit of measurefield in the SKU table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The tax rate definedfor the item. The system uses this calculation to determine the tax rate:

taxAmount / unitPrice = taxRate

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The total price of theitem, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order. The systemuses this calculation to determine the total amount:

item_#_quantity x the item_#_unitPrice = item_#_totalAmount

Included only if the transaction qualifies forlevel III discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; seeLevel IIand III Discounting.


The discount amountapplied to the item, including decimals, in the currency defined on theorder.

From the IDT Discountamount field in the Invoice Detail table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The commodity code definedfor the item.

From the SKU CommodityCode field in the SKU table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


Ydefaults if a value is passed in the vatTaxAmounttag; otherwise, N defaults.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


Ydefaults if an amount greater than 0exists in the discountAmounttag; otherwise, N defaults.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.



The currency on theorder.

The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

From the ASC Currencycode field in the Auth Service Currency table.


The discount amountfor the deposit, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the INS Discountamount filed in the Invoice Ship To table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The duty amount forthe deposit, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the IDC Amountfield in the Invoice Detail Charge table for IDC Type of Charge D.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The amount to deposit,including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the Total $amtfield in the CC Deposit Transaction table.


The freight amount forthe deposit, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the INS Freightfield in the Invoice Ship To table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.



The VAT tax amount definedfor the item, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the IDC Amountfield in the Invoice Detail Charge table for IDC Type of Charge V.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The VAT percent definedfor the ship to customer’s country.

From the CNT VAT percentin the Country table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelII discounting and the payment method is Visa; see Level IIand III Discounting.


Included only if you do not use credit card tokenizationor if the credit card payment has not yet been replaced with a tokenfrom Cybersource.


The card number to authorizedand replace with a token.

If you use credit card encryption, the system decryptsthe credit card number before sending it to Cybersource; see the Data Security and Encryption Guide.

From the OPM creditcard number field in the Order Payment Method table.


The month when the cardexpires, in MM format.

From the first 2 positions of the OPM expiration date field in the OrderPayment Method table.


The year when the cardexpires, in YYYY format.

From the last 2 positions of the OPM expiration date field in the OrderPayment Method table.


The vendor paytype codedefined for the credit card pay type. This is the code Cybersource usesto identify the method of payment.

From the CPC vendorpaytype/code field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table.


The card issue numberdefined for the card being processed.

From the OPM card issue# field in the Order Payment Method table.


The start month definedfor the card being processed, in MM format.

From the first 2 positions of the Start date field in the Order PaymentMethod table.


The start year definedfor the card being processed, in YYYY format.

From the last 2 positions of the Start date field in the Order PaymentMethod table.





The transaction ID forthe authorization associated with the deposit.

From the TransactionID field in the Authorization History table.


3defaults if the transaction qualifies for level III discounting and thepayment method is Visa or MasterCard; otherwise, this value is not passed.See Level IIand III Discounting.



truedefaults if a token is requested in the deposit transaction.

Cybersource Debit Deposit Response (ccCaptureService)XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (9)

The CybersourceDebit Deposit Response (ccCaptureService) XML message contains the responsefrom Cybersource for the Cybersource DebitDeposit Request (ccCaptureService) XML Message.

Sample transaction: SeeCybersourceDebit Deposit (ccCaptureService) Transaction: Sample Messages.

The elements and attributes of the Cybersource DebitDeposit Response (ccCaptureService) XML message that are used by CWSerenadeare described below. See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.





The company code + ordernumber + order payment method sequence number, to match the responseto the correct deposit.

Updates the Company,Order # and OPM Seq # fields in the CC DepositHistory table.


The unique transactionID assigned by Cybersource for the transaction.


ACCEPTindicates Cybersource approved the transaction.

ERROR indicatesan error occurred while Cybersource was processing the transaction.

REJECT indicatesCybersource rejected the transaction.


The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table and updates theResponse code field in the CCDeposit History table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The token assigned tothe credit card associated with the deposit transaction, encrypted.



The currency on theorder. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

Corresponds to the ASCCurrency code field in the Auth Service Currency table.



The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table. Updates the Response code field in the CC DepositHistory table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The date and time thedeposit was authorized by Cybersource, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.CWSerenade translates this date format to CYYMMDD format.

Updates the Depositdate field in the CC Deposit History table.


The amount deposited,including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

Updates the DepositAmount field in the CC Deposit History table.


A code assigned by Cybersourceas a reference number for the transaction.



Ydefaults if the transaction qualifies for level II discounting; otherwise,this value is not passed.

Cybersource Credit Deposit Request (ccCreditService)XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (10)

The CybersourceCredit Deposit Request XML message is used to deposit a credit invoice.

Sample transaction: SeeCybersourceCredit Deposit (ccCreditService) Transaction: Sample Messages.

Special characters: Certainspecial characters cannot be passed in an attribute of an XML messageexcept through the use of replacement text strings. CWSerenade replacesthe following special characters with the text strings listed below.



ReplacementText String

single quote



double quote



greater than



less than





CWSerenade also removes any non-standard keyboardcharacters from the XML message before sending it to Cybersource.

The elements and attributes of the ccCreditServiceRequest XML message that are used by CWSerenade are described below.See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.





The account number assignedby Cybersource to identify transmissions. From the:

Merchant #field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Merchant ID Override table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Authorization Services table.


The company code + ordernumber + order payment method sequence number.

From the Company,Order # and OPM Seq # fields in the Order PaymentMethod table.



The purchase order numberassociated with the deposit.

From the Purchase order# field in the Order Ship To table.

If a purchase order is not defined, the system defaultsthe CWSerenade order number. From the Order# field in the Order Payment Method table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelII or III discounting and the payment method is Visa, American Express,or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.



The bill to customer’sfirst name. From the:

First name fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM First namefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The bill to customer’slast name. From the:

Last name fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Last namefield in the Customer Sold to table.

Note: If alast name is not passed, Cybersource fails the transaction.


The street address onthe bill to customer’s address. From the:

Street addressin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Street addressin the Customer Sold To table.


The second address lineon the bill to customer’s address, followed by the text APT and the apartment or suite numberdefined for the bill to customer’s address. For example: GARDEN TERRACE APT 2B. From the:

Address line2 and APT Code inthe Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Address line2 and Apartment inthe Customer Sold To table.


The city on the billto address. From the:

Cityfield in the Customer Bill To table, or

Cityfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The state code on thebill to customer’s address. From the:

Statefield in the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Statefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The zip code on thebill to customer’s address.

If the country code is US,the 9-digit zip code is in 99999-9999format.

If the country code is CA,the 6-digit zip code is in A1B 2C3.

If the country code is JP,the 7-digit zip code is in 999-9999format.

If the country code is GB,the 6-digit zip code is in AB12CDformat.

From the:

Zip fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Zipfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The country code onthe bill to customer’s address. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Country Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade country code in the Customer Bill To table or CustomerSold To table to the Cybersource country code.

From the Auth ServiceCountry field in the Auth Service Country table.


The bill to customer’semail address.

If an email address is not defined for the bill tocustomer, defaults.

From the CST emailaddress field in the Customer Sold To table.





The unit price of theitem, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order, minusany hidden tax included in the item price.

From the IDT Pricefield in the Invoice Detail table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelII or III discounting and the payment is a method other than Discoveror JCB; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The quantity of theitem shipped.

From the IDT Qty shippedfield in the Invoice Detail table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The item number on thedeposit.

From the ITM Numberfield in the Item table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


A description of theitem.

From the Descriptionfield in the Item table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The SKU of the itemon the deposit.

From the SKU Code fieldin the SKU table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The tax amount for theitem, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order, includingany hidden tax included in the item price.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelII discounting and the payment method is Visa, American Express, or MasterCard,or the transaction qualifies for level III discounting and the paymentmethod is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The unit of measuredefined for the item.

From the Unit of measurefield in the SKU table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The tax rate definedfor the item. The system uses this calculation to determine the tax rate:

taxAmount / unitPrice = taxRate

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The total price of theitem, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order. The systemuses this calculation to determine the total amount:

item_#_quantity x the item_#_unitPrice = item_#_totalAmount

Included only if the transaction qualifies forlevel III discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; seeLevel IIand III Discounting.


The discount amountapplied to the item, including decimals, in the currency defined on theorder.

From the IDT Discountamount field in the Invoice Detail table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The commodity code definedfor the item.

From the SKU CommodityCode field in the SKU table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.



The currency on theorder. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

From the ASC Currencycode field in the Auth Service Currency table.


The discount amountfor the deposit, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the INS Discountamount filed in the Invoice Ship To table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The duty amount forthe deposit, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the IDC Amountfield in the Invoice Detail Charge table for IDC Type of Charge D.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The amount to deposit,including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the Total $amtfield in the CC Deposit Transaction table.


The freight amount forthe deposit, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the INS Freightfield in the Invoice Ship To table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.



The VAT tax amount definedfor the item, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the IDC Amountfield in the Invoice Detail Charge table for IDC Type of Charge V.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The VAT percent definedfor the ship to customer’s country.

From the CNT VAT percentin the Country table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelII discounting and the payment method is Visa; see Level IIand III Discounting.


Included only if a token is passed.


The token for the creditcard payment.

From the OPM creditcard number field in the Order Payment Method table.

If you use credit card encryption, the system decryptsthe credit card number before sending it to Cybersource; see the Data Security and Encryption Guide.







3defaults if the transaction qualifies for level II discounting and thepayment method is Visa or MasterCard; otherwise, this value is not passed.

Cybersource Credit Deposit Response (ccCreditService)XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (11)

The CybersourceCredit Deposit Response (ccCreditService) XML message contains the responsefrom Cybersource for the Cybersource CreditDeposit Request (ccCreditService) XML Message.

Sample transaction: SeeCybersourceCredit Deposit (ccCreditService) Transaction: Sample Messages.

The elements and attributes of the Cybersource CreditDeposit Response (ccCreditService) XML message that are used by CWSerenadeare described below. See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.





The company code + ordernumber + order payment method sequence number, to match the responseto the correct deposit.

Updates the Company,Order # and OPM Seq # fields in the CC DepositHistory table.


The unique transactionID assigned by Cybersource for the transaction.


ACCEPTindicates Cybersource approved the transaction.

ERROR indicatesan error occurred while Cybersource was processing the transaction.

REJECT indicatesCybersource rejected the transaction.


The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table and updates theResponse code field in the CCDeposit History table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The token assigned tothe credit card associated with the deposit transaction, encrypted.



The currency on theorder. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

Corresponds to the ASCCurrency code field in the Auth Service Currency table.



The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table. Updates the Response code field in the CC DepositHistory table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The date and time thedeposit was authorized by Cybersource, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.CWSerenade translates this date format to CYYMMDD format.

Updates the Depositdate field in the CC Deposit History table.


The amount deposited,including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

Updates the DepositAmount field in the CC Deposit History table.


A code assigned by Cybersourceas a reference number for the transaction.



Ydefaults if the transaction qualifies for level II discounting; otherwise,this value is not passed.


The account number assignedby Cybersource to identify transmissions. From the:

Merchant #field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Merchant ID Override table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Authorization Services table.

Cybersource Authorization and Deposit Request (ccAuthServiceand ccCaptureService) XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (12)

The CybersourceAuthorization and Deposit Request XML message is used to authorize anddeposit a debit invoice. The system generates this message when:

• the deposit amount is greater than the authorizationamount.

• the authorization has expired.

• the deposit is for a deferred payment plan.

• the deposit is for an installment payment planafter the initial deposit for the plan.

Sample transaction: SeeCybersourceAuthorization and Deposit (ccAuthService and ccCaptureService) Transaction:Sample Messages.

Special characters: Certainspecial characters cannot be passed in an attribute of an XML messageexcept through the use of replacement text strings. CWSerenade replacesthe following special characters with the text strings listed below.



ReplacementText String

single quote



double quote



greater than



less than





CWSerenade also removes any non-standard keyboardcharacters from the XML message before sending it to Cybersource.

The elements and attributes of the Authorizationand Capture Request XML message that are used by CWSerenade are describedbelow. See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.





The account number assignedby Cybersource to identify transmissions. From the:

Merchant #field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Merchant ID Override table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Authorization Services table.


The company code + ordernumber + order payment method sequence number.

From the Company,Order # and OPM Seq # fields in the Order PaymentMethod table.



The purchase order numberassociated with the deposit.

From the Purchase order# field in the Order Ship To table.

If a purchase order is not defined, the system defaultsthe CWSerenade order number. From the Order# field in the Order Payment Method table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelII or III discounting and the payment method is Visa, American Express,or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


Included only if you do not use credit card tokenizationor if the credit card payment has not yet been replaced with a tokenfrom Cybersource.


The bill to customer’sfirst name. From the:

First name fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM First namefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The bill to customer’slast name. From the:

Last name fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Last namefield in the Customer Sold to table.

Note: If alast name is not passed, Cybersource fails the transaction.


The street address onthe bill to customer’s address. From the:

Street addressin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Street addressin the Customer Sold To table.


The second address lineon the bill to customer’s address, followed by the text APT and the apartment or suite numberdefined for the bill to customer’s address. For example: TERRACE GARDEN APT 2B. From the:

Address line2 and APT Code inthe Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Address line2 and Apartment inthe Customer Sold To table.


The city on the billto address. From the:

Cityfield in the Customer Bill To table, or

Cityfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The state code on thebill to customer’s address. From the:

Statefield in the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Statefield in the Customer Sold To table.


The zip code on thebill to customer’s address.

If the country code is US,the 9-digit zip code is in 99999-9999format.

If the country code is CA,the 6-digit zip code is in A1B 2C3.

If the country code is JP,the 7-digit zip code is in 999-9999format.

If the country code is GB,the 6-digit zip code is in AB12CDformat.

From the:

Zip fieldin the Customer Bill To table, or

NAM Zipfield in the Customer Sold To table.


The country code onthe bill to customer’s address. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Country Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade country code in the Customer Bill To table or CustomerSold To table to the Cybersource country code.

From the Auth ServiceCountry field in the Auth Service Country table.


The bill to customer’semail address.

If an email address is not defined for the bill tocustomer, defaults.

From the CST emailaddress field in the Customer Sold To table.





The unit price of theitem, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order, minusany hidden tax included in the item price.

From the IDT Pricefield in the Invoice Detail table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelII or III discounting and the payment is a method other than Discoveror JCB; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The quantity of theitem shipped.

From the IDT Qty shippedfield in the Invoice Detail table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The item number on thedeposit.

From the ITM Numberfield in the Item table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


A description of theitem.

From the Descriptionfield in the Item table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The SKU of the itemon the deposit.

From the SKU Code fieldin the SKU table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The tax amount for theitem, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order, includingany hidden tax included in the item price.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelII discounting and the payment method is Visa, American Express, or MasterCard,or the transaction qualifies for level III discounting and the paymentmethod is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The unit of measuredefined for the item.

From the Unit of measurefield in the SKU table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The tax rate definedfor the item. The system uses this calculation to determine the tax rate:

taxAmount / unitPrice = taxRate

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The total price of theitem, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order. The systemuses this calculation to determine the total amount:

item_#_quantity x the item_#_unitPrice = item_#_totalAmount

Included only if the transaction qualifies forlevel III discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; seeLevel IIand III Discounting.


The discount amountapplied to the item, including decimals, in the currency defined on theorder.

From the IDT Discountamount field in the Invoice Detail table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The commodity code definedfor the item.

From the SKU CommodityCode field in the SKU table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.



The currency on theorder. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

From the ASC Currencycode field in the Auth Service Currency table.


The discount amountfor the deposit, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the INS Discountamount filed in the Invoice Ship To table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The duty amount forthe deposit, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the IDC Amountfield in the Invoice Detail Charge table for IDC Type of Charge D.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The amount to deposit,including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the Total $amtfield in the CC Deposit Transaction table.


The freight amount forthe deposit, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the INS Freightfield in the Invoice Ship To table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa or MasterCard; see Level IIand III Discounting.



The VAT tax amount definedfor the item, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the IDC Amountfield in the Invoice Detail Charge table for IDC Type of Charge V.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelIII discounting and the payment method is Visa; see Level IIand III Discounting.


The VAT percent definedfor the ship to customer’s country.

From the CNT VAT percentin the Country table.

Included only if the transaction qualifies for levelII discounting and the payment method is Visa; see Level IIand III Discounting.


Included only if you do not use credit card tokenizationor if the credit card payment has not yet been replaced with a tokenfrom Cybersource.


The card number to authorizedand replace with a token.

If you use credit card encryption, the system decryptsthe credit card number before sending it to Cybersource; see the Data Security and Encryption Guide.

From the OPM creditcard number field in the Order Payment Method table.


The month when the cardexpires, in MM format.

From the first 2 positions of the OPM expiration date field in the OrderPayment Method table.


The year when the cardexpires, in YYYY format.

From the last 2 positions of the OPM expiration date field in the OrderPayment Method table.


The vendor paytype codedefined for the credit card pay type. This is the code Cybersource usesto identify the method of payment.

From the CPC vendorpaytype/code field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table.


The card issue numberdefined for the card being processed.

From the OPM card issue# field in the Order Payment Method table.


The start month definedfor the card being processed, in MM format.

From the first 2 positions of the Start date field in the Order PaymentMethod table.


The start year definedfor the card being processed, in YYYY format.

From the last 2 positions of the Start date field in the Order PaymentMethod table.



The token for the creditcard payment.

From the OPM creditcard number field in the Order Payment Method table.

If you use credit card encryption, the system decryptsthe credit card number before sending it to Cybersource; see the Data Security and Encryption Guide.







ccAuthService run



internetdefaults if the E-Commerce indicator (Futureuse status 1) field in the Order Header table is set to I or the order type for the order matchesthe order type defined in the E-CommerceOrder Type (G42) system control value; otherwise, moto defaults.


A code received froman authentication service, such as Visa’s Verified by Visa programor MasterCard’s SecureCode program, indicating whether the cardauthentication password the cardholder provided was approved for thecredit card. See CreditCard Authentication Service for more information.

From the Authenticationvalue field in the Order Payment Method table.


A code received froman authentication service, such as Visa’s Verified by Visa programor MasterCard’s SecureCode program, indicating whether the cardauthentication password the cardholder provided was approved for thecredit card. See CreditCard Authentication Service for more information.

From the Authenticationvalue field in the Order Payment Method table.










The transaction ID forthe authorization associated with the deposit.

From the TransactionID field in the Authorization History table.


3defaults if the transaction qualifies for level II discounting and thepayment method is Visa or MasterCard; otherwise, this value is not passed.



truedefaults if a token is requested in the deposit transaction.

Cybersource Authorization and Deposit Response(ccAuthService and ccCaptureService) XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (13)

The CybersourceAuthorization and Capture Response XML message contains the responsefrom Cybersource for the Cybersource Authorizationand Deposit Request (ccAuthService and ccCaptureService) XML Message.

Sample transaction: SeeCybersourceAuthorization and Deposit (ccAuthService and ccCaptureService) Transaction:Sample Messages.

The elements and attributes of the Authorizationand Capture Response XML message that are used by CWSerenade are describedbelow. See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.





The company code + ordernumber + order payment method sequence number, to match the responseto the correct deposit.

Updates the Company,Order # and OPM Seq # fields in the CC DepositHistory table.


The unique transactionID assigned by Cybersource for the transaction.


ACCEPTindicates Cybersource approved the transaction.

ERROR indicatesan error occurred while Cybersource was processing the transaction.

REJECT indicatesCybersource rejected the transaction.


The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table and updates theResponse code field in the CCDeposit History table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The token assigned tothe credit card associated with the deposit transaction, encrypted.



The currency on theorder. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

Corresponds to the ASCCurrency code field in the Auth Service Currency table.



The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The amount authorizedby Cybersource, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

Updates the AUH amountauthorized field in the Authorization History table.


The authorization numberprovided by Cybersource.

Updates the AUH auth# field in the Authorization History table.


The address verificationresponse for the credit card.

Updates the AUH AVSresponse field in the Authorization History table.


The address verificationresponse for the credit card, from the processor.


The date and time thecredit card was authorized, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.

Updates the AUH authdate field in the Authorization History table.


The response code fromthe bank. Informational only.


A code assigned by Cybersourceas a reference number for the transaction.


The account number assignedby Cybersource to identify transmissions. Corresponds to the:

Merchant #field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Merchant ID Override table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Authorization Services table.



The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table. Updates the Response code field in the CC DepositHistory table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The date and time thedeposit was authorized by Cybersource, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.CWSerenade translates this date format to CYYMMDD format.

Updates the Depositdate field in the CC Deposit History table.


The amount deposited,including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

Updates the DepositAmount field in the CC Deposit History table.


A code assigned by Cybersourceas a reference number for the transaction.



Ydefaults if the transaction qualifies for level II discounting; otherwise,this value is not passed.

Cybersource Authorization Reversal Request (ccAuthReversalService)XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (14)

The CybersourceAuthorization Reversal Request (ccAuthReversalService) XML message isused to reverse an authorization for a credit card payment. The systemgenerates this message when the deposit amount is greater than the authorizationamount and it has not been more than 72 hours since the authorizationwas obtained.

Sample transaction: SeeCybersourceAuthorization Reversal (ccAuthReversalService) Transaction: Sample Messages.

Special characters: Certainspecial characters cannot be passed in an attribute of an XML messageexcept through the use of replacement text strings. CWSerenade replacesthe following special characters with the text strings listed below.



ReplacementText String

single quote



double quote



greater than



less than





CWSerenade also removes any non-standard keyboardcharacters from the XML message before sending it to Cybersource.

The elements and attributes of the AuthorizationReversal Request (ccAuthReversalService) XML message that are used byCWSerenade are described below. See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.





The account number assignedby Cybersource to identify transmissions. From the:

Merchant #field in the CC Paytype Cross Ref table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Merchant ID Override table, or

Merchant ID fieldin the Authorization Services table.


The company code + ordernumber + order payment method sequence number.

From the Company+ Order # and OPM Seq # fields in the Order PaymentMethod table.



The currency on theorder. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

From the ASC Currencycode field in the Auth Service Currency table.


The amount to reverse,including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

From the Amount authorizedfield in the Authorization History table.





The transaction ID forthe authorization associated with the deposit.

From the TransactionID field in the Authorization History table.

Cybersource Authorization Reversal Response (ccAuthReversalService)XML Message

Cybersource Message Layouts (15)

The CybersourceAuthorization Reversal Response (ccAuthReversalService) XML message containsthe response from Cybersource for the Cybersource AuthorizationReversal Request (ccAuthReversalService) XML Message.

Sample transaction: SeeCybersourceAuthorization and Deposit (ccAuthService and ccCaptureService) Transaction:Sample Messages.

The elements and attributes of the AuthorizationReversal Response XML message that are used by CWSerenade are describedbelow. See the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for more information on the additional values in this message.





The company code + ordernumber + order payment method sequence number, used to match the responseto the correct request.

Corresponds to the Company,Order # and OPM Seq # fields in the Order PaymentMethod table.


The unique transactionID assigned by Cybersource for the transaction.


ACCEPTindicates Cybersource approved the transaction.

ERROR indicatesan error occurred while Cybersource was processing the transaction.

REJECT indicatesCybersource rejected the transaction.


The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table and its descriptionupdates the AHR response fieldin the Authorization History SVC Reversal table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The token assigned tothe credit card associated with the authorization transaction, encrypted.



The currency on theorder. The system uses the Work withAuthorization Service Currency Screen to cross-referencethe CWSerenade currency code to the Cybersource currency code.

Corresponds to the ASCCurrency code field in the Auth Service Currency table.



The reason the transactionwas approved or rejected by Cybersource.

100 indicatesthe transaction was successful.

151 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but there was a server timeout.If you receive this reason, do not resend the request until you havereviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource Business Center. Seethe documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for information abouthow to handle retries in the case of system errors.

152 indicatesthe request was received by Cybersource but a service did not finishrunning in time. If you receive this reason, do not resend the requestuntil you have reviewed the transaction status in the Cybersource BusinessCenter. See the documentation for your Cybersource client (SDK) for informationabout how to handle retries in the case of system errors.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table.

Corresponds to the ResponseCode field in the CC Vendor Response table and its descriptionupdates the AHR response fieldin the Authorization History SVC Reversal table.

See Reason Codes forthe Simple Order API in the Cybersource Credit_Cards_SO_API.pdfdocument for a complete list of valid reason codes.


The amount reversedby Cybersource, including decimals, in the currency defined on the order.

Updates the AHR Reversalamount field in the Authorization History SVC Reversal table.


The response code fromthe bank. Informational only.


The date and time thecredit card reversal was authorized, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.

Updates the AHR creationdate field in the Authorization History SVC Reversal table.

Cybersource Message Layouts (2024)
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